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The Economics Department Working Papers Series is no longer accepting new papers. Archived papers from 1986 to 2007 will continue to be available through the California Digital Library. (See below.) For papers beyond 2007, please see the web pages of faculty members in the Economics Department for direct links to their research.

There are 390 publications in this collection, published between 1967 and 2012. Showing 51 - 100.

O'Donoghue, Ted; Rabin, Matthew: Procrastination on Long-Term Projects, 2002

O’Donoghue, Ted; Rabin, Matthew: Addiction and Present-Biased Preferences, 2002

Rabin, Matthew: A Perspective on Psychology and Economics, 2002

Rabin, Mathew: A Perspective on Psychology and Economics, 2002

Riedel, Frank: Generic Determinacy of Equilibria with Local Substitution, 2002

Riedel, Frank: Generic Determinancy of Equilibria with Local Substitution, 2002

Case, Karl E.; Quigley, John M.; Shiller, Robert J.: Comparing Wealth Effects: The Stock Market versus The Housing Market, 2001

Charness, Gary; Rabin, Matthew: Understanding Social Preferences with Simple Tests, 2001

Craine, Roger: Dollarization: An Irreversible Decision, 2001

Echenique, Federico: A Characterization of Strategic Complementarities, 2001

Epstein, Roy J.; Rubinfeld, Daniel: Merger Simulation: A Simplified Approach with New Applications, 2001

Epstein, Roy J.; Rubinfeld, Daniel L.: Merger Simulation: A Simplified Approach with New Applications, 2001

Farrell, Joseph; Katz, Michael: Competition or Predation? Schumpeterian Rivalry in Network Markets, 2001

Gallini, Nancy; Scotchmer, Suzanne: Intellectual Property: When Is It the Best Incentive System?, 2001

Gandal, Neil: The Dynamics of Competition in the Internet Search Engine Market, 2001

Gayer, Ted: The Fatality Risks of Sport-Utility Vehicles, Vans, and Pickups, 2001

Gilbert, Richard J; Katz, Michael: An Economist's Guide to U.S. v. Microsoft, 2001

Gilbert, Richard; Tom, Willard K: Is Innovation King at the Antitrust Agencies? The Intellectual Property Guidelines Five Years Later, 2001

Gilbert, Richard; Hastings, Justine: Vertical Integration in Gasoline Supply: An Empirical Test of Raising Rivals' Costs, 2001

Hall, Bronwyn H.; Jaffe, Adam; Trajtenberg, Manuel: Market Value and Patent Citations: A First Look, 2001

Hendel, Igal; Nevo, Aviv: Sales and Consumer Inventory, 2001

Kirchsteiger, Georg; Rigotti, Luca; Rustichini, Aldo: Your Morals Are Your Moods, 2001

Rigotti, Luca; Ryan, Matthew; Vaithianathan, Rema: Entrepreneurial Innovation, 2001

Rigotti, Luca; Shannon, Chris: Uncertainty and Risk in Financial Markets, 2001

Rigotti, Luca; Shannon, Chris: Uncertainty and Risk in Financial Markets, 2001

Scotchmer, Suzanne: The Political Economy of Intellectual Property Treaties, 2001

Charness, Gary; Rabin, Matthew: Social Preferences: Some Simple Tests and a New Model, 2000

David, Paul A.; Hall, Bronwyn H.: Heart of Darkness: Modeling Public-Private Funding Interactions Inside the R&D Black Box, 2000

Dranove, David; Gandal, Neil: The DVD vs. DIVX Standard War: Empirical Evidence of Vaporware, 2000

Echenique, Federico: Comparative Statistics by Adaptive Dynamics and the Correspondence Principle, 2000

Farrell, Joseph; Katz, Michael: Innovation, Rent Extraction, and Integration in Systems Markets, 2000

Farrell, Joseph; Shapiro, Carl: Scale Economies and Synergies in Horizontal Merger Analysis, 2000

Hall, Bronwyn H.; Link, Albert N.; Scott, John T.: Barriers Inhibiting Industry from Partnering with Universities: Evidence from the Advanced Technology Program, 2000

Hall, Bronwyn H.; Jaffee, Adam; Trajtenberg, Manuel: Market Value and Patent Citations: A First Look, 2000

Hall, Browyn H.; Link, Albert N.; Scott, John T.: Universities as Research Partners, 2000

Huber, Joel; Train, Kenneth: On the Similarity of Classical and Bayesian Estimates of Individual Mean Partworths, 2000

Katz, Michael L.: Corporate Diversification, 2000

Loewenstein, George; O'Donoghue, Ted; Rabin, Matthew: Projection Bias in Predicting Future Utility, 2000

O'Donoghue, Ted; Rabin, Matthew: Choice and Procrastination, 2000

O'Donoghue, Ted; Rabin, Matthew: Risky Behavior Among Youths: Some Issues from Behavioral Economics, 2000

Palomino, Frederic; Rigotti, Luca: The Sport League's Dilemma: Competitive Balance versus Incentives to Win, 2000

Rabin, Matthew: Bargaining Structure, Fairness and Efficiency, 2000

Rabin, Matthew: Diminishing Marginal Utility of Wealth Cannot Explain Risk Aversion, 2000

Rabin, Matthew: Inference by Believers in the Law of Small Numbers, 2000

Rabin, Matthew: Risk Aversion and Expected-Utility Theory: A Calibration Theorem, 2000

Revelt, David; Train, Kenneth: Customer-Specific Taste Parameters and Mixed Logit: Households' Choice of Electricity Supplier, 2000

Schankerman, Mark; Scotchmer, Suzanne: Damages and Injunctions in Protecting Proprietary Research Tools, 2000

Train, Kenneth: Halton Sequences for Mixed Logit, 2000

Blank, Rebecca M.; Card, David; Robins, Philip K.: Financial Incentives for Increasing Work and Income Among Low-Income Families, 1999

Craine, Roger: Exchange Rate Regime Credibility, The Agency Cost of Capital and Devaluation, 1999

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