Multiple Perspectives on Multiple Pathways Series
IDEA is a network of UCLA scholars and students, professionals in schools and public agencies, advocates, community activists, and urban youth. IDEA's mission is to make high quality public schooling and successful college participation routine occurrence in low income neighborhoods of color. Research and advocacy are the tools IDEA uses to empower individuals, build relationships, and create knowledge for civic participation and social change. Linking a great public research university with committed educators and supportive community alliances, IDEA seeks to become the intellectual home of a broad based social movement that challenges the pervasive racial and social class inequalities in Los Angeles and in cities around the nation.
There are 2 publications in this collection, published in 2007.
Mehan, Hugh: Restructuring and Reculturing Schools to Provide Students with Multiple Pathways to College and Career, 2007
Stiles, Jon; Brady, Henry: Pipelines, Pathways, and Payoffs: Economic Challenges and Returns to Changing Demographics in California, 2007