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ICS Technical Reports

ICS has a technical report series, three academic departments and 3 ORUs associated with it that each generate new information and knowledge.

There are 971 publications in this collection, published between 1970 and 2004. Showing 751 - 800.

Hester, J. H.; Hirschberg, D. S.: Self-organizing linear search, 1984

Hirschberg, D. S.; Larmore, L. L.: Average case analysis of marking algorithms, 1984

Hirschberg, D. S.; Larmore, L. L.: New application of failure functions, 1984

Katz, Martin David; Volper, Dennis J.: Data structures for retrieval on integer grids, 1984

King, John Leslie: Centralized vs. decentralized computing : organizational considerations and management options, 1984

King, John Leslie; Kraemer, Kenneth L.: Evolution and organizational information systems : an assessment of the Nolan stage model, 1984

Larmore, L. L.; Hirschberg, D. S.: Efficient optimal pagination of scrolls, 1984

Leveson, Nancy G.; Stolzy, Janice T.: Analyzing safety and fault tolerance using time Petri nets, 1984

Morgan, E. Timothy: RGA users manual, 1984

Murgolo, Frank D.: On the monotonicity of certain bin packing algorithms, 1984

Neighbors, James M.; Arango, Guillermo; Leite, Julio C.: Draco 1.3 users manual, 1984

Porter, Bruce W.: Learning Problem Solving, 1984

Rose, Marshall T.: Low tech connections into the ARPA internet : the RawPacket split-gateway, 1984

Rose, Marshall Toufic: Modeling and analysis of concurrent systems using contour/transition-nets, 1984

Rose, Marshall T.: Specification of initial connection handling in TCP using structured Petri nets, 1984

Stefferud, Einar; Sweet, Jerry; Domae, Terrance: MZnet : mail service for personal micro-computer systems, 1984

Taylor, Richard N.: Debugging real-time software in a host-target environment, 1984

Willson, Stephen Hunter; Snider, Craig: Arcturus user's guide, 1984

Conery, John S.: The AND/OR process model for parallel interpretation of logic programs, 1983

Granger, Richard H.; Meyers, Amnon; Taylor, Gregory B.; Yoshii, Rika: Nomad, a naval message understanding system, 1983

Granger, Richard H.: The NOMAD system : expectation-based detection and correction of errors during understanding of syntactically and semantically ill-formed text, 1983

Granger, Richard H.; Holbrook, Jennifer K.: Perseverers, recencies and deferrers : new experimental evidence for multiple inference strategies in understanding, 1983

Granger, Richard H.; Eiselt, Kurt P.; Holbrook, Jennifer K.: STRATEGIST : a program that models strategy-driven and content-driven inference behavior, 1983

Hall, Rogers P.; Kibler, Dennis F.: Toward a taxonomy of methodological perspectives in artificial intelligence research, 1983

Hampson, Steven Edward: A neural model of adaptive behavior, 1983

Kibler, Dennis F.; Porter, Bruce W.: Episodic learning, 1983

Kibler, Dennis: Generation of heuristics by problem transformation, 1983

Minne, Joseph Paul: An applicative computing language, 1983

Porter, Bruce W.: A survey of induction algorithms for machine learning, 1983

Razouk, Rami R.: The derivation of performance expressions for communication protocols from timed Petri net models, 1983

Razouk, Rami R.; Phelps, Charles V.: Performance analysis using timed Petri Nets, 1983

Rittenhouse, Robert G.: Productivity assessment issues in office automation, 1983

Rose, Marshall: Achieving interoperability between two domains : connecting the ZOTnet and UUCP computer mail networks, 1983

Rose, Marshall T.: An introduction to structured Petri nets, 1983

Rose, Marshall: The ZOTnet : a local area mailing network, 1983

Taylor, Richard N.: Analysis of concurrent software by cooperative application of static and dynamic techniques, 1983

Taylor, Richard N.; Standish, Thomas A.: Steps to an advanced Ada programming environment, 1983

Taylor, Richard N.; Osterweil, Leon J.: The use of sequencing information in software specification for verification, 1983

Granger, Richard H.: Identification of components of episodic learning : the CEL process model of early learning and memory, 1982

Granger, Richard H.: Scruffy text understanding: design and implementation of tolerant understanders, 1982

Granger.Jr, Richard H.: Judgmental inference : a theory of inferential decision-making during understanding, 1982

Hampson, Steve; Kibler, Dennis: A Boolean complete neural model of adaptive behavior, 1982

Kibler, Dennis: Natural generation of admissible heuristics, 1982

Leveson, Nancy G.; Yemini, Shaula: An evaluation of software fault tolerance techniques in real-time safety-critical applications, 1982

Lueker, George S.: An average-case analysis of bin packing with uniformly distributed item sizes, 1982

Prieto-Diaz, Ruben; Neighbors, James M.: Module interconnection languages : a survey, 1982

Smith, David Andrew: Rapid software prototyping, 1982

Bic, Lubomir: Confinement of information in a dataflow system, 1981

Bic, Lubomir: A relational dataflow database, 1981

Conery, John S.; Morris, Paul H.; Kibler, Dennis F.: Efficient Logic Programs: A Research Proposal, 1981

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Dean's Office phone: (949) 824-7427; Dean's Office fax: (949) 824-3976

Department Address:
University of California, Irvine
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
6210 Bren Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-3425

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