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ICS Technical Reports

ICS has a technical report series, three academic departments and 3 ORUs associated with it that each generate new information and knowledge.

There are 971 publications in this collection, published between 1970 and 2004. Showing 701 - 750.

Oie, Yuuji; Suda, Tatsuya; Miyahara, Hideo; Hasegawa, Toshiharu: Throughput and delay analysis of free access tree algorithm with mini-slots, 1986

Razouk, Rami R.: A guided tour of P-NUT (release 2.1), 1986

Rolandelli, Craig; Shimeall, Timothy J.; Genung, Christi; Leveson, Nancy: Software fault tree analysis tool user's manual, 1986

Rose, Donald; Langley, Pat: Chemical discovery as belief revision, 1986

Schlimmer, Jeffrey C.: A note on correlational measures, 1986

Selby, Richard W.; Basili, Victor R.; Baker, F. Terry: Cleanroom software development : an empirical evaluation, 1986

Suda, Tatsuya: Issues in multi-media information networks, 1986

Suda, Tatsuya; Bradley, Tracy T.: Packetized-voice/data integrated transmission on a token passing ring local area network, 1986

Willson, Stephen Hunter: Persistent prototypes, 1986

Wong, Wang-chan; Bic, Lubomir: Efficient recursion termination for function-free horn logic, 1986

Arango, Guillermo; Baxter, Ira; Freeman, Peter; Pidgeon, Christopher: Maintenance and porting of software by design recovery, 1985

Bic, Lubomir; Gilbert, Jonathan P.: Learning from AI : new trends in database technology, 1985

Bork, Alfred; Chioccariello, Augusto; Franklin, Stephen D.: Support software for computer based learning materials, 1985

Díaz, Rubén Prieto: A software classification scheme, 1985

Eiselt, Kurt P.: A parallel-process model of on-line inference processing, 1985

Fisher, Douglas; Langley, Pat: Approaches to conceptual clustering, 1985

Fisher, Douglas: A hierarchical conceptual clustering algorithm, 1985

Fisher, Douglas; Langley, Pat: Methods of conceptual clustering and their relation to numerical taxonomy, 1985

Granger, Richard H.; Young, Michal T.; Schlimmer, Jeffrey C.: Contingency and latency in associative learning : computational, algorithmic and implementation analyses, 1985

Granger, Richard H.; Young, Michael; Schlimmer, Jeffrey C.: Contingency and salience assignment : incremental learning in the CEL frame-work, 1985

Granger, R. H. Jr.; Schlimmer, Jeffrey C.: Learning salience amoung [sic] features through contingency in the CEL framework, 1985

Granger.Jr., Richard H.; Schlimmer, Jeffrey C.: Combining numeric and symbolic learning techniques, 1985

Hall, Rogers; Wenger, Etienne; Kibler, Dennis; Langley, Patrick: The effect of multiple knowledge sources on learning and teaching, 1985

Hester, J. H.; Hirschbery, D. S.: Generation of optimal binary split trees, 1985

Hester, J. H.; Hirschberg, D. S.: Self-organizing search lists using probabilistic back-pointers, 1985

Hirschberg, D. S.; Volper, D. J.: Improved update/query algorithms for the interval valuation problem, 1985

Hirschberg, D. S.; Larmore, L. L.: The least weight subsequence problem, 1985

Hirschberg, D. S.; Larmore, L. L.: The set LCS problem, 1985

Karmarkar, Narendra; Karp, Richard M.; Lueker, George S.; Odlyzko, Andrew M.: Probabilistic analysis of optimum partitioning, 1985

Kibler, Dennis: Generation of heuristics by transforming the problem representation, 1985

Langley, Pat; Simon, Herbert A.; Zytkow, Jan M.; Fisher, Douglas H.: Discovering qualitative empirical laws, 1985

McNulty, Dale; Granger, Richard H.: Elements of latent learning in a maze environment, 1985

Meyers, Amnon: VOX : an extensible natural language processor, 1985

Morgan, E. Timothy; Razouk, Rami R.: Computer-aided analysis of concurrent systems, 1985

Razouk, Rami R.: Modeling and simulation of data communication networks using SARA, 1985

Razouk, Rami R.; Morgan, E. Timothy: The P-NUT system : an environment for modeling and analyzing concurrent systems, 1985

Razouk, Rami R.; Hirschberg, Daniel S.: Tools for efficient analysis of concurrent software systems, 1985

Staa, Arndt von; Freeman, Peter: Requirements for software engineering languages, 1985

Taylor, Richard N.; Clarke, Lori; Osterweil, Leon J.; Wileden, Jack C.; Young, Michal: Arcadia, a software development environment research project, 1985

Bic, Lubomir; Hartmann, Robert L.: AGM, a dataflow database machine, 1984

Bic, Lubomir: A data-driven model for parallel interpretation of logic programms [sic], 1984

Bork, Alfred; Franklin, Stephen; Trowbridge, David; Feibel, Werner; Kurtz, Bary; Blum, Ruth von et al.: Computer based learning units for science and math for secondary schools, 1984

Bork, Alfred: The role of computers in mastery-based courses, 1984

Bork, Alfred; Pomicter, Nancy; Peck, Melissa; Veloso, Shawn: Toward coherence in learning to program, 1984

Bork, Alfred: Training computer personnel : the problem and possible solution, 1984

Flint, Randell Sherman: An approach to modeling database activity, 1984

Freeman, Peter: Analysis of the Draco approach to constructing software systems, 1984

Freeman, Peter; Staa, Arndt von: Towards a theory of software engineering, 1984

Granger, Richard H.; McNulty, Dale M.: Learning and memory in machines and animals : an AI model that accounts for some neurobiological data, 1984

Granger, Richard H.; Eiselt, Kurt P.; Holbrook, Jennifer K.: Parsing with parallelism : a spreading-activation model of inference processing during text understanding, 1984

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Department Address:
University of California, Irvine
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
6210 Bren Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-3425

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