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ICS Technical Reports

ICS has a technical report series, three academic departments and 3 ORUs associated with it that each generate new information and knowledge.

There are 971 publications in this collection, published between 1970 and 2004. Showing 51 - 100.

Saoud, Slim Ben; Gajski, Daniel D.: Co-design of emulators for power electric processes using SpecC methodology, 2001

Saoud, Slim Ben; Gajski, Daniel D.: SpecC methodology applied to the design of control systems for power electronics and electric drives, 2001

Saoud, Slim Ben; Gajski, Daniel D.: Specification and validation of new control algorithms for electric drives using SpecC language, 2001

Savoiu, Nick; Shukla, Sandeep K.; Gupta, Rajesh K.: Automated concurrency re-assignment in high level system models for efficient system-level simulation, 2001

Savoiu, Nick; Shukla, Sandeep K.; Gupta, Rajesh K.: Design for synthesis, transform for simulation : automatic transformation of threading structures in high-level system models, 2001

Shin, Dongwan; Zhang, Pei; Gajski, Daniel: Interface synthesis at behavioral RTL, 2001

Shukla, Sandeep K.; Gupta, Rajesh K.: A model checking approach to evaluating system level dynamic power management policies for embedded systems, 2001

Song, Sanghoon; Suda, Tatsuya: Security on energy level in the bio-networking architecture, 2001

Stork, Christian H.; Haldar, Vivek; Franz, Michael: Generic adaptive syntax-directed compression for mobile code, 2001

Weymarn, Martin von: Development of a specification model of the EFR vocoder, 2001

Amme, Wolfram; Dalton, Niall; Franz, Michael; Ronne, Jeffrey von: SafeTSA : a type safe and referentially secure mobile-code representation based on static single assignment form, 2000

Bilardi, Gianfranco; D'Alberto, Paolo; Nicolau, Alex: Fractal matrix multiplication : a case study on portability of cache performance, 2000

Cai, Lukai; Olivarez, Mike; Gajski, Daniel D.: System level architecture exploration using the SpecC methodology, 2000

Fan, Nong; Chaiyakul, Viraphol; Gajski, Daniel D.: IP characterization and reuse in behavioral synthesis, 2000

Fan, Nong; Chaiyakul, Viraphol; Gajski, Daniel D.: Usage-based characterization of complex functional blocks for reuse in behavioral synthesis, 2000

Frohlich, Peter H.; Franz, Michael: Stand-alone messages : a step towards component-oriented programming languages, 2000

Gendelman, Eugene; Bic, Lubomir F.; Dillencourt, Michael B.: Process interconnection structures in dynamically changing topologies, 2000

Gerstlauer, Andreas: Communication software code generation, 2000

Gupta, Sumit; Miranda, Miguel; Catthoor, Francky; Gupta, Rajesh: Analysis of high-level address code transformations for programmable processors, 2000

Gupta, Sumit; Savoiu, Nick; Kim, Sunwoo; Dutt, Nikil; Gupta, Rajesh; Nicolau, Alex: Speculation techniques for high level synthesis of control intensive designs, 2000

Jansen, Dirk: Architecture and compiler for an ANSI C-targeting reduced instruction set core for embedded systems (ANTARES), 2000

Jansen, Dirk: SpecC for beginners : the example of a sounding dice, 2000

Ji, Xiaomei; Nicolaescu, Dan; Veidenbaum, Alexander; Nicolau, Alexandru; Gupta, Rajesh: Compiler-directed cache assist adaptivity, 2000

Kistler, Thomas; Franz, Michael: Continuous program optimization : a case study, 2000

Kuang, Hairong; Bic, Lubomir; Dillencourt, Michael B.: Superboundary exchange : a technique for reducing communication in distributed implementations of iterative computations, 2000

Luer, Chris; Rosenblum, David S.: Wren--an environment for component-based development, 2000

Medvidovic, Nenad; Oreizy, Peyman; Taylor, Richard N.; Khare, Rohit; Guntersdorfer, Michael: An architecture-centered approach to software environment integration, 2000

Mishra, Prabhat; Grun, Peter; Dutt, Nikil; Nicolau, Alex: Memory subsystem description in EXPRESSION, 2000

Nicolaescu, Dan; Arora, Preshant; Badulescu, Ana-Maria; Veidenbaum, Alexander: AMRM prototype board software API, 2000

Peng, Junyu; Cai, Lukai; Selka, Anand; Gajski, Daniel D.: Design of a JBIG encoder using SpecC methodology, 2000

Sinha, Vivek; Gupta, Rajesh K.: Design visualization and entry using structural and functional entities, 2000

Srbljic, Sinisa; Stefanec, Mario; Benc, Ivan: SpecC profiler : specification-level exploration tool, 2000

Wang, Michael; Suda, Tatsuya: The bio-networking architecture : a biologically inspired approach to the design of scalable, adaptive, and survivable/available network applications, 2000

Yin, Hanyu; Du, Haitao; Lee, Tzu-Chia; Gajski, Daniel D.: Design of a JPEG encoder using SpecC methodology, 2000

Yu, Haobo; Xie, Qiang; Gajski, Daniel D.: Design of a transducer for parity encoder, 2000

Zhang, Pei; Shin, Dongwan; Yu, Haobo; Xie, Qiang; Gajski, Daniel D.: SpecC RTL methodology, 2000

Zhao, Shuqing; Gajski, Daniel D.: Communication synthesis in SpecC environment, 2000

Albuquerque, Celio; Suda, Tatsuya; Vickers, Brett J.: Fair queueing with feedback-based policing, 1999

Albuquerque, Celio; Vickers, Brett J.; Suda, Tatsuya: Network Border Patrol, 1999

Arora, Prashant; Nicolaescu, Dan; Satapathy, Rajesh; Veidenbaum, Alexander: AMRM prototype board design and implementation, 1999

Azevedo, Ana; Nicolau, Alex; Hummel, Joe: Java annotation-aware just-in-time (AJIT) compilation system, 1999

Azevedo, Ana; Nicolau, Alex; Hummel, Joe: Java bytecode annotations types and formats, 1999

Cadez, I. V.; McLaren, C. E.; Smyth, P.; McLachlan, G. J.: Hierarchical models for screening of iron deficiency anemia, 1999

Cadez, I. V.; Smyth, P.; McLachlan, G. J.; McLaren, C. E.: Maximum likelihood estimation of mixture densities for binned and truncated multivariate data, 1999

Cadez, Igor; Smyth, Padhraic: Probabilistic clustering using hierarchical models, 1999

Cai, Lukai; Peng, Junyu; Chang, Chun; Gerstlauer, Andreas; Li, Hongxing; Selka, Anand et al.: Design of a JPEG encoding system, 1999

Chang, En-shou; Gajski, Daniel D.: A mathematical-statistics-based system-level time-constraint scheduling algorithm, 1999

Chang, En-shou; Gajski, Daniel D.: SpecC system-level static scheduling, 1999

Doucet, Frederic; Sinha, Vivek; Siska, Chuck; Gupta, Rajesh: System-on-chip modeling using objects and their relationships, 1999

Frohlich, Peter H.; Franz, Michael: Component-oriented programming in object-oriented languages, 1999

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University of California, Irvine
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
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