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There are 524 publications in this collection, published between 1984 and 2024. Showing 501 - 524.

Eichengreen, Barry: Is Europe an Optimum Currency Area?, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry: One Money for Europe? Lessons from the US Currency Union, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry: Relaxing the External Constraint: europe in the 1930s, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry: Trends and Cycles in Foreign Lending, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry: The Capital Levy in Theory and Practice, 1989

Eichengreen, Barry: The Comparative Performance of Fixed Flexible Exchange Rate Regimes: Interwar Evidence, 1989

Eichengreen, Barry; Portes, Richard: Dealing with Debt: The 1930s and the 1980s, 1989

Eichengreen, Barry: The Gold Standard Since Alec Ford, 1989

Gilbert, Richard J.; Matutes, Carmen: Product Line Rivalry with Brand Differentiation, 1989

Goulder, Lawrence H.; Eichengreen, Barry: Trade Liberalization in General Equilibrium: Intertemporal and Inter-Industry Effects, 1989

Eichengreen, Barry: The Gold-Exchange Standard and the Great Depression, 1988

Eichengreen, Barry; Portes, Richard: Settling Defaults in the Era of Bond Finance, 1988

Eichengreen, Barry; Goulder, Lawrence H.: The U.S. Basic Industries in the 1980s: Can Fiscal Policies Explain Their Changing Competitive Position?, 1988

Gilbert, Richard J.: The Role of Potential Competition in Industrial Organization, 1988

Bardhan, Pranab: Alternative Approaches to Development Economics: An Evaluation, 1987

Bardhan, Pranab: Alternative Approaches to the Theory of Institutions in Economic Development, 1987

Bardhan, Pranab; Singh, Nirvikar: Multinational Rivalry and National Advantage: Some Theoretical Considerations, 1987

Eichengreen, Barry: Did International Economic Forces Cause the Great Depression?, 1987

Eichengreen, Barry: Real Exchange Rate Behavior Under Alternative International Monetary Regimes: Interwar Evidence, 1987

Gilbert, Richard J.: Investment and Coordination in Oligopolistic Industries, 1987

Anderson, Robert M.: Core Allocations and Small Income Transfers, 1986

Anderson, Robert M.: The Second Welfare Theorem with Nonconvex Preferences, 1986

Kletzer, Kenneth; Bardhan, Pranab: Credit Markets and Patterns of International Trade, 1986

Gilbert, Richard; Harris, Richard G.: Competition with Lumpy Investment, 1984

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