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There are 524 publications in this collection, published between 1984 and 2024. Showing 451 - 500.

Bardhan, Pranab; Bowles, Samuel; Gintis, Herbert: Wealth Inequality, Wealth Constraints and Economic Performance, 1999

Brownston, David; Bunch, David S.; Train, Kenneth: Joint mixed logit models of stated and revealed preferences for alternative-fuel vehicles, 1999

Brownstone, David; Train, Kenneth: Forecasting new product penetration with flexible substitution patterns, 1999

Brownstone, David; Train, Kenneth: Forecasting new product penetration with flexible substitution patterns, 1999

Brownstone, David; Bunch, David S; Train, Kenneth: Joint mixed logit models of stated and revealed preferences for alternative-fuel vehicles, 1999

David, Paul A.; Hall, Bronwyn H.; Toole, Andrew A.: Is Public R&D a Complement or Substitute for Private R&D? A Review of the Econometric Evidence, 1999

Eissa, Nada; Hoynes, Hilary Williamson: The Earned Income Tax Credit and the Labor Supply of Married Couples, 1999

Hall, Bronwyn H.: Innovation and Market Value, 1999

Hall, Bronwyn H.; Ham Ziedonis, Rosemarie: Patent Paradox Revisited: Determinants of Patenting in the U.S. Semiconductor Industry, 1980-94, 1999

Hall, Bronwyn H.; Ham, Rose Marie: The Patent Paradox Revisited: Determinants of Patenting in the US Semiconductor Industry, 1980-94, 1999

Obstfeld, Maurice; Rogoff, Kenneth: New Directions for Stochastic Open Economy Models, 1999

Eichengreen, Barry: Does Mercosur Need a Single Currency?, 1998

Eichengreen, Barry: International Economic Policy in the Wake of the Asian Crisis, 1998

Hall, Bronwyn H.; Mairesse, Jaques; Branstetter, Lee; Crepon, Bruno: Does Cash Flow Cause Investment and R&D: An Exploration Using Panel Data for French, Japanese, and United States Scientific Firms, 1998

Hall, Bronwyn H.; Mairesse, Jacques; Mulkay, Benoit: Firm Level Investment in France and the United States: An Exploration of What We Have Learned in Twenty Years, 1998

Obstfeld, Maurice: EMU: Ready, or Not?, 1998

Obstfeld, Maurice: The Global Capital Market: Benefactor or Menace?, 1998

Eichengreen, Barry: The Baring Crisis in a Mexican Mirror, 1997

Eichengreen, Barry; Ghironi, Fabio: European Monetary Unification and International Monetary Cooperation, 1997

Bardhan, Pranab: Efficiency, Equity and Poverty Alleviation: Policy Issues in Less Developed Countries, 1996

Bardhan, Pranab; Priale, Rodrigo: Endogenous Growth Theory in a Vintage Capital Model, 1996

Bardhan, Pranab; Priale, Rodrigo: Endogenous Growth Theory in a Vintage Capital Model, 1996

Bardhan, Pranab: The Nature of Institutional Impediments to Economic Development, 1996

Dayton-Johnson, Jeff; Bardhan, Pranab: Inequality and Conservation on the Local Commons: A Theoretical Exercise, 1996

Eichengreen, Barry: EMU: An Outsider's Perspective, 1996

Eichengreen, Barry; Bayoumi, Tamim: Ever Closer to Heaven? An Optimum-Currency-Area Index for European Countries, 1996

Eichengreen, Barry; Bayoumi, Tamim: Ever Closer to Heaven? An Optimum-Currency-Area Index for European Countries, 1996

Eichengreen, Barry: Hegemonic Stability Theory and Economic Analysis: Reflections on Financial Instability and the Need for an International Lender of Last Resort, 1996

Eichengreen, Barry; Bayoumi, Tamim: Is Asia an Optimum Currency Area? Can It Become One? Regional, Global and Historical Perspectives on Asian Monetary Relations, 1996

Eichengreen, Barry: On the Links Between Monetary and Political Integration, 1996

Eichengreen, Barry: Saving Europe's Automatic Stabilizers, 1996

Anderson, Robert M.; Zame, William R.: Edgeworth's Conjecture with Infinitely Many Commodities, 1995

Train, Kenneth E.: Simulation Methods for Probit and Related Models Based on Convenient Error Partitioning, 1995

Anderson, Robert M.: Convergence of the Aumann-Davis-Maschler and Geanakoplos Bargaining Sets, 1994

Anderson, Robert M.; Trockel, Walter; Zhou, Lin: Nonconvergence of the Mas-Colell and Zhou Bargaining Sets, 1994

Eichengreen, Barry; Grossman, Richard S.: Debt Deflation and Financial Instability: Two Historical Explorations, 1994

Eichengreen, Barry: Financing Infrastructure in Developing Countries: Lessons from the Railway Age, 1994

Eichengreen, Barry: Unemployment and the Structure of the Labor Markets: The Long View, 1994

Eichengreen, Barry: Institutional Prerequisites for Economic Growth: Europe After World War II, 1993

Hall, Bronwyn H.: Industrial Research During the 1980s: Did the Rate of Return Fall?, 1993

Bayoumi, Tamim; Eichengreen, Barry: Macroeconomic Adjustment Under Bretton Woods and the Post-Bretton-Woods Float: An Impulse-Response Analysis, 1992

Bayoumi, Tamim; Eichengreen, Barry: Shocking Aspects of Monetary Unification, 1992

Brown, Clair; Reich, Michael; Stern, David: Becoming a High-Performance Work Organization: The Role of Security, Employee Involvement, and Training, 1992

Eichengreen, Barry: Three Perspectives on the Bretton Woods System, 1992

Hall, Bronwyn H.; Mairesse, Jacques: Exploring the Relationship Between R&D and Productivity at the Firm Level in French Manufacturing, 1992

DeLong, J. Bradford; Eichengreen, Barry: The Marshall Plan: History's Most Successful Structural Adjustment Program, 1991

Eichengreen, Barry: The Origins and Nature of the Great Slump, Revisited, 1991

Eichengreen, Barry; Gerber, Peter M.: Before the Accord: US Monetary-Financial Policy 1945-51, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry: Historical Research on International Lending and Debt, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry; Goulder, Lawrence H.: the Impact of Permanent and Temporary Import Surcharges on the U.S. Trade Deficit, 1990

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