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ICS Technical Reports

ICS has a technical report series, three academic departments and 3 ORUs associated with it that each generate new information and knowledge.

There are 971 publications in this collection, published between 1970 and 2004. Showing 601 - 650.

Melhart, Bonnie E.: Modeling the external software interface for requirements specification, 1989

Murata, M.; Oie, Y.; Suda, T.; Miyahara, H.: Analysis of a discrete-time single-server queue with bursty imputs for traffic control in ATM networks, 1989

Nicolau, Alexandru: Hierarchical parallelism exploitation, 1989

Nordhausen, Bernd; Langley, Pat: An integrated approach to empirical discovery, 1989

O'Rorke, Paul: LT revisited : explanation-based learning and the logic of Principia mathematica, 1989

O'Rorke, Paul; Morris, Steven; Schulenburg, David: Theory formation by abduction : initial results of a case study based on the chemical revolution, 1989

Oie, Yuji; Suda, Tatsuya; Kolson, David; Murata, Masayuki; Miyahara, Hideo: Survey of switching techniques in high-speed networks and their performance, 1989

Richardson, Debra; O'Malley, Owen; Tittle, Cindy: Approaches to specification-based testing, 1989

Richardson, Debra J.: Fault-based regression testing in a reactive environment, 1989

Richardson, Debra; Aha, Stephanie Leif; Osterweil, Leon: Integrating testing techniques through process programming, 1989

Richardson, Debra J.; Thompson, Margaret C.: The RELAY of fault-based testing, 1989

Rundensteiner, Elke A; Bic, Lubomir: Evaluating aggregate functions on possibilistic data, 1989

Rundensteiner, Elke A.; Bic, Lubomir: Set operations in semantic data models, 1989

Rundensteiner, Elke; Bic, Lubomir; Gilbert, Jonathan; Yin, Meng-Lai: Set-related restrictions for semantic groupings, 1989

Rundensteiner, Elke A.; Gajski, Dan; Bic, Lubomir: Technology mapping for register transfer descriptions, 1989

Sarrett, Wendy E.; Pazzani, Michael J.: Average case analysis of empirical and explanation-based learning algorithms, 1989

Schulenburg, David; Pazzani, Michael J.: Explanation-based learning of indirect speech act interpretation rules, 1989

Shy, Izhar; Taylor, Richard; Osterweil, Leon: A metaphor and a conceptual architecture for software development environments, 1989

Wu, Allen C.H.; Zanden, Nels Vander; Gajski, Daniel: An algorithm for transistor sizing in CMOS circuits, 1989

Wu, Allen C.H.; Gajski, Daniel: SLAM : an automated structure to layout synthesis system, 1989

Young, Michal Terry: Hybrid analysis techniques for software fault detection, 1989

Zanden, Nels Vander; Wu, Allen C.H.; Gajski, Daniel: Performance optimization in layout driven synthesis, 1989

Aha, David W.; Kibler, Dennis: Detecting and removing noisy instances from concept descriptions, 1988

Arango, Guillermo F.: Domain engineering for software reuse, 1988

Brewer, Forrest; Gajski, Daniel: Chippe : a system for constraint driven behavioral synthesis, 1988

Clarke, Lori A.; Podgurski, Andy; Richardson, Debra J.; Zeil, Steven J.: A formal evaluation of data flow path selection criteria, 1988

Dutt, Nikil D.; Gajski, Daniel D.: EXEL : a language for interactive behavioral synthesis, 1988

Dutt, Nikil D.; Gajski, Daniel D.: EXTEND-L : an input language for extensible register transfer compilation, 1988

Dutt, Nikil D.: GENUS : a generic component library for high level synthesis, 1988

Dutt, Nikil D.: LEGEND : a language for generic component library description, 1988

Gennari, John H.; Langley, Pat; Fisher, Douglas: Models of incremental concept formation, 1988

Gilbert, Jonathan P.; Bic, Lubomir: Asynchronous data retrieval from an object-oriented database, 1988

Hall, Rogers; Kibler, Dennis; Wenger, Etienne; Truxaw, Chris: Exploring the episodic structure of algebra story problem solving, 1988

Kibler, Dennis; Aha, David W.: Comparing instance-averaging with instance-saving learning algorithms, 1988

Kibler, Dennis; Aha, David W.: Instance-based prediction of real-valued attributes, 1988

Kling, Rob: Theoretical perspective in social analyses of computerization : an addendum, 1988

Langley, Pat: Data-driven approaches to empirical discovery, 1988

Larmore, Lawrence L.: Length limited coding and optimal height-limited binary trees, 1988

Lee, Craig Alexander: Logic, parallelism and semantic networks : the binary predicate execution model, 1988

Lis, Joseph S.; Gajski, Daniel D.: VSS : a VHDL synthesis system, 1988

Matsumoto, Tadashi: ICOMP : an intelligent layout compactor, 1988

McNulty, Dale M.: Recognition by directed attention to recursively partitioned images, 1988

Melhart, Bonnie E.: Specification languages for embedded systems : a survey, 1988

Molle, Mart L.: Analysis of a class of distributed queues with application, 1988

Negahban-Hagh, Mehrdad; Gajski, Daniel: Switched-capacitor silicon compiler, 1988

Ng, Cheng; Hirschberg, Daniel S.: Complexity of the stable marriage and stable roommate problems in three dimensions, 1988

Ng, Cheng; Hirschberg, Daniel S.: Lower bounds for the stable marriage problem and its variants, 1988

O'Rorke, Paul: LT revisited : explanation-based learning and the logic of Principia mathematica, 1988

Pazzani, Michael J.: Integrating explanation-based and empirical learning methods in OCCAM, 1988

Selby, Richard W.: Analyzing software data bindings in large-scale systems, 1988

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