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ICS Technical Reports

ICS has a technical report series, three academic departments and 3 ORUs associated with it that each generate new information and knowledge.

There are 971 publications in this collection, published between 1970 and 2004. Showing 201 - 250.

Gajski, Daniel D.; Ishii, Tadatoshi; Chaiyakul, Viraphol; Juan, Hsiao-Ping; Hadley, Tedd: A design methodology and environment for interactive behavioral synthesis, 1996

Grun, Peter; Pan, Wenwei; Bakshi, Smita; Gajski, Daniel D.: Pipelined FFT example, 1996

Gutknecht, Jurg; Franz, Michael: Towards a framework for mobile objects in Oberon : a concept-oriented tour, 1996

Imai, Hiroshi: Implementation of SIDER, a binding algorithm, in ISE, 1996

Juan, Hsiao-ping; Gajski, Daniel D.; Bakshi, Smita: Clock optimization for high-performance pipelined design, 1996

Juan, Hsiao-ping; Gajski, Daniel D.; Chaiyakul, Viraphol: Clock-driven performance optimization in interactive behavioral synthesis, 1996

Kistler, Thomas: Dynamic runtime optimization, 1996

Kistler, Thomas; Franz, Michael: A tree-based alternative to Java byte-codes, 1996

Li, Jian; Gupta, Rajesh K.: Identifying mutually exclusive operators in behavioral descriptions using timed decision tables, 1996

Li, Jian; Gupta, Rajesh K.: Limited exception modeling and its use in presynthesis optimizations, 1996

Martin, J. Kent; Hirschberg, D. S.: Small sample statistics for classification error rates I : error rate measurements, 1996

Martin, J. Kent; Hirschberg, D. S.: Small sample statistics for classification error rates II: confidence intervals and significance tests, 1996

Medvidovic, Neno: A classification and comparison framework for software architecture description languages, 1996

Medvidovic, Nenad; Taylor, Richard N.: Reuse of off-the-shelf constraint solvers in C2-style architectures, 1996

Morse, Katherine L.: Interest management in large-scale distributed simulations, 1996

Murphy, Patrick M.: Extending the practicality of theory revision systems through the revision of production system rulebases, 1996

Oreizy, Peyman: Issues in the runtime modification of software architectures, 1996

Pan, Wenwei; Grun, Peter; Gajski, Daniel D.: Behavioral exploration with RTL library, 1996

Panda, Preeti Ranjan; Dutt, Nikil; Nicolau, Alexandru: Data organization for improved performance in embedded processor applications, 1996

Panda, Preeti Ranjan; Dutt, Nikil; Nicolau, Alexandru: SRAM vs. data cache : the memory data partitioning problem in embedded systems, 1996

Reyes, Arthur Alexander: Using a framework for domain theory structure and evolution to evaluate knowledge acquisition tools, 1996

Scherson, Isaac D.; Reis, Veronica L. M.; Chen, Fan: Swap file organizations in parallel virtual memory systems, 1996

Schwalb, Eddie; Vila, Lluis: Logic programming with temporal constraints, 1996

Singh, Hartej; Gajski, Daniel D.: A design methodology for behavioral level power exploration, 1996

Starr, Brian; Ackerman, Mark S.; Pazzani, Michael: The Do-I-Care agent : effective social discovery and filtering on the Web, 1996

Vila, Lluis; Yoshino, Hajime: Temporal representation for legal reasoning, 1996

Vila, Lluis; Schwalb, Eddie: A theory of time and temporal incidence based on instants and periods, 1996

Vila, Lluis; Yoshino, Hajime: Time in automated legal reasoning, 1996

Whitehead, E. James Jr.: Final report of the San Mateo Meeting of the Working Group on Distributed Authoring on the World Wide Web : America Online Productions, San Mateo, CA, July 10, 1996, 1996

Wiil, Uffe Kock; Demeyer, Serge: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems : Hypertext '96, Washington DC, March 16-17, 1996, 1996

Xu, Min; Kurdahi, Fadi J.: Layout-driven RTL binding techniques for high-level synthesis, 1996

Ali, Kamal M.; Pazzani, Michael J.: Error reduction through learning multiple descriptions, 1995

Ali, Kamal M.; Pazzani, Michael J.: On the link between error correlation and error reduction in decision tree ensembles, 1995

Ang, Roger; Dutt, Nikil: Scheduling for reuse of datapath components in the interactive synthesis environment, 1995

Bic, Lubomir F.: Messengers : distributed computing using autonomous objects, 1995

Canetti, Ran; Irani, Sandy: Bounding the power of preemption in randomized scheduling, 1995

Chang, En-Shou: An optimal slack minimization method, 1995

Domingos, Pedro: The RISE 2.0 system : a case study in multistrategy learning, 1995

Eppstein, David; Hirschberg, Daniel S.: Choosing subsets with maximum weighted average, 1995

Eppstein, David: Faster geometric k-point MST approximation, 1995

Eppstein, David: Finding common ancestors and disjoint paths in DAGs, 1995

Eppstein, David: Geometric lower bounds for parametric matroid optimization, 1995

Eppstein, David: Linear complexity hexahedral mesh generation, 1995

Eppstein, David: Minimum range balanced cuts via dynamic subset sums, 1995

Eppstein, David: Representing all minimum spanning trees with applications to counting and generation, 1995

Eppstein, David: Zonohedra and Zonotopes, 1995

Gajski, Daniel D.; Juan, Hsiao-Ping: A design methodology for interactive behavioral synthesis, 1995

Gong, Jie; Gajski, Daniel D.; Bakshi, Smita: Model refinement for hardware-software codesign, 1995

Hong, Duke P.; Suda, Tatsuya: Analysis of the server and connection based approaches to connectionless service for ATM networks, 1995

Huang, Chu-Yi; Gajski, Daniel D.: Software performance estimation for pipeline and superscalar processors, 1995

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University of California, Irvine
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
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