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The Economics Department Working Papers Series is no longer accepting new papers. Archived papers from 1986 to 2007 will continue to be available through the California Digital Library. (See below.) For papers beyond 2007, please see the web pages of faculty members in the Economics Department for direct links to their research.

There are 390 publications in this collection, published between 1967 and 2012. Showing 151 - 200.

Shannon, Chris: Determinancy in Infinite Horizon Exchange Economies, 1994

Shannon, Chris: Increasing Returns in Infinite Horizon Economies, 1994

Bowman, David; Minehart, Debby; Rabin, Matthew: Loss Aversion in a Savings Model, 1993

Craine, Roger: Asset Prices and the Fundamentals: A Q Test, 1993

Edlin, Aaron S.: Efficient Standards of Due Care: Should Courts Find More Parties Negligent Under Comparative Negligence?, 1993

Edlin, Aaron S.; Epelbaum, Mario: Rivalrous Benefit Taxation: The Independent Viability of Separate Agencies or Firms, 1993

Eichengreen, Barry: Institutional Prerequisites for Economic Growth: Europe After World War II, 1993

Eichengreen, Barry: Perspectives on the Borchardt Debate, 1993

Goldman, Steven M.: Nonparametric Multivariate Regression Subject to Constraint, 1993

Hajivassiliou, Vassilis A; Ruud, Paul A.: Classical Estimation Methods for LDV Models Using Simulation, 1993

Hall, Bronwyn H.: Industrial Research During the 1980s: Did the Rate of Return Fall?, 1993

Hall, Bronwyn H.: R&D Tax Policy During the 1980s: Success of Failure?, 1993

Hall, Bronwyn H.: The Value of Intangible Corporate Assets: An Empirical Study of the Components of Tobin's Q, 1993

Keeler, Theodore E.; Ying, John S.: Hospital Costs and Excess Bed Capacity: A Statistical Analysis, 1993

Minehart, Deborah: A Note on the Finiteness of the Set of Equilibria in an Exchange Economy with Constrained Endowments, 1993

Quah, John K.-H.: Homothetic Preferences, Homothetic Transformations, and the Law of Demand in Exchange Economies, 1993

Quigley, John M.: Explicit Tests of Contingent Claims Models of Mortgage Defaults, 1993

Rabin, Matthew; Sobel, Joel: Deviations, Dynamics and Equilibrium Refinements, 1993

Bardhan, Pranab: Dynamic Externalities, Hysteresis, Principal-Agent Models, 1992

Barnett, Paul G.; Keeler, Theodore E.; Hu, Teh-wei: Oligopoly Structure and the Incidence of Cigarette Excise Taxes, 1992

Bayoumi, Tamim; Eichengreen, Barry: European monetary unification, EC enlargement, EFTA, 1992

Bayoumi, Tamim; Eichengreen, Barry: Macroeconomic Adjustment Under Bretton Woods and the Post-Bretton-Woods Float: An Impulse-Response Analysis, 1992

Bayoumi, Tamim; Eichengreen, Barry: Shocking Aspects of Monetary Unification, 1992

Craine, Roger: Are Futures Margins Adequate?, 1992

Eichengreen, Barry: A Consumer's Guide to EMU, 1992

Eichengreen, Barry; Uzan, Marc: The Marshall Plan: Economic Effects and Implications for Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, 1992

Eichengreen, Barry: Three Perspectives on the Bretton Woods System, 1992

Engl, Greg; Scotchmer, Suzanne: The Core and the Hedonic Core: Equivalence and Comparative Statistics, 1992

Garbaccio, Richard F.; Hermalin, Benjamin E.; Wallace, Nancy E.: Nonparametric Methods to Measure Efficiency: A Comparison of Methods, 1992

Hall, Bronwyn H.; Mairesse, Jacques: Exploring the Relationship Between R&D and Productivity at the Firm Level in French Manufacturing, 1992

Hall, Bronwyn H.: Investment and Research and Development at the Firm Level: Does the Source of Financing Matter?, 1992

Hermalin, Benjamin E.; Wallace, Nancy E.: The Determinants of Efficiency and Solvency in Savings and Loans, 1992

Hermalin, Benjamin E.: Heterogeneity in Organizational Form: Why Otherwise Identical Firms Choose Different Incentives for Their Managers, 1992

Hu, Teh-wei; Bai, Jushan; Barnett, Paul G.: the Impact of 1989 California Major Anti-Smoking Legislation Cigarette Consumption: Three Years Later, 1992

Letiche, John M.: Maastricht: Prospect and Retrospect, 1992

Rabin, Matthew: Incorporating Behaviroal Assumptions Into Game Theory, 1992

Rabin, Matthew: Incorporating Fairness Into Game Theory, 1992

Sung, Hai-Yen; Hu, Teh-Wei; Keeler, Theodore E.: A Dynamic Simultaneous-Equations Model for Cigarette Consumption in the Western States, 1992

Bardhan, Pranab; Roemer, John E.: Market Socialism, 1991

Bardhan, Pranab: Risktaking, Capital Markets, and Market Socialism, 1991

Caillaud, Bernard; Hermalin, Benjamin: The Use of an Agent in a Signaling Model, 1991

Craine, Roger: Rational Bubbles: A Test, 1991

DeLong, J. Bradford; Eichengreen, Barry: The Marshall Plan: History's Most Successful Structural Adjustment Program, 1991

Eichengreen, Barry; James, Caroline R.: Can Informal Cooperation Stabilize Exchange Rates? Evidence from the 1936 Tripartite Agreement, 1991

Eichengreen, Barry: Designing a Central Bank for Europe: A Cautionary Tale from the Early Years of the Federal Reserve, 1991

Eichengreen, Barry: The Eternal Fiscal Question: Free Trade and Protection in Britain, 1860-1929, 1991

Eichengreen, Barry: European Monetary Unification and the Regional Unemployment Problem, 1991

Eichengreen, Barry: The Origins and Nature of the Great Slump, Revisited, 1991

Frankel, Jeffrey A.: Convertability and the Czech Crown, 1991

Frankel, Jeffrey; Froot, Kenneth: Exchange Rate Forecasting Techniques, Survey Data, and the Implications for the Foreign Exchange Market, 1991

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