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ICS Technical Reports

ICS has a technical report series, three academic departments and 3 ORUs associated with it that each generate new information and knowledge.

There are 971 publications in this collection, published between 1970 and 2004. Showing 401 - 450.

Huang, Hung Khei; Suda, Tatsuya: Design implementation and measurement of a collision avoidance multiple broadcast tree network, 1992

Hummel, Joseph; Nicolau, Alexandru; Hendren, Laurie J.: Applying an abstract data structure description approach to parallelizing scientific pointer programs, 1992

Jha, Pradip K.; Ramachandran, Champaka; Dutt, Nikil D.; Kurdahi, Fadi J.: The effects of variations in component styles and shapes on high-level synthesis, 1992

Jha, Pradip K.; Dutt, Nikil D.: A fast area-delay estimation technique for RTL component generators, 1992

Juan, Hsiao-Ping; Holmes, Nancy D.; Bakshi, Smita; Gajski, Daniel D.: Top-down modeling of RISC processors in VHDL, 1992

Kibler, Dennis; Schwamb, Karl: Complete contingency planners, 1992

Kim, Ki-Chang; Nicolau, Alexandru: N-Dimensional Perfect Pipelining, 1992

Kipps, James Randall: An approach to component generation and technology adaptation, 1992

Kleppinger, William H.; Tamanaha, Doris Y.; Osterweil, Leon J.: The uses of process modeling : a framework for understanding modeling formalisms, 1992

Kling, Rob: Computerization and social transformations, 1992

Kolson, David J.; Nicolau, Alexandru: A spill code minimization algorithm for loops, 1992

Lenell, John; Bagherzadeh, Nader: A performance comparison of several superscalar processsor [sic] models with a VLIW processor, 1992

Leveson, Nancy G.; Turner, Clark S.: An investigation of the Therac-25 accidents, 1992

Leveson, Nancy G.; Heimdahl, Mats P. E.; Hildreth, Holly; Reese, Jon D.: Requirements specification for process-control systems, 1992

Morris, Steven W.: Methods for feature extraction from time series data, 1992

Narayan, Sanjiv Narayan; Gajski, Daniel D.: Area and performance estimation from system-level specifications, 1992

Narayan, Sanjiv; Vahid, Frank; Gajski, Daniel D.: Incorporating VHDL signal/wait semantics into synthesis, 1992

Narayan, Sanjiv; Vahid, Frank; Gajski, Daniel D.: Modeling with SpecCharts, 1992

Narayan, Sanjiv: A survey of system-level specification languages, 1992

Nicolau, Alexandru; Novack, Steven: An efficient global resource constrained technique for exploiting instruction level parallelism, 1992

O'Rorke, Paul: Abduction and learning : case studies in diverse domains, 1992

O'Rorke, Paul; Ortony, Andrew: Explaining emotions, 1992

Pezze, Mauro; Taylor, Richard N.; Young, Michal: Graph models for reachability analysis of concurrent programs, 1992

Pinkas, Gadi; Dechter, Rina: An improved connectionist activation function for energy minimization, 1992

Ramachandran, Loganath; Gajski, Daniel D.: Architectural tradeoffs in synthesis of pipelined controls, 1992

Ramachandran, Loganath; Vahid, Frank; Narayan, Sanjiv; Gajski, Daniel D.: Semantics and synthesis of signals in behavioral VHDL, 1992

Ramachandran, Loganath; Chaiyakul, Viraphol; Gajski, Daniel D.: VHDL synthesis system (VSS) : user's manual, version 5.0, 1992

Richardson, Debra J.; Thompson, Margaret C.: An analysis of test data selection criteria using the RELAY model of fault detection, 1992

Ruby, David; Kibler, Dennis: EASe : integrating search with learned episodes, 1992

Rundensteiner, Elke A.; Bic, Lubomir: Automatic view schema generation in object-oriented databases, 1992

Rundensteiner, Elke A.: A class integration algorithm and its application for supporting consistent object views, 1992

Rundensteiner, Elke A.: MultiView : a methodology for supporting multiple view schemata in object-oriented databases, 1992

Rundensteiner, Elke A.: Object-oriented views: a novel approach for tool integration in design environments (dissertation), 1992

Scherson, Isaac D.; Chien, Chi-Kai: Least common ancestor networks, 1992

Schmidt, Douglas C.; Box, Donald F.; Suda, Tatsuya: ADAPTIVE : a flexible and adaptive transport system architecture to support multimedia applications on high-speed networks, 1992

Schmidt, Douglas C.; Suda, Tatsuya: Computing infrastructure issues in distributed communications systems : a survey of operating system transport system architectures, 1992

Schmidt, Douglas C.; Suda, Tatsuya: GPERF : a perfect hash function generator, 1992

Schulenburg, David A.: Sentence processing with incremental feedback, 1992

Seiden, Steven S.; Hirschberg, Daniel S.: Finding succinct ordered minimal perfect hashing functions, 1992

Song, Xiping: Comparing software design methodologies through process modeling, 1992

Stauffer, Lynn M.; Hirschberg, Daniel S.: Self-organizing lists on the Xnet, 1992

Takine, Tetsuya; Suda, Tatsuya; Hasegawa, Toshiharu: Cell loss dynamics and output process in a finite-buffer discrete-time queue with correlated arrivals, 1992

Vahid, Frank; Narayan, Sanjiv; Gajski, Daniel D.: Constant-time cost evaluation for behavioral partitioning, 1992

Wang, Haigeng; Nicolau, Alexandru: Computing programs containing band linear recurrences on vector supercomputers, 1992

Wang, Haigeng; Dutt, Nikil; Nicolau, Alexandru: Harmonic scheduling of linear recurrences in digital filter design, 1992

Wang, Haigeng; Dutt, Nikil; Nicolau, Alexandru; Siu, Kai-Yeung S.: High-level synthesis of scalable architectures for IIR filters using multichip modules, 1992

Wang, Haigeng; Nicolau, Alexandru; Siu, Kai-Yeung S.: The strict time lower bound and optimal schedules for parallel prefix with resource constraints, 1992

Wu, Allen C.H: Integration of behavioral and layout synthesis : a chip synthesis approach, 1992

Yin, Meng-Lai; Blough, Douglas M.; Bic, Lubomir: Recovery modeling in performability analysis for multi-computer systems, 1992

Abnous, A.; Christensen, C.; Gray, J.; Lenell, J.; Naylor, A.; Bagherzadeh, N.: VLSI design of the tiny RISC microprocessor, 1991

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University of California, Irvine
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
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