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ICS Technical Reports

ICS has a technical report series, three academic departments and 3 ORUs associated with it that each generate new information and knowledge.

There are 971 publications in this collection, published between 1970 and 2004. Showing 301 - 350.

Kolson, David J.; Nicolau, Alexandru; Kennedy, Ken: An algorithm for minimizing spill code in loops, 1994

Lamb, Roberta: Information technology support for technology transfer : a usability field study, 1994

Leung, Vitus J.: The undecidability of the modified edit distance, 1994

Meiri, Itay; Dechter, Rina; Pearl, Judea: Tree decomposition with applications to constraint processing, 1994

Novack, Steven; Nicolau, Alexandru: Mutation scheduling : a unified approach to compiling for fine-grain parallelism, 1994

Novack, Steven; Nicolau, Alexandru: VISTA : the visual interface for scheduling transformations and analysis, 1994

Onion, Frederick; Nicolau, Alexandru; Dutt, Nikil: Compiler feedback in ASIP design, 1994

Ramachandran, Loganath; Gajski, Daniel D.: Behavioral design assistant (BdA) user's manual : version 1.0, 1994

Ramachandran, Loganath; Holmes, Nancy D.; Gajski, Daniel D.: The design process of behavioral synthesis from VHDL, 1994

Schwalb, Eddie; Dechter, Rina: Coping with disjunctions in temporal constraint satisfaction problem, 1994

Schwalb, Eddie; Kask, Kalev; Dechter, Rina: Temporal reasoning with constraints on fluents and events, 1994

Stauffer, Lynn. M.; Hirschberg, Daniel S.: Dictionary compression on the PRAM, 1994

Stauffer, Lynn Marie: Parallel and high-speed data compression, 1994

Taylor, Richard N.; Nies, Kari A.; Bolcer, Gregory Alan; MacFarlane, Craig A.; Johnson, Gregory F.; Anderson, Kenneth M.: Supporting separations of concerns and concurrency in the Chiron-1 user interface system, 1994

Wogulis, James Lee: An approach to repairing and evaluating first-order theories containing multiple concepts and negation, 1994

Yin, Meng-Lai; Blough, Douglas M.; Bic, Lubomir: Performability modeling for systems with global spares, 1994

Young, Patrick S.; Taylor, Richard N.: Process model customization for technical and non-technical users, 1994

Ackerman, Mark S.: Definitional and contextual issues in organizational and group memories, 1993

Al-Mouhamed, Mayez A.; Seiden, Steven S.: A cost-effective heuristic storage for minimizing access time of arbitrary data templates, 1993

Anderson, Kenneth M.; Taylor, Richard N.; Whitehead, E. James Jr.: Hypertext for heterogeneous software environments, 1993

Ang, Roger; Dutt, Nikil: Allocation of functional units from realistic component libraries, 1993

Ang, Roger; Dutt, Nikil: On linking RT-component functionality to abstract HDL behavior, 1993

Bakshi, Smita; Gajski, Daniel D.: Design space exploration for the beamformer system, 1993

Bakshi, Smita; Gajski, Daniel D.: A strategy for design space exploration, 1993

Ben-Eliyahu, Rachel; Dechter, Rina: Propositional semantics for disjunctive logic programs, 1993

Box, Donald F.; Suda, Tatsuya: G/MAX : an object-oriented framework for flexible and efficient multi-protocol communications, 1993

Box, Donald F.; Suda, Tatsuya: An object-oriented framework for high performance distributed applications, 1993

Eppstein, David: Clustering for faster network simplex pivots, 1993

Eppstein, David; Galil, Zvi; Italiano, Giuseppe F.: Improved sparsification, 1993

Eppstein, David: Updating widths and maximum spanning trees using the rotating caliper graph, 1993

Gajski, Daniel D.; Hadley, Tedd; Chaiyakul, Viraphol; Ishii, Tadatoshi: Design process and human interface for a behavioral-synthesis environment, 1993

Gajski, Daniel D.; Vahid, Frank; Narayan, Sanjiv: SpecCharts : a VHDL front-end for embedded systems, 1993

Gajski, Daniel; Gong, Jie; Vahid, Frank; Narayan, Sanjiv: The SpecSyn design process and human interface, 1993

Gong, Jie; Gajski, Daniel D.; Narayan, Sanjiv: Software estimation from executable specifications, 1993

Grinter, Rebecca E.; Taylor, Richard N.: Improvement of user interface development methodologies through rigorous analysis, 1993

Holmes, Nancy D.; Gajski, Daniel D.: An algorithm for generation of behavioral shape functions, 1993

Hummel, Joseph; Hendren, Laurie J.; Nicolau, Alexandru: Abstract description of pointer data structures : an approach for improving the analysis and optimization of imperative programs, 1993

Hummel, Joseph; Hendren, Laurie J.; Nicolau, Alexandru: A language for conveying the aliasing properties of dynamic, pointer-based data structures, 1993

Jha, Pradip K.; Dutt, Nikil D.; Gajski, Daniel D.: An evaluative study of RT component libraries, 1993

Juan, Hsiao-Ping; Gajski, Daniel D.: A survey of description styles, 1993

Kolson, David J.; Nicolau, Alexandru; Dutt, Nikil: Minimization of memory traffic in high-level synthesis, 1993

Kolson, David J.; Dutt, Nikil; Nicolau, Alexandru: Ultra fine-grain percolation scheduling, 1993

Kurdahi, F J.; Gajski, D. D.; Ramachandran, C.; Chaiyakul, V.: Linking register-transfer and physical levels of design, 1993

Levine, David L.; Taylor, Richard N.: Metric-driven reengineering for static concurrency analysis, 1993

Levine, David L.: Structural reengineering for static concurrency analysis, 1993

O'Rorke, Paul; Ortony, Andrew: Explaining emotions, 1993

Ramachandran, Loganath; Gajski, Daniel D.; Chaiyakul, Viraphol: An algorithm for allocation of multiport memories using a new layout memory model, 1993

Seiden, Steven S.; Al-Mouhamed, Mayez A.: Minimization of memory and network contention for accessing arbitrary data patterns in SIMD systems, 1993

Semeraro, Giovanni; Brunk, Clifford A.; Pazzani, Michael J.: Traps and pitfalls when learning logical theories : a case study with FOIL and FOCL, 1993

Stauffer, Lynn M.; Hirschberg, Daniel S.: Parallel text compression, 1993

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University of California, Irvine
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
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