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ICS Technical Reports

ICS has a technical report series, three academic departments and 3 ORUs associated with it that each generate new information and knowledge.

There are 971 publications in this collection, published between 1970 and 2004. Showing 851 - 900.

Arvind; Gostelow, Kim P.; Plouffe, Wil: The (preliminary) Id report: an asynchronous programming language and computing machine (revised), 1978

Bic, Lubomir: Protection and security in a dataflow system, 1978

Hopwood, Gregory L.: Decompilation, 1978

Keirsey, David M.: A representation of space, 1978

Kling, Rob: The impacts of computing on the work of managers, data analysts and clerks, 1978

Kling, Rob: Value conflicts and social choice in electronic funds transfer system developments, 1978

Lueker, George S.: A data structure for dynamic range queries, 1978

Lueker, George S.: Maximization problems on graphs with edge weights chosen from a normal distribution, 1978

Meehan, James R.: An artificial intelligence approach to tonal music theory, 1978

Mockapetris, Paul V.: Design considerations for the ARPA LNI name table, 1978

Mockapetris, Paul V.; Farber, David J.: Experience with the distributed computer system (DCS), 1978

Smith, David A.: Expectations of a high-level programming facility : some examples, 1978

Thomas, Robert Eugene: Performance analysis of two classes of data flow computing systems, 1978

Tonge, Fred. M.: Pipelining performance of structured networks, 1978

Arvind; Gostelow, Kim P.; Plouffe, Wil: Indeterminacy, monitors, and dataflow, 1977

Arvind; Gostelow, Kim P.: Microelectronics and computer science, 1977

Arvind; Gostelow, Kim P.: Some relationships between asynchronous interpreters of a dataflow language, 1977

Brooks, Ruven: A LISP production system facility, 1977

Brooks, Ruven: Production systems as control structures for programming languages, 1977

Brooks, Ruven: Towards a theory of the cognitive processes in computer programming, 1977

Feldman, Julian: Why not the best allocation scheme for computing resources in a university environment? : a review of a proposal, 1977

Kling, Rob: Automated welfare client-tracking and service integration : the case of Riverville, 1977

Kling, Rob: Automating a service bureaucracy : the Riverville social services information and referral system, 1977

Kling, Rob: The organizational context of user-centered software designs, 1977

Kling, Rob: Social choice and technical problems in electronic funds transfer systems, 1977

Kling, Rob; Crabtree, Phillip; Scacchi, Walter: The social dynamics of instrumental computer use, 1977

Kling, Rob: The social dynamics of technical innovation in the computing world, 1977

Lueker, George S.; Booth, Kellogg S.: A linear time algorithm for deciding interval graph isomorphism, 1977

Arvind; Gostelow, Kim P.; Plouffe, Wil: Programming in a viable data flow language, 1976

Arvind; Gostelow, Kim P.: The semantics of asynchrony: the relationships between two different interpreters of a programming language, 1976

Brooks, Ruven: How a programmer understands a program : a model, 1976

Farber, David J.; Pickens, John R.: The Overseer: A Powerful Communication Attribute for Debugging and Security in Thin-Wire Connected Control Structures, 1976

Farber, David J.; Larson, Ken: A prototype implementation of a protocol for network security, 1976

Feldman, Julian: The role of prices in the management of computing resources, 1976

Freeman, Peter: Software design representation : a case study of the RTE project, 1976

Freeman, Peter: Software design representation: analysis and improvements, 1976

Gostelow, Kim P.; Arvind: A computer capable of exchanging processing elements for time, 1976

Joshi, Aravind K.; Weischedel, Ralph M.: Computation of a subclass of inferences : presupposition and entailment, 1976

Kibler, Dennis: Correctness of program transformations via the weakest pre-condition formalism of Dijkstra, 1976

Kling, Rob: Automated information systems in public policymaking, 1976

Kling, Rob: Passing the digital buck : unresolved social and technical issues in electronic funds transfer systems, 1976

Larson, Ken: Analysis of a protocol using a token flow model, 1976

Levin, Steven L.: Problem selection in software design, 1976

Levin, Steven: Problem selection in software design : the data for protocol Al, 1976

Mockapetris, Paul V.; Lyle, Michael R.; Farber, David J.: Design of network access arrangements, 1976

Postel, Jonathan B.; Farber, David J.: Graph Modeling of computer communications protocols, 1976

Rowe, Lawrence A.; Tonge, Fred M.: Algorithms for the synthesis of implementation structures, 1976

Standish, T. A.; Harriman, D. C.; Kibler, D. F.; Neighbors, J. M.: The Irvine Program Transformation Catalogue : a stock of ideas for improving programs using source-to-source transformations, 1976

Tonge, Fred M.: Expressions for time and space in a recursive realization of parallelism, 1976

Weischedel, Ralph M.: A new semantic computation while parsing : presupposition and entailment, 1976

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Department Address:
University of California, Irvine
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
6210 Bren Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-3425

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