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The Economics Department Working Papers Series is no longer accepting new papers. Archived papers from 1986 to 2007 will continue to be available through the California Digital Library. (See below.) For papers beyond 2007, please see the web pages of faculty members in the Economics Department for direct links to their research.

There are 390 publications in this collection, published between 1967 and 2012. Showing 201 - 250.

Frankel, Jeffrey: The Making of Exchange Rate Policy in the 1980s, 1991

Frankel, Jeffrey A.: A Note on Internationally Coordinated Policy Packages Intended to Be Robust Under Model Uncertainty or Policy Cooperation Under Uncertainty: The Case for Some Disappointment, 1991

Frankel, Jeffrey A.: The Obstacles to Macroeconomic Policy Coordination in the 1990s and an Analysis of International Nominal Targeting (INT), 1991

Frankel, Jeffrey A.: The Stabilizing Properties of a Nominal GNP Rule in an Open Economy, 1991

Gagnon, Joseph E.; Rose, Andrew K.: How Pervasive Is the Product Cycle? The Empirical Dynamics of American and Japanese Trade Flows, 1991

Hermalin, Benjamin E.; Katz, Michael L.: Contracting Between Sophisticated Parties: A More Complete View of Incomplete Contracts and Their Breach, 1991

Hermalin, Benjamin E.: The Effects of Competition on Executive Behavior, 1991

Hu, Tah-wei; Bai, Jushan; Keeler, Theodore E.; Barnett, Paul G.: the Impact of a Large Tax Increase on Cigarette Consumption: The Case of California, 1991

Katz, Michael L.: Game-Playing Agents: Unobservable Contracts as Precommitments, 1991

Keeler, Theodore E.: Highway Safety, Economic Behavior, and Driving Environment, 1991

Keeler, Theodore E.; Hu, Teh-wei; Barnett, Paul G.: Taxation, Regulation, and Addiction: A Demand Function for Cigarettes Based on Time-Series Evidence, 1991

Lavy, Victor; Quigley, John M.: Willingness to Pay for the Quality and Intensity of Medical Care: Evidence from Low Income Households in Ghana, 1991

Letiche, John M.: Resturcturing Centrally-Planned Economies: The Case of China in the Long Term, 1991

Persson, Torsten; Tabellini, Guido: Is Inequality Harmful for Growth? Theory and Evidence, 1991

Rabin, Mathew: Cognitive Dissonance and Social Change, 1991

Rabin, Matthew: Focal Points in Pre-Game Communication, 1991

Rabin, Matthew: Incorporating Fairness Into Game Theory, 1991

Rabin, Matthew: Information and the Control of Productive Assets, 1991

Rabin, Matthew: A Model of Pre-Game Communication, 1991

Rabin, Matthew: Reneging and Renegotiating, 1991

Aghion, Philippe; Hermalin, Benjamin: Why Legal Restrictions on Private Contracts Can Enhance Efficiency, 1990

Anderson, Robert M.: Nonstandard Methods in Mathematical Economics, 1990

Break, George: Major Fiscal Trends in the 1980s and Implications for the 1990s, 1990

Dekel, Eddie; Farrell, Joseph: One-Sided Patience with One-Sided Communication Does Not Justify Stackelberg Equilibrium, 1990

Dominguez, Kathryn; Frankel, Jeffrey A.: Does Foreign Exchange Intervention Matter? Disentangling the Portfolio an Expectations Effects for the Mark, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry; Uzan, Marc: The 1933 World Economic Conference as an Instance of Failed International Cooperation, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry; Gerber, Peter M.: Before the Accord: US Monetary-Financial Policy 1945-51, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry: Costs and Benefits of European Monetary Unification, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry: The Financial System and the Economic Crisis of the Interwar Years, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry: Historical Research on International Lending and Debt, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry; Goulder, Lawrence H.: the Impact of Permanent and Temporary Import Surcharges on the U.S. Trade Deficit, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry: Is Europe an Optimum Currency Area?, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry: One Money for Europe? Lessons from the US Currency Union, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry: Relaxing the External Constraint: europe in the 1930s, 1990

Eichengreen, Barry: Trends and Cycles in Foreign Lending, 1990

Engel, Charles; Frankel, Jeffrey A.; Froot, Kenneth A.; Rodrigues, Anthony: The Constrainted Asset Share Estimation (CASE) Method: Testing Mean-Variance Efficiency of the U.S. Stock Market, 1990

Frankel, Jeffrey A.: And Now won/Dollar Negotiations? Lessons From the Yen/Dollar Agreement of 1984, 1990

Frankel, Jeffrey A.: International Nominal Targeting (INT): A Proposal for Overcoming Obstacles to Policy Coordination, 1990

Frankel, Jeffrey A.: Japanese Finance: A Survey, 1990

Hermalin, Benjamin: Adverse Selection, Short-Term Contracting, and the Underprovision of On-the-Job Training, 1990

Hermalin, Benjamin E.: the Effects of Competitive Pressures on Executive Behavior, 1990

Hermalin, Benjamin E.; Katz, Michael L.: Moral Hazard and Verifiability: The Effects of Renegotiation in Agency, 1990

Keeler, Theodore E.: Government Policy, Individual Actions, and Safety: Some Evidence for Motor Vehicles, 1990

Biagent, Nick; Huang, Peter: Topological Social Choice, 1989

Caillaud, Bernard; Hermalin, Benjamin: the Role of Outside Considerations in the Design of Compensation Schemes, 1989

Carter, Susan B.; Sutch, Richard: The Labor Market in the 1890s: Evidence from Connecticut Manufacturing, 1989

Carter, Susan B.; Sutch, Richard: Micro-Level Data Sets Suitable for Investigation of Macroeconomic Issues Extracted from REports of the State Bureaus of Labor Statistics, Circa 1890, 1989

Dekel, Eddie; Scothmer, Suzanne: Collusion Through Insurance: Sharing the Costs of Oil Spill Cleanups, 1989

Dekel, Eddie: Simultaneous Offers and the Inefficiency of Bargaining: A Two-Period Example, 1989

Eichengreen, Barry: The Capital Levy in Theory and Practice, 1989

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