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The Economics Department Working Papers Series is no longer accepting new papers. Archived papers from 1986 to 2007 will continue to be available through the California Digital Library. (See below.) For papers beyond 2007, please see the web pages of faculty members in the Economics Department for direct links to their research.

There are 390 publications in this collection, published between 1967 and 2012. Showing 351 - 390.

Craine, Roger: Neoclassical Model=Tobin's q =Marginal q: The Theory of Optimal Investment, 1986

Craine, Roger: Risky Business: the Allocation of Capital, 1986

Farrell, Joseph; Gibbons, Robert: Cheap Talk in Bargaining Games, 1986

Farrell, Joseph: Communication Between Potential Entrants, 1986

Farrell, Joseph; Shapiro, Carl: Dynamic Competition with Lock-In, 1986

Farrell, Joseph: Meaning and Credibility in Cheap-Talk Games, 1986

Farrell, Joseph; Scotchmer, Suzanne: Partnerships, 1986

Farrell, Joseph; Gallini, Nancy T.: Second-sourcing as a Commitment: Monopoly Incentives to Attract Competition, 1986

Forrell, Joseph; Solaner, Garth: Competition, Compatability and Standards: The Economics of Horses, Penguins and Lemmings, 1986

Frankel, Jeffrey A.: The Desirability of a Currency Depreciation, Given a Contradictory Monetary Policy and the Concave Supply Relationships, 1986

Frankel, Jeffrey A.; Froot, Kenneth A.: Explaining the Demand for Dollars: International Rates of Return and the Expectations of Chartists and Fundamentalists, 1986

Frankel, Jeffrey A.; Froot, Kenneth A.: Three Essays Using Survey Data on Exchange Rate Expectations, 1986

Frankel, Jeffrey A.; Froot, Kenneth A.: Using Survey Data to Explain Standard Propositions Regarding Exhange Rate Expectations, 1986

Frankel, Jeff; Froot, Ken: Using Survey Data to Test Standard Propositions Regarding Exchange Rate Expectations, 1986

Fudenberg, Drew: Noncooperative Game Theory for Industrial Organization: An Introduction and Overview, 1986

Fudenberg, Drew; Kreps, David M.: Reputation and Multiple Opponents I: Identical Entrants, 1986

Kim, Wan-Jin: On the Rate of Convergence of the Core, 1986

Kletzer, Kenneth; Bardhan, Pranab: Credit Markets and Patterns of International Trade, 1986

Quigley, John: Interest Rate Variations, Mortgage Payments and the Geographic Mobility of Labor, 1986

Ransom, Roger L.; Sutch, Richard: Tontine Insurance and the Armstrong Investigation: A Case of Stifled Innovation in the American Life Insurance Industry, 1868-1905, 1986

Simon, Leo K.; Stinchcombe, Maxwell: Extensive From Games in Continuous Time Part I: Pure Strategies, 1986

Wiseman, Michael: Proposition 13 and Effective Property Tax Rates in San Francisco, 1986

Bhattacharya, Sudipto: Tournaments, Termination Schemes, and Forcing Contracts, 1985

Gilbert, Richard; Harris, Richard G.: Competition with Lumpy Investment, 1984

Gilbert, Richard J.: Holes in the Backstop: Optimal Contracts and the Saga of the US Synthetic Fuels Corporation, 1984

Gilbert, Richard; Vives, Xavier: Noncooperative Entry Deterrence and the Free Rider Problem (?), 1984

Meese, Richard A.: Testing for Bubbles in Exchange Waters: The Case for Sparkling Rates, 1984

Rothenberg, Thomas J.: Approximate Power Functions for Some Robust Tests of Regression Coefficients, 1984

Ruud, Paul A.: Tests of Specification in Econometrics, 1984

Goldman, Steven M.; Kletzer, Kenneth M.: Epsilon-Rational Consistent Equilibria and Decentralization, 1980

Mas-Colell, Andreu: Three Notes on Equilibrium Prices and the Equilibrium Price Correspondence in Pure Exchange Economies, 1973

Mas-Colell, Andreu: Smooth Preferences and Differentiable Demand Functions, 1972

Rosenberg, Barr; Carlson, Daryl: The Sampling Distribution of the Least Absolute Residuals Regression Estimates, 1971

Rosenberg, Barr; Carlson, Daryl: Least Absolute Residuals Regression Routine, 1970

Sutch, Richard; Roehl, Richard; Lyons, John; Boskin, Michael: Urban Migration in the Process of Industrialization: Britain and the United STates in the Nineteenth Century, 1970

Hall, Robert E.; Jorgenson, Dale W.: The Quantitative Impact of Tax Policy on Investment Expenditures, 1968

Clemhout, Simone: The Class of Homothetic Isoquant Production Functions, 1967

Clemhout, Simone: The Social Thresholds: Patterns Associated with Economic Growth, 1967

Douglas, A. J.; Goldman, S. M.: Monopolistic Behavior in a Market for Durable Goods, 1967

Douglas, Aaron J.: Monopoly and Market Organization, 1967

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