Open Access Policy Deposits
There are 524 publications in this collection, published between 1984 and 2024. Showing 251 - 300.
Oppedal Berge, Lars Ivar; Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Galle, Simon; Miguel, Edward; Posner, Daniel; Tungodden, Bertil et al.: How Strong are Ethnic Preferences?, 2015
Rothstein, Jesse: The Great Recession and its Aftermath: What Role for Structural Changes?, 2015
Talavera, Oleksandr; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy: Price setting in online markets: Basic facts, international comparisons, and cross-border integration, 2015
Cane, Mark A; Miguel, Edward; Burke, Marshall; Hsiang, Solomon M; Lobell, David B; Meng, Kyle C et al.: CORRESPONDENCE: Temperature and violence, 2014
Cane, Mark A; Miguel, Edward; Burke, Marshall; Hsiang, Solomon M; Lobell, David B; Meng, Kyle C et al.: Temperature and violence, 2014
Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Svejnar, Jan; Terrell, Katherine: When does FDI have positive spillovers? Evidence from 17 transition market economies, 2014
Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier; Rey, Hélène: Chapter 10 External Adjustment, Global Imbalances, Valuation Effects, 2014
Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier; Rey, Helene: External Adjustment, Global Imbalances, Valuation Effects, 2014
Hall, Bronwyn; Helmers, Christian; Rogers, Mark; Sena, Vania: The Choice between Formal and Informal Intellectual Property: A Review, 2014
Hsiang, Solomon M; Burke, Marshall; Miguel, Edward: Reconciling climate-conflict meta-analyses: reply to Buhaug et al., 2014
Kline, Patrick; Walters, Christopher: Evaluating Public Programs with Close Substitutes: The Case of Head Start, 2014
Miguel, E; Camerer, C; Casey, K; Cohen, J; Esterling, KM; Gerber, A et al.: Promoting Transparency in Social Science Research, 2014
Miguel, Edward; Kremer, Michael; Hamory Hicks, Joan; Nekesa, Carolyne: Worms: Identifying Impacts on Education and Health in the Presence of Treatment Externalities, Data User's Guide, 2014
Rothstein, Jesse; Valletta, Robert G.: Scraping By: Income and Program Participation After the Loss of Extended Unemployment Benefits, 2014
Anderson, Robert M.; Bianchi, Stephen W.; Goldberg, Lisa R.: The Decision to Lever, 2013
Anderson, Robert M; Bianchi, Stephen W; Goldberg, Lisa R: The Decision to Lever, 2013
Auerbach, Alan J; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy: Corrigendum: Measuring the Output Responses to Fiscal Policy, 2013
Auerbach, Alan J; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy: Measuring the Output Responses to Fiscal Policy (vol 4, pg 1, 2012), 2013
Bitler, Marianne P; Domina, Thurston; Penner, Emily K; Hoynes, Hilary W: Distributional Effects of a School Voucher Program: Evidence from New York City, 2013
Burgess, Robin; Jedwab, Remi; Miguel, Edward; Morjaria, Ameet; Padró i Miquel, Gerard: The Value of Democracy: Evidence from Road Building in Kenya, 2013
Cattaneo, Matias D; Crump, Richard K; Jansson, Michael: Generalized Jackknife Estimators of Weighted Average Derivatives, 2013
Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Schnitzer, Monika: Financial constraints and innovation: Why poor countries don't catch up, 2013
Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Svejnar, Jan; Terrell, Katherine: When Does FDI Have Positive Spillovers? Evidence from 17 Transition Market Economies, 2013
Gourinchas, P-O; Jeanne, O: Capital Flows to Developing Countries: The Allocation Puzzle, 2013
Hsiang, Solomon M; Burke, Marshall; Miguel, Edward: Quantifying the Influence of Climate on Human Conflict, 2013
León-Ciliotta, Gianmarco; Miguel, Edward: Transportation Choices and the Value of Statistical Life, 2013
Amarante, Verónica; Manacorda, Marco; Miguel, Edward; Vigorito, Andrea: Do Cash Transfers Improve Birth Outcomes? Evidence from Matched Vital Statistics, Program and Social Security Data, 2012
Anderson, Robert M.; Bianchi, Stephen W.; Goldberg, Lisa R.: Will My Risk Parity Strategy Outperform?, 2012
Auerbach, Alan J.; Obstfeld, Maurice: The Case for Open-Market Purchases in a Liquidity Trap, 2012
Auerbach, Alan J.; Obstfeld, Maurice: The Case for Open-Market Purchases in a Liquidity Trap, 2012
Chitu, Liva; Eichengreen, Barry; Mehl, Arnaud: When did the dollar overtake sterling as the leading international currency? Evidence from the bond markets (revised), 2012
Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy: Why Are Target Interest Rate Changes so Persistent?, 2012
Dal Bó, Ernesto; Finan, Frederico; Rossi, Martín: Strengthening State Capabilities: The Role of Financial Incentives in the Call to Public Service, 2012
Darling-Hammond, Linda; Amrein-Beardsley, Audrey; Haertel, Edward; Rothstein, Jesse: Evaluating Teacher Evaluation, 2012
de Walque, Damien; Dow, William H; Nathan, Rose; Abdul, Ramadhani; Abilahi, Faraji; Gong, Erick et al.: Incentivising safe sex: a randomised trial of conditional cash transfers for HIV and sexually transmitted infection prevention in rural Tanzania, 2012
Ferraz, Claudio; Finan, Frederico; Moreira, Diana B: Corrupting Learning: Evidence From Missing Federal Education Funds in Brazil, 2012
Gilbert, Richard: Converging Doctrines? US and EU Antitrust Policy for the Licensing of Intellectual Property, 2012
Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Wieland, Johannes; Coibion, Olivier: The Optimal Inflation Rate in New Keynesian Models: Should Central Banks Raise Their Inflation Targets in Light of the Zero Lower Bound?, 2012
Roland, Gerard; Persson, Torsten; Tabellini, Guido: How do electoral rules shape party structures, government coalitions, and ecnomic policies?, 2012
Rothstein, Jesse: The Labor Market Four Years Into the Crisis: Assessing Structural Explanations, 2012
Rothstein, Jesse: Teacher Quality Policy When Supply Matters, 2012
Anderson, Robert M.; Bianchi, Stephen W.; Goldberg, Lisa R.: Will My Risk Parity Strategy Outperform?, 2011
Auerbach, Alan; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy: Fiscal Multipliers in Recession and Expansion, 2011
Card, David; Mas, Alexandre; Rothstein, Jesse: Are Mixed Neighborhoods Always Unstable? Two-Sided and One-Sided Tipping, 2011
Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy: Strategic Interaction among Heterogeneous Price-Setters in an Estimated DSGE Model, 2011
Edlin, Aaron; Farrell, Joseph: Freedom to Trade and the Competitive Process, 2011
Edlin, Aaron; Jennings, Richard; Farrell, Joseph: Freedom to Trade and the Competitive Process, 2011
Edlin, Aaron; Farrell, Joseph: Freedom to Trade and the Competitive Process, 2011