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ICS Technical Reports

ICS has a technical report series, three academic departments and 3 ORUs associated with it that each generate new information and knowledge.

There are 971 publications in this collection, published between 1970 and 2004. Showing 801 - 850.

Conery, John S.; Kibler, Dennis F.: Parallel interpretation of logic programs, 1981

Conery, John S.; Kibler, Dennis F.: Parallel interpretation of logic programs (revised), 1981

Granger.Jr, Richard H.: Directing and re-directing inference pursuit : extra-textual influences on text interpretation, 1981

Granger.Jr., Richard H.; Meehan, James R.: Identification of memory processes underlying text understanding : a research proposal, 1981

Kibler, Dennis F.; Morris, Paul H.: Plan variants and a plan refinement algorithm, 1981

Leveson, Nancy G.: Software safety : a definition and some preliminary thoughts, 1981

Meehan, James R.: Boy meets goal, boy loses goal, boy gets goal : the nature of feedback between goal-based simulation and understanding systems, 1981

Plouffe, Wilfred Edmund Jr.: Exception handling and recovery in applicative systems, 1981

Prieto-Diaz, Ruben; Willson, Stephen: The impacts of computers on the Latin American countries, 1981

Rittenhouse, Robert G.: Computer based messaging in a research organization, 1981

Standish, Thomas A.: Ideas for the Arcturus personal workstation, 1981

Taylor, Tamara; Standish, Thomas A.: Initial thoughts on rapid prototyping techniques, 1981

Thomas, Jeffrey C.; Leveson, Nancy G.: Applying existing safety design techniques to software safety, 1981

Bic, Lubomir: A protection model and its implementation in a data flow system, 1980

Conery, John S.: Metaphors of Instrumental Computer Use: A Case Study, 1980

Freeman, Peter: Reusable software engineering : a statement of long-range research objectives, 1980

Gasser, Les: Perspectives on computing and organizational rationalization, 1980

Granger.Jr, Richard H.: When expectation fails, towards a self-correcting inference system, 1980

Harel, Dov: Fast updates of balanced trees, with a guaranteed time bound per update, 1980

Harel, Dov: A linear time algorithm for the lowest common ancestors problem, 1980

Kibler, Dennis: The relationship between artificial intelligence and command and control, 1980

Kling, Rob: Computer abuse and computer crime as organizational activities, 1980

Leveson, Nancy G.; Wasserman, Anthony I.: Specification, verification, and enforcement of semantic integrity using behavioral abstraction, 1980

Lueker, George S.: On the average difference between the solutions to linear and integer knapsack problems, 1980

Neighbors, James Milne: Software construction using components, 1980

Standish, Thomas A.: A preliminary philosophy for ARCTURUS : an advanced highly-integrated programming environment, 1980

Whitehill, Stephen B.: Self-correcting generalization, 1980

Beaty, Claudia Ann: Interprocess communication in a dataflow system, 1979

Freeman, Peter: An eclectic software engineering bibliography, 1979

Gasser, Les; Scacchi, Walt: Toward a social framework for understanding personal computing, 1979

Gostelow, Kim P.; Thomas, Robert E.: Performance of a dataflow computer, 1979

Gostelow, Kim P.; Thomas, Robert E.: Performance of a dataflow computer (revised), 1979

Gostelow, Kim P.; Thomas, Robert E.: A view of dataflow, 1979

Harel, Dov; Lueker, George: A data structure with movable fingers and deletions, 1979

Kling, Rob: Automated information systems as social resources in policy making, 1979

Kling, Rob; Scacchi, Walt: Computing as social action : the social dynamics of computing in complex organizations, 1979

Kling, Rob: Social issues and impacts of computing : a survey of North American research, 1979

Lueker, George S.: Optimization problems on graphs with independent random edge weights, 1979

Lueker, George S.: A transformation for adding range restriction capability to dynamic data structures for decomposable searching problems, 1979

Meehan, James R.: An artificial intelligence approach to tonal music theory, 1979

Meehan, James R.: LAMBDA-Graphs : a replacement for PROG, 1979

Rittenhouse, Robert G.: The market for wired city services, 1979

Scacchi, Walt: Visual motion perception by intelligent systems, 1979

Smith, David A.; Standish, Thomas A.: Research on interactive program manipulation : final report, 1979

Standish, Thomas A.: Programming environment questionnaire / Irvine Programming Environment Research Center, 1979

Tonge, Fred M.; Barton, Robert S.; Cowan, Richard M.: Structured process description, 1979

N/A: Long range planning document, 1979

Arvind; Gostelow, Kim P.; Plouffe, Wil: An asynchronous programming language and computing machine, 1978

Arvind; Gostelow, Kim P.: Dataflow computer architecture : research and goals, 1978

Arvind; Gostelow, Kim P.; Plouffe, Wil: The (preliminary) Id report: an asynchronous programming language and computing machine, 1978

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Dean's Office phone: (949) 824-7427; Dean's Office fax: (949) 824-3976

Department Address:
University of California, Irvine
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
6210 Bren Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-3425

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