ICS Technical Reports
ICS has a technical report series, three academic departments and 3 ORUs associated with it that each generate new information and knowledge.
There are 971 publications in this collection, published between 1970 and 2004. Showing 551 - 600.
Mahoney, Joan M.; Angus, John E.: Estimability and efficiency in nearly orthogonal 2[m1] x 3[m2] deletion designs, 1990
Metfessel, Brent A.; Paul: An overview of some recent machine learning research and applications, 1990
Molodowitch, Mariko: Analysis and design of algorithms : double hashing and parallel graph searching, 1990
Narayan, Sanjiv; Vahid, Frank: Modeling with SpecCharts, 1990
Narayan, Sanjiv; Vahid, Frank: Translating SpecCharts to VHDL, 1990
Ng, Cheng: An O(n3 [square root of] log n) algorithm for the optimal stable marriage problem, 1990
Nicolau, Alexandru; Potasman, Roni: Incremental tree height reduction for code compaction, 1990
O'Rorke, Paul; Morris, Steven; Schulenburg, David: Theory formation by abduction : a case study based on the chemical revolution, 1990
Pazzani, Michael J.: A computational theory of learning causal relationships, 1990
Pazzani, Michael J.; Brunk, Clifford A.: Detecting and correcting errors in ruled-based expert systems : an integration of empirical and explanation-based learning, 1990
Pazzani, Michael J.: The influence of prior knowledge on concept acquisition : experimental and computational results, 1990
Pazzani, Michael Pazzani; Kibler, Dennis Kibler: The utility of knowledge in inductive learning, 1990
Pazzani, Michael; Kibler, Dennis: The utility of knowledge in inductive learning, 1990
Pidgeon, Christopher W.: Analyzing decision making in software design, 1990
Rentmeesters, Mark J.: Automatic synthesis of analog layout : a survey, 1990
Richardson, Debra J.; Aha, Stephanie Leif; Yessayan, Harry E.; Osterweil, Leon J.: Prototyping a process-centered environment, 1990
Rundensteiner, Elke A.; Gajski, Daniel D.; Bic, Lubomir: Component synthesis from functional descriptions, 1990
Rundensteiner, Elke A.; Gajski, Daniel D.: A design representation model for high-level synthesis, 1990
Srinivas, Yellamraju V.: Algebraic specification : syntax, semantics, structure, 1990
Srinivas, Yellamraju V.: Category theory : definitions and examples, 1990
Suda, Tatsuya; Suzuki, Takeo; Nguyen, Thieu; Kabaya, Eiichi: BONeS input traffic generators, 1990
Vahid, Frank; Narayan, Sanjiv; Gajski, Daniel D.: SpecCharts : a language for system level specification and synthesis, 1990
Vahid, Frank; Narayan, Sanjiv; Gajski, Daniel D.: Synthesis from specifications : basic concepts, 1990
Wenger, Etienne: Toward a theory of cultural transparency : elements of a social discourse of the visible and the invisible, 1990
Wu, Allen C.H.; Gajski, Daniel: A new partitioning approach for layout synthesis from register-transfer netlists, 1990
Paul: Working notes of the 1990 Spring Symposium on Automated Abduction, 1990
Aha, David W.: Incremental learning of independent, overlapping, and graded concept descriptions with an instance-based process framework, 1989
Aiken, Alexander; Nicolau, Alexandru: Fine-grain parallelization versus the wavefront method, 1989
Bic, Lubomir; Nagel, Mark D.; Roy, John M.A.: Automatic data/program partitioning using the single assignment principle, 1989
Bradley, Tracy T.; Suda, Tatsuya: Survey of unified approaches to integrated-service networks, 1989
Chen, Gwo-Dong; Gajski, Daniel D.: An intelligent component database for behavioral synthesis, 1989
Dutt, Nikil D.; Hadley, Tedd; Gajski, Daniel D.: BIF : a behavioral intermediate format for high level synthesis, 1989
Dutt, Nikil D.; Hadley, Tedd; Gajski, Daniel D.: BIF : a behavioral intermediate format for high level synthesis, 1989
Ebciogiu, Kemal; Nicolau, Alexandru: Percolation scheduling with resource constraints, 1989
Eiselt, Kurt Paul: Inference processing and error recovery in sentence understanding, 1989
Gennari, John H.: A survey of clustering methods, 1989
Hendren, Laurie J.; Nicolau, Alexandru: Parallelizing programs with recursive data structures, 1989
Hirschberg, Daniel S.; Lelewer, Debra A.: Efficient decoding of prefix codes, 1989
Iba, Wayne: Human motor behavior : a short review of phenomena, theories, and systems, 1989
Jaffe, Matthew S.; Leveson, Nancy G.: Completeness, robustness, and safety in real-time software requirements specification, 1989
Jones, Randolph: A model of retrieval in problem solving, 1989
Kipps, James R.; Gajski, Daniel D.: Automating technology adaptation in design synthesis, 1989
Kling, Rob; Iacono, Suzanne: The institutional character of computerized information systems, 1989
Kwan, Andrew W.; Bic, Lubomir; Gajski, Daniel D.: Improving parallel program performance using critical path analysis, 1989
Kwan, Andrew W.: Programming enviroments for parallel programming, 1989
Langley, Pat; Thompson, Kevin; Iba, Wayne; Gennari, John H.; Allen, John A.: An integrated cognitive architecture for autonomous agents, 1989
Langley, Pat; Wogulis, James; Ohlsson, Stellan: Rules and principles in cognitive diagnosis, 1989
Larmore, Lawrence L.; Gajski, Daniel D.: Layout placement for sliced architecture, 1989
Lis, Joseph S.; Gajski, Daniel D.: Structured modeling for VHDL synthesis, 1989
Lis, Joseph S.; Gajski, Daniel D.: VHDL design representation in the VHDL synthesis system (VSS), 1989