Other Recent Work
The Economics Department Working Papers Series is no longer accepting new papers. Archived papers from 1986 to 2007 will continue to be available through the California Digital Library. (See below.) For papers beyond 2007, please see the web pages of faculty members in the Economics Department for direct links to their research.
There are 390 publications in this collection, published between 1967 and 2012. Showing 101 - 150.
David, Paul A.; Hall, Bronwyn H.; Toole, Andrew A.: Is Public R&D a Complement or Substitute for Private R&D? A Review of the Econometric Evidence, 1999
Edlin, Aaron S.: Per-Mile Premiums for Auto Insurance, 1999
Eissa, Nada; Hoynes, Hilary Williamson: The Earned Income Tax Credit and the Labor Supply of Married Couples, 1999
Hall, Bronwyn H.: Innovation and Market Value, 1999
Hall, Bronwyn H.; Ham, Rose Marie: The Patent Paradox Revisited: Determinants of Patenting in the US Semiconductor Industry, 1980-94, 1999
Hermalin, Benjamin E.; Isen, Alice M.: The Effect of Affect and Economic and Strategic Decision Making, 1999
Scotchmer, Suzanne: Delegating Investment in a Common-Value Project, 1999
Shannon, Chris; Zame, William R.: Quadratic Concavity and Determinacy of Equilibrium, 1999
Hall, Bronwyn H.; Mairesse, Jaques; Branstetter, Lee; Crepon, Bruno: Does Cash Flow Cause Investment and R&D: An Exploration Using Panel Data for French, Japanese, and United States Scientific Firms, 1998
Hall, Bronwyn H.; Mairesse, Jacques; Mulkay, Benoit: Firm Level Investment in France and the United States: An Exploration of What We Have Learned in Twenty Years, 1998
Brown, Donald J.; Shannon, Chris: Uniqueness, Stability, and Comparative Statistics in Rationalizable Walrasian Markets, 1997
Edlin, Aaron S.; Emch, Eric R.: The Welfare Losses from Price Matching Policies, 1997
Ellickson, Bryan; Grodal, Birgit; Scotchmer, Suzanne; Zame, William R.: Clubs and the Market: Continuum Economies, 1997
Ellickson, Bryan; Grodal, Birgit; Scotchmer, Suzanne; Zane, William R.: clubs and the Market: Large Finite Economies, 1997
O'Donoghue, Ted; Rabin, Matthew: Doing It Now or Later, 1997
Obstfeld, Maurice: Dynamic Seigniorage Theory: An Exploration, 1997
Onishi Mortimer, Rika: Demand for Prescription Drugs: The Effects of Managed Care Pharmacy Benefits, 1997
Rabin, Matthew: Bargaining Structure, Fairness and Efficiency, 1997
Rabin, Matthew: Fairness in Repeated Games, 1997
Rabin, Matthew; Schrag, Joel: First Impressions Matter: A Model of Confirmatory Bias, 1997
Rabin, Matthew: Psychology and Economics, 1997
Segal, Ilya: Contracting with Externalities, 1997
Boskin, Michael J.: Learn, Earn, and Serve, 1996
Eichengreen, Barry; Bayoumi, Tamim: Ever Closer to Heaven? An Optimum-Currency-Area Index for European Countries, 1996
Eichengreen, Barry; Odell, John: The United States, the ITO, and the WTO: Exit Options, Agent Slack, and Presidential Leadership, 1996
Ghezzi, Piero: Backward-Looking Contracts, Credibility and Inflation Convergence, 1996
Goldman, Steven M.; Lightwood, James: Cost Optimization in the SIS Model of Infectious Disease with Treatment, 1996
O'Regan, Katherine M.; Quigley, John M.: Spatial Effects Upon Employment Outcomes: The Case of New Jersey Teenagers, 1996
Obstfeld, Maurice: Destabilizing Effects of Exchange-Rate Escape Clauses, 1996
Scotchmer, Suzanne: Externality Pricing in Club Economics, 1996
Shannon, Chris: Determinancy of Competitive Equilibria in Economies with Many Commodities, 1996
Anderson, Robert M.; Zame, William R.: Edgeworth's Conjecture with Infinitely Many Commodities, 1995
Branstetter, Lee; Crepon, Bruno; Hall, Bronwyn H.; Mairesse, Jacques: The Time Series Relationship Between Investment and Cash Flow in the Scientific Sector: A Panel Data Study Comparing French, Japanese, and the United States Firms, 1995
Craine, Roger: Fairly Priced Deposit Insurance and Bank Charter Policy, 1995
Edlin, Aaron S.; Shannon, Chris: Strict Monotonicity in Comparative Statics, 1995
Ennis, Sean: The Northridge Earthquake: A Natural Experiment in Market Structure, 1995
Foreman, Stephen Earl; Keeler, Theodore E.: Regulation, Competition, and Cross-subsidization in Hospital Care: Lessons from the Economics of Regulation, 1995
Gilles, Robert P.; Scotchmer, Suzanne: Decentralization in Replicated Club Economies with Multiple Private Goods, 1995
O'Regan, Katherine M.; Quigley, John M.: Teenage Employment and the Spatial Isolation of Minority and Poverty Households, 1995
Rabin, Matthew: Moral Preferences, Moral Constraints, and Self-Serving Biases, 1995
Train, Kenneth E.: Simulation Methods for Probit and Related Models Based on Convenient Error Partitioning, 1995
Anderson, Robert M.: Convergence of the Aumann-Davis-Maschler and Geanakoplos Bargaining Sets, 1994
Anderson, Robert M.; Trockel, Walter; Zhou, Lin: Nonconvergence of the Mas-Colell and Zhou Bargaining Sets, 1994
Brown, Donald J.; Matzkin, Rosa L.: Walrasian Comparative Studies, 1994
Eichengreen, Barry; Grossman, Richard S.: Debt Deflation and Financial Instability: Two Historical Explorations, 1994
Eichengreen, Barry: Financing Infrastructure in Developing Countries: Lessons from the Railway Age, 1994
Eichengreen, Barry: Unemployment and the Structure of the Labor Markets: The Long View, 1994
Hermalin, Benjamin E.; Katz, Michael L.: Corporate Diversification and Agency, 1994
Hu, Teh-wei; Sung, Hai-yen; Keeler, Theodore E.: Tobacco Taxes and the Anti-Smoking Media Campaign: The California Experience, 1994
Newey, Whitney K.; Ruud, Paul A.: Density Weighted Linear Least Squares, 1994