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Open Access Policy Deposits

There are 524 publications in this collection, published between 1984 and 2024. Showing 101 - 150.

Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Weber, Michael: Political Polarization and Expected Economic Outcomes, 2020

Corsetti, Giancarlo; Eichengreen, Barry; Hale, Galina; Tallman, Eric: The Euro Crisis in the Mirror of the EMS: How Tying Odysseus to the Mast Avoided the Sirens but Led Him to Charybdis, 2020

Desvousges, William H; Mathews, Kristy E; Train, Kenneth E: Reply to Whitehead, 2020

Egger, Dennis; Haushofer, Johannes; Miguel, Edward; Niehaus, Paul; Walker, Michael: General equilibrium effects of cash transfers: experimental evidence from Kenya, 2020

Eichengreen, Barry: Coronavirus Pandemic: Europe Is Once Again Forged in a Crisis, 2020

Eichengreen, Barry: Individualism, Polarization and Recovery from the COVID-19 Crisis, 2020

Gopinath, Gita; Boz, Emine; Casas, Camila; Díez, Federico J; Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier; Plagborg-Møller, Mikkel: Dominant Currency Paradigm, 2020

Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Svejnar, Jan; Terrell, Katherine: Do foreign investment and trade spur innovation?, 2020

Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Svejnar, Jan; Terrell, Katherine: Do foreign investment and trade spur innovation?, 2020

Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Lee, Byoungchan: Forecast Error Variance Decompositions with Local Projections, 2020

Linos, Elizabeth; Prohofsky, Allen; Ramesh, Aparna; Rothstein, Jesse; Unrath, Matt: Can Nudges Increase Take-up of the EITC?: Evidence from Multiple Field Experiments, 2020

Woroch, Glenn A: Spectrum Concentration and Performance of the U.S. Wireless Industry, 2020

Almås, Ingvild; Auffhammer, Max; Bold, Tessa; Bolliger, Ian; Dembo, Aluma; Hsiang, Solomon et al.: Destructive Behavior, Judgment, and Economic Decision-Making Under Thermal Stress, 2019

Almås, Ingvild; Auffhammer, Max; Bold, Tessa; Bolliger, Ian; Dembo, Aluma; Hsiang, Solomon et al.: Destructive Behavior, Judgment, and Economic Decision-Making Under Thermal Stress, 2019

Auerbach, Alan J: Fiscal Policy, 2019

Bauer, Michal; Chytilová, Julie; Miguel, Edward: Using Survey Questions to Measure Preferences: Lessons from an Experimental Validation in Kenya, 2019

Baysan, Ceren; Burke, Marshall; González, Felipe; Hsiang, Solomon; Miguel, Edward: Non-economic factors in violence: Evidence from organized crime, suicides and climate in Mexico, 2019

Benjamin-Chung, Jade; Abedin, Jaynal; Berger, David; Clark, Ashley; Jimenez, Veronica; Konagaya, Eugene et al.: Spillover effects on health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review., 2019

Bouguen, Adrien; Huang, Yue; Kremer, Michael; Miguel, Edward: Using Randomized Controlled Trials to Estimate Long-Run Impacts in Development Economics, 2019

Bouguen, Adrien; Huang, Yue; Kremer, Michael; Miguel, Edward: Using Randomized Controlled Trials to Estimate Long-Run Impacts in Development Economics, 2019

Breza, Emily; Kaur, Supreet; Krishnaswamy, Nandita: Scabs: The Social Suppression of Labor, 2019

Burke, Marshall; Bergquist, Lauren Falcao; Miguel, Edward: Sell Low and Buy High: Arbitrage and Local Price Effects in Kenyan Markets*, 2019

Cattaneo, Matias D; Jansson, Michael; Ma, Xinwei: Two-Step Estimation and Inference with Possibly Many Included Covariates, 2019

Christensen, Garret; Dafoe, Allan; Miguel, Edward; Moore, Don A; Rose, Andrew K: A study of the impact of data sharing on article citations using journal policies as a natural experiment, 2019

Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Hong, Gee Hee: The Cyclicality of Sales, Regular and Effective Prices: Business Cycle and Policy Implications: Reply, 2019

Coibion, Olivier; Georgarakos, Dimitris; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; <!>van Rooij, Maarten: How Does Consumption Respond to News about Inflation? Field Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial, 2019

Coibion, Olivier; Georgarakos, Dimitris; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; <!>van Rooij, Maarten: How Does Consumption Respond to News about Inflation? Field Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial, 2019

Coibion, Olivier; Georgarakos, Dimitris; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; <!>van Rooij, Maarten: How Does Consumption Respond to News About Inflation? Field Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial, 2019

Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Ropele, Tiziano: Inflation Expectations and Firms’ Decisions: New Causal Evidence, 2019

Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Ulate, Mauricio: Is Inflation Just Around the Corner? The Phillips Curve and Global Inflationary Pressures, 2019

Corsetti, Giancarlo; Eichengreen, Barry; Hale, Galina; Tallmann, Eric: The Euro Crisis in the Mirror of the EMS, 2019

Gilbert, Richard J: Competition, Mergers, and R&amp;D Diversity, 2019

Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier; Rey, Hélène; Sauzet, Maxime: The International Monetary and Financial System, 2019

Lee, Kenneth; Miguel, Edward; Wolfram, Catherine: Does Household Electrification Supercharge Economic Development?, 2019

Mueller, Maximilian; Hicks, Joan Hamory; Johnson-Hanks, Jennifer; Miguel, Edward: The Illusion of Stable Preferences Over Major Life Decisions, 2019

Auerbach, Alan; Kueng, Lorenz; Lee, Ronald; Yatsynovich, Yury: Propagation and smoothing of shocks in alternative social security systems, 2018

Benjamin-Chung, Jade; Arnold, Benjamin F; Berger, David; Luby, Stephen P; Miguel, Edward; Colford, John M et al.: Spillover effects in epidemiology: parameters, study designs and methodological considerations, 2018

Bouguen, Adrien; Huang, Yue; Kremer, Michael; Miguel, Edward: Using Rcts to Estimate Long-Run Impacts in Development Economics, 2018

Bouguen, Adrien; Huang, Yue; Kremer, Michael; Miguel, Edward: Using RCTs to Estimate Long-Run Impacts in Development Economics, 2018

Bundy, Donald AP; de Silva, Nilanthi; Horton, Susan; Patton, George C; Schultz, Linda; Jamison, Dean T et al.: Investment in child and adolescent health and development: key messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd Edition., 2018

Casey, Katherine; Glennerster, Rachel; Miguel, Edward; Voors, Maarten: Skill Versus Voice in Local Development, 2018

Cattaneo, Matias D; Jansson, Michael; Newey, Whitney K: Inference in Linear Regression Models with Many Covariates and Heteroscedasticity, 2018

Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Ulate, Mauricio: The Cyclical Sensitivity in Estimates of Potential Output, 2018

Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Ulate, Mauricio: The Cyclical Sensitivity in Estimates of Potential Output, 2018

Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Kamdar, Rupal: The Formation of Expectations, Inflation, and the Phillips Curve, 2018

Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Kumar, Saten: How Do Firms Form Their Expectations? New Survey Evidence, 2018

Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Kumar, Saten: How Do Firms Form Their Expectations? New Survey Evidence, 2018

Costinot, Arnaud; Rodríguez-Clare, Andrés: The US Gains From Trade: Valuation Using the Demand for Foreign Factor Services, 2018

Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Sheremirov, Viacheslav; Talavera, Oleksandr: The responses of internet retail prices to aggregate shocks: A high-frequency approach, 2018

Hoynes, Hilary W; Schanzenbach, Diane Whitmore: Safety Nets Investments in Children, 2018

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