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ICS Technical Reports

ICS has a technical report series, three academic departments and 3 ORUs associated with it that each generate new information and knowledge.

There are 971 publications in this collection, published between 1970 and 2004. Showing 251 - 300.

Jha, Pradip K.; Dutt, Nikil D.: High-level library mapping for memories, 1995

Jha, Pradip K.: High-level library mapping for RT components, 1995

Kolson, David J.; Nicolau, Alexandru; Dutt, Nikil: Optimal register allocation and assignment for loops, 1995

Kolson, David J.; Nicolau, Alexandru; Dutt, Nikil: Optimal register assignment to loops for embedded code generation, 1995

Martin, J. Kent: An exact probability metric for decision tree splitting and stopping, 1995

Martin, J. Kent; Hirschberg, D. S.: Small sample statistics for classification error rates, 1995

Martin, J. Kent; Hirschberg, D. S.: Small sample statistics for classification error rates I: error rate measurements, 1995

Martin, J. Kent; Hirschberg, D. S.: Small sample statistics for classification error rates II: confidence intervals and significance tests, 1995

Martin, J. Kent; Hirschberg, D.S.: The time complexity of decision tree induction, 1995

Medvidovic, Nenad: Formal definition of the Chiron-2 software architectural style, 1995

Murphy, Patrick M.: An empirical analysis of the benefit of decision tree size biases as a function of concept distribution, 1995

Panda, Preeti Ranjan; Dutt, Nikil: 1995 high level synthesis design repository, 1995

Panda, Preeti Ranjan; Dutt, Nikil: Impact of memory mapping strategy on power consumption, 1995

Reyes, Arthur Alexander: Structuring languages as algebraic specifications : a framework for multilingual system representation, 1995

Thordarson, Alfred B.; Gajski, Daniel D.: Comparison of manual and automatic behavioral synthesis on MPEG algorithm, 1995

Thordarson, Alfred B.; Gajski, Daniel D.: Manual synthesis of the MPEG algorithm, 1995

Vickers, Brett J.; Suda, Tatsuya: An ATM service architecture for the transport of adaptively encoded live video, 1995

Xu, Min; Kurdahi, Fadi: Area and timing estimation for lookup table based FPGAs, 1995

Xu, Min; Kurdahi, Fadi J.: ChipEst-FPGA : a tool for chip level area and timing estimation of lookup table based FPGAs for high level applications, 1995

Zhu, Jianwen; Agrawal, Poonam; Gajski, Daniel D.: RT level power analysis, 1995

Ackerman, Mark: Augmenting the organizational memory : a field study of answer garden, 1994

Ang, Roger; Dutt, Nikil: Scheduling for design reuse of datapath components, 1994

Bakshi, Smita; Gajski, Daniel D.: A component selection algorithm for high-performance pipelines, 1994

Bakshi, Smita; Gajski, Daniel D.: A memory selection algorithm for high-performance pipelines, 1994

Beek, Peter van; Dechter, Rina: Constraint tightness versus global consistency, 1994

Beek, Peter van; Dechter, Rina: On the minimality and global consistency of row-convex constraint networks, 1994

Ben-Eliyahu, Rachel; Dechter, Rina: On computing minimal models, 1994

Capitanio, Andrea; Dutt, Nikil; Nicolau, Alex: Architectural tradeoff analysis of partitioned VLIWs, 1994

Capitanio, A.; Dutt, N.; Nicolau, A.: Toward register allocation for multiple register file VLIW architectures, 1994

Conradi, Peter: Information analysis in High-level synthesis, 1994

Coultrip, Robert L.: Learning input-output mappings with sparse random neural networks, 1994

Dechter, Rina; Schwalb, Eddie: Compiling relational data into disjunctive structure : empirical evaluation, 1994

Dechter, Rina; Rish, Irina: Directional resolution : the Davis-Putnam procedure, revisited, 1994

Dechter, Rina; Dechter, Avi: Structure-driven algorithms for truth maintenance, 1994

Dey, Tamal Krishna; Dillencourt, Michael B.; Ghosh, Subir K.: Triangulating with high connectivity, 1994

Domingos, Pedro: Design and evaluation of the RISE 1.0 learning system, 1994

Dutt, Nikil D.; Jha, Pradip K.: RT component sets for high level design applications, 1994

Eppstein, David: Faster circle packing with application to nonobtuse triangulation, 1994

Eppstein, David: Finding the k shortest paths, 1994

Eppstein, David: Subgraph isomorphism in planar graphs and related problems, 1994

Frost, Daniel; Dechter, Rina: Dead-end driven learning, 1994

Frost, Daniel; Dechter, Rina: In search of the best constraint satisfaction search, 1994

Gajski, Daniel D.; Ramachandran, Loganath; Fung, Peter; Vahid, Frank; Narayan, Sanjiv: Towards achieving an 100-hour design cycle : a test case, 1994

Hong, Duke P.; Vickers, Brett J.; Suda, Tatsuya; Oliveira, Carlos: The internetworking of connectionless data networks over public ATM : connectionless server design and performance, 1994

Hong, Duke P.; Suda, Tatsuya: A simulation study of packet forwarding methods for ATM data services, 1994

Huang, Chu-Yi: Comparison of SpecSyn and Workbench modeling, 1994

Hume, Tim; Pazzani, Michael: Learning sets of causally related concepts, 1994

Jha, Pradip K.; Dutt, Nikil D.: High-level library mapping for arithmetic components, 1994

Jha, Pradip K.; Parameswaran, Sri; Dutt, Nikil D.: Reclocking controllers for minimum execution time, 1994

Juan, Hsiao-Ping; Chaiyakul, Viraphol; Gajski, Daniel D.: Condition graphs for high-quality behavioral synthesis, 1994

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