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Open Access Policy Deposits

There are 524 publications in this collection, published between 1984 and 2024. Showing 151 - 200.

Auerbach, Alan J; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy: Fiscal multipliers in Japan, 2017

Auerbach, Alan J; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy: Fiscal Stimulus and Fiscal Sustainability, 2017

Auerbach, Alan J; Charles, Kerwin K; Coile, Courtney C; Gale, William; Goldman, Dana; Lee, Ronald et al.: How the Growing Gap in Life Expectancy May Affect Retirement Benefits and Reforms, 2017

Auerbach, Alan: Is Uncle Sam Inducing the Elderly to Retire?, 2017

Benjamin-Chung, Jade; Abedin, Jaynal; Berger, David; Clark, Ashley; Jimenez, Veronica; Konagaya, Eugene et al.: Spillover effects on health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review, 2017

Bitler, Marianne P; Gelbach, Jonah B; Hoynes, Hilary W: Can Variation in Subgroups' Average Treatment Effects Explain Treatment Effect Heterogeneity? Evidence from a Social Experiment, 2017

Caballero, Ricardo J; Farhi, Emmanuel; Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier: Rents, Technical Change, and Risk Premia Accounting for Secular Trends in Interest Rates, Returns on Capital, Earning Yields, and Factor Shares, 2017

Caballero, Ricardo J; Farhi, Emmanuel; Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier: The Safe Assets Shortage Conundrum, 2017

Charles, Kerwin; Coile, Courtney; Gale, William; Goldman, Dana; Lucas, Charles; Orszag, Peter et al.: HOW THE GROWING GAP IN LIFE EXPECTANCY MAY AFFECT RETIREMENT BENEFITS AND REFORMS., 2017

Christensen, Garret; Miguel, Edward: Transparency, Reproducibility, and the Credibility of Economics Research, 2017

Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Kueng, Lorenz; Silvia, John: Innocent Bystanders? Monetary policy and inequality, 2017

Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Kueng, Lorenz; Silvia, John: Innocent Bystanders? Monetary policy and inequality, 2017

Croke, Kevin; Hicks, Joan Hamory; Hsu, Eric; Kremer, Michael; Miguel, Edward: Should the WHO withdraw support for mass deworming?, 2017

Faber, Benjamin; Krause, Benjamin; Sánchez de la Sierra, Raúl: Artisanal Mining, Livelihoods, and Child Labor in the Cobalt Supply Chain of the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017

Faber, Benjamin; Fally, Thibault: Firm Heterogeneity in Consumption Baskets: Evidence from Home and Store Scanner Data, 2017

Gilbert, Richard J: Collective Rights Organizations: A Guide to Benefits, Costs and Antitrust Safeguards, 2017

Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Roland, Gerard: Culture, Institutions, and the Wealth of Nations, 2017

Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Ng, Serena: Level and volatility factors in macroeconomic data, 2017

Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Lee, Byoungchan: A Note on Variance Decomposition with Local Projections, 2017

Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Talavera, Oleksandr: Price Setting in Online Markets: Basic Facts, International Comparisons, and Cross-Border Integration, 2017

Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier; Philippon, Thomas; Vayanos, Dimitri: The Analytics of the Greek Crisis, 2017

Hoynes, Hilary: The Earned Income Tax Credit: a key policy to support families facing wage stagnation, 2017

Hoynes, Hilary; Rothstein, Jesse: Tax Policy toward Low-Income Families, 2017

Ioannides, Yannis; Philippon, Presenter Thomas; Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier; Blanchard, Olivier; Steinsson, Jon; Uhlig, Harald et al.: The Analytics of the Greek Crisis Discussion, 2017

León, Gianmarco; Miguel, Edward: Risky Transportation Choices and the Value of a Statistical Life, 2017

Li, Jing; Dow, William H; Kariv, Shachar: Social preferences of future physicians, 2017

Macher, Jeffrey T; Mayo, John W; Ukhaneva, Olga; Woroch, Glenn A: From universal service to universal connectivity, 2017

Rothstein , Jesse: Inequality of Educational Opportunity? Schools as Mediators of the Intergenerational Transmission of Income, 2017

Rothstein, Jesse: Measuring the Impacts of Teachers: Comment, 2017

Rothstein , Jesse: Revisiting the Impacts of Teachers, 2017

Rothstein, J: Revisiting the Impacts of Teachers, 2017

Anderson, Patricia M; Butcher, Kristin F; Hoynes, Hilary W; Schanzenbach, Diane Whitmore: Beyond Income: What Else Predicts Very Low Food Security Among Children?, 2016

Atkin, David; Faber, Benjamin; Gonzalez-Navarro, Marco: Retail Globalization and Household Welfare: Evidence from Mexico, 2016

Auerbach, Alan J; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy: Effects of Fiscal Shocks in a Globalized World, 2016

Auerbach, Alan J; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy: Effects of Fiscal Shocks in a Globalized World, 2016

Baird, Sarah; Hicks, Joan Hamory; Kremer, Michael; Miguel, Edward: Commentary: Assessing long-run deworming impacts on education and economic outcomes: a comment on Jullien, Sinclair and Garner (2016), 2016

Bardhan, Pranab: State and Development: The Need for a Reappraisal of the Current Literature, 2016

Bauer, Michal; Blattman, Christopher; Chytilová, Julie; Henrich, Joseph; Miguel, Edward; Mitts, Tamar: Can War Foster Cooperation?, 2016

Bauer, Michal; Blattman, Christopher; Chytilová, Julie; Henrich, Joseph; Miguel, Edward; Mitts, Tamar: Can War Foster Cooperation?, 2016

Bitler, Marianne; Hoynes, Hilary; Kuka, Elira: Child Poverty, the Great Recession, and the Social Safety Net in the United States, 2016

Caballero, Ricardo J; Farhi, Emmanuel; Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier: Safe Asset Scarcity and Aggregate Demand, 2016

Card, David; Giuliano, Laura: Universal screening increases the representation of low-income and minority students in gifted education, 2016

Carreras, Marc Dordal I; Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Wieland, Johannes: Infrequent but Long-Lived Zero Lower Bound Episodes and the Optimal Rate of Inflation, 2016

Chambers, Christopher; Echenique, Federico; Saito, Kota: Testing theories of financial decision making., 2016

Coeurdacier, Nicolas; Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier: When bonds matter: Home bias in goods and assets, 2016

Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Kudlyak, Marianna; Mondragon, John: Does Greater Inequality Lead to More Household Borrowing? New Evidence from Household Data, 2016

Croke, Kevin; Hicks, Joan; Hsu, Eric; Kremer, Michael; Miguel, Edward; Więcek, Witold: Meta-Analysis and Public Policy: Reconciling the Evidence on Deworming, 2016

Dupas, Pascaline; Miguel, Edward: Impacts and Determinants of Health Levels in Low-Income Countries, 2016

Friedman, Willa; Kremer, Michael; Miguel, Edward; Thornton, Rebecca: Education as Liberation?, 2016

Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Weber, Michael: Are Sticky Prices Costly? Evidence from the Stock Market, 2016

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