ICS Technical Reports
ICS has a technical report series, three academic departments and 3 ORUs associated with it that each generate new information and knowledge.
There are 971 publications in this collection, published between 1970 and 2004. Showing 651 - 700.
Wu, Min-You; Gajski, Daniel D.: Computer-aided programming for multiprocessing systems, 1988
Zanden, Nels Vander; Gajski, Daniel: MILO : a microarchitecture and logic optimizer, 1988
Zanden, Nels Vander; Gajski, Daniel: Strategies for microarchitecture and logic optimization, 1988
Beusmans, Jack M.H.: Visual recognition of objects : behavioral, computational, and neurobiological aspects, 1987
Cha, Sung D.: Dynamic load balancing algorithm complexity, 1987
Cha, Stephen S.; Leveson, Nancy G.; Shimeall, Timothy J.: Safety verification of ADA programs in MURPHY, 1987
Eiselt, Kurt P.: Recovering from erroneous inferences, 1987
Fisher, Douglas Hayes Jr.: Knowledge acquisition via incremental conceptual clustering, 1987
Gajski, Daniel D.; Dutt, Nikil D.; Pangrle, Barry M.: Silicon compilation, 1987
Henry, Howard N.: Neural simulation of a system that learns representations of sensory experience, 1987
Iba, Wayne; Langley, Pat: A computational theory of motor learning, 1987
Lane, Debra S.: A model of time dependent behavior in concurrent software systems, 1987
Lane, Debra S.: Representing communicating software to derive system behavior and deadlock-free software, 1987
Langley, Pat; Carbonell, Jaime G.: Machine learning : techniques and foundations, 1987
Lelewer, Debra A.; Hirschberg, Daniel S.: Data compression, 1987
Molle, Mart L.: On the cutoff point for pairwise enabling in multiple access systems, 1987
Morgan, E. Timothy: RGA users manual : version 2.3, 1987
Nordhausen, Bernd; Langley, Pat: Towards an integrated discovery system, 1987
Razouk, Rami R.: A guided tour of P-Nut (Release 2.2), 1987
Razouk, Rami R.: The use of Petri nets for modeling pipelined processors, 1987
Richardson, Debra J.; Thompson, Margaret C.: An analysis of test data selection criteria using the RELAY model of error detection, 1987
Richardson, Debra J.; Thompson, Margaret C.: Testing based on the RELAY model of error detection, 1987
Schlimmer, Jeffrey C.: Concept acquisition through representational adjustment, 1987
Seppänen, Veikko: Reusability in software engineering, 1987
Sidwell, Richard D.: Modeling and analysis of concurrent systems, 1987
Sidwell, Richard D.: Petri net equivalence, 1987
Suda, Tatsuya; Bay, Jungok; Baxter, David C.: The robustness and performance of tree algorithms in an unshared feedback error environment, 1987
Suda, Tatsuya; Morris, Steve; Goto, Kunio: Tree LANS with collision avoidance : protocol, switch architecture, and performance, 1987
Taylor, Richard N.; Baker, Deborah A.; Belz, Frank C.; Boehm, Barry W.; Clarke, Lori A.; Fisher, David A. et al.: Next generation software environments : principles, problems, and research directions, 1987
Truxaw, Christopher: Computational models of physics problem solving, 1987
Wong, Wang-chan; Suda, Tatsuya; Bic, Lubomir: Performance analysis of a message-oriented knowledge-base, 1987
Bic, Lubomir: A process-oriented model for efficient execution of dataflow programs, 1986
Feldman, Julian; Volper, Dennis: Using personal computers in introductory programming classes : an appraisal of a management decision, 1986
Granger, Richard H. Jr.; Schlimmer, Jeffrey C.: The computation of contingency in classical conditioning, 1986
Hall, Rogers; Kibler, Dennis; Wenger, Etienne; Truxaw, Chris: Exploring the episodic structure of algebra story problem solving, 1986
Hall, Rogers P.: Understanding analogical reasoning : computational approaches, 1986
Hall, Rogers P.: Understanding analogical reasoning : viewpoints from psychology and related disciplines, 1986
Hirschberg, D. S.; Larmore, L. L.; Molodowitch, M.: Subtree weight ratios for optimal binary search trees, 1986
Jones, Randy: Generating predictions to aid the scientific discovery process, 1986
Krause, Kadri; Larmore, Lawrence; Volper, Dennis: Packing items from a triangular distribution, 1986
Langley, Pat: A cognitive architecture for learning in reactive environments, 1986
Langley, Pat; Jones, Randolph: A computational model of scientific insight, 1986
Langley, Pat; Nordhausen, Bernd: A framework for empirical discovery, 1986
Langley, Pat: A general theory of discrimination learning, 1986
Langley, Pat; Carbonell, Jaime G.: Language acquisition and machine learning, 1986
Larmore, Lawrence L.: A subquadratic algorithm for constructing approximately optimal binary search trees, 1986
Leveson, Nancy G.: Building safe software, 1986
Leveson, Nancy G.: Software safety : why, what and how, 1986
Neches, Robert; Langley, Pat; Klahr, David: Learning, development, and production systems, 1986
Nordhausen, Bernd: Conceptual clustering using relational information, 1986