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Research Reports

There are 27 publications in this collection, published between 2017 and 2023.

Buenaventura, Maya; Obermark, Dean; Nunn, April: Solid Ground Year Three A Process Evaluation of Solid Ground, a Family Homelessness Prevention Program Piloted by New Economics for Women in Van Nuys, California 91405, 2023

Bell, Alex; Forbes, Matthew; von Wachter, Till: Expirations of Pandemic Jobless Programs Caused an Unprecedented Drop in Access to UI, 2022

Bell, Alex; Hedin, Thomas J; Mannino, Peter; Moghadam, Roozbeh; Romer, Carl; Schnorr, Geoffrey et al.: Increasing Equity and Improving Measurement in the U.S. Unemployment System: 10 Key Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2022

Bird, Mia; Gill, Omair; Lacoe, Johanna; Pickard, Molly; Raphael, Steven; Skog, Alissa: Three Strikes in California, 2022

Cawley, Caroline; Henderson, Jamila; Kanzaria, Hemal; Lacoe, Johanna; Paolillo, Stephen; Perez, Kenneth et al.: Signals of Distress: High Utilization of Criminal Legal and Urgent and Emergent Health Services in San Francisco, 2022

Fischer, Brett; Hoynes, Hilary; Palos Castellanos, Karla; Ramesh, Aparna: How the Expanded Child Tax Credit Helped California Families, 2022

Rothstein, Jesse; Santillano, Robert; Von Wachter, Till; Khan, Wahid; Yang, Mary: CAAL-Skills: Study of Workforce Training  Programs in California, 2022

Skog, Alissa; Lacoe, Johanna: Pretrial Electronic Monitoring in San Francisco, 2022

Bell, Alex; Hedin, Thomas J; Mannino, Peter; Moghadam, Roozbeh; Schnorr, Geoffrey; von Wachter, Till: Disparities in Access to Unemployment Insurance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons from US and California Claims Data, 2021

Milburn, Norweeta G; Edwards, Earl; Obermark, Dean; Rountree, Janey: Inequity in the Permanent Supportive Housing System in Los Angeles: Scale, Scope and Reasons for Black Residents’ Returns to Homelessness, 2021

Owens, Emily; Rosenquist, Jaclyn: The California Highway Patrol: An Evaluation of Public Contacts in Stop Data, 2021

Rothstein, Jesse: Letters of Recommendation at UC Berkeley, 2021

Skog, Alissa; Lacoe, Johanna: Validation of the PSA in San Francisco, 2021

von Wachter, Till; Rountree, Janey; Buenaventura, Maya; Obermark, Dean: Solid Ground Year Two: A Process Evaluation of Solid Ground, a Family Homelessness Prevention Program Piloted by New Economics for Women in Van Nuys, California 91405, 2021

Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research: A Rising Tide, Appendix of County-level Stats, 2021

Augustine, Elsa; Skog, Alissa; Lacoe, Johanna; Raphael, Steven: Alternatives to Prosecution: San Francisco’s Collaborative Courts and Pretrial Diversion, 2020

Augustine, Elsa; White, Evan B: High Utilizers of Multiple Systems in Sonoma County, 2020

Kurlaender, Michal; Reed, Sherrie; Grosz, Michael; Mathias, Joanna; Hughes, Katherine: A foot in the door growth in participation and equity in dual enrollment in California, 2020

Linos, Elizabeth; Ramesh, Aparna; Rothstein, Jesse; Unrath, Matt: Increasing Take-Up of the Earned Income Tax Credit, 2020

Owens, Emily; Rosenquist, Jaclyn: Racial and Identity Profiling act (RIPA) in the Los Angeles Police Department, 2020

von Wachter, Till; Santillano, Robert; Rountree, Janey; Buenaventura, Maya; Gibson, Landon; Nunn, April et al.: Preventing Homelessness: Evidence-Based Methods to Screen Adults and Families at Risk of Homelessness in Los Angeles, 2020

Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research: A Rising Tide: Dual Enrollment is Growing Among California High School Students, 2020

Davis, Charles; White, Evan: Who receives the Earned Income Tax Credit in California?, 2019

von Wachter, Till; Rountree, Janey; Buenaventura, Maya; Nunn, April: Solid Ground Year One Process Evaluation, 2019

Liévano, Maura; Raphael, Steven:  The Effect of Redeploying Police Officers from Plain Clothes Special Assignments to Uniformed Foot-Beat Patrols on Street Crime, 2018

Linos, Elizabeth; Reddy, Vikash; Rothstein, Jesse:  Increasing the Take up of Cal Grants, 2018

Raphael, Steven; Lofstrom, Magnus; Martin, Brandon: The Effects of California’s Enhanced Drug and Contraband Interdiction Program on Drug Abuse and Inmate Misconduct in California’s Prisons. Report, 2017

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