Recent Work
There are 32 publications in this collection, published between 2017 and 2022.
Fischer, Brett; Rothstein, Jesse; von Wachter, Till; White, Evan: The Economic Impact on Women of the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2022
Holmes, Natalie; White, Evan: A slowing of pandemic-era migration patterns?, 2022
Rothstein, Jesse: Letters of Recommendation at UC Berkeley, 2021
Augustine, Elsa; Skog, Alissa; Lacoe, Johanna; Raphael, Steven: Alternatives to Prosecution: San Francisco’s Collaborative Courts and Pretrial Diversion, 2020
Augustine, Elsa; White, Evan B: High Utilizers of Multiple Systems in Sonoma County, 2020
Bartik, Alexander; Bertrand, Marianne; Lin, Feng; Rothstein, Jesse; Unrath, Matthew: Measuring the labor market at the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, 2020
Bell, Alex; Hedin, Thomas; Schnorr, Geoffrey; von Wachter, Till: California Unemployment Insurance Claims During the COVID-19 Pandemic, a Series of Policy Briefs, 2020
Friedman, Elizabeth; Kurlaender, Michel; Li, Alice; Rumberger, Russell: A Leg Up on College The Scale and Distribution of Community College Participation Among California High School Students, 2020
Grosz, Michel; Kurlaender, Michal; Stevens, Ann: Capacity and flexibility in community college CTE programs: program offerings and student success, 2020
Kennedy, Patrick; Linos, Elizabeth; Ramesh, Aparna; Rothstein, Jesse: 2018 Tax Filing Season Honesty and Accuracy Nudge, 2020
Linos, Elizabeth; Prohofsky, Allen; Ramesh, Aparna; Rothstein, Jesse; Unrath, Matt: Can Nudges Increase Take-up of the EITC?: Evidence from Multiple Field Experiments, 2020
Linos, Elizabeth; Ramesh, Aparna; Rothstein, Jesse; Unrath, Matt: Increasing Take-Up of the Earned Income Tax Credit, 2020
Owens, Emily; Rosenquist, Jaclyn: Racial and Identity Profiling act (RIPA) in the Los Angeles Police Department, 2020
Raven, Maria C; Niedzwiecki, Matthew J; Kushel, Margot: A randomized trial of permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless persons with high use of publicly funded services, 2020
Skog, Alissa; Augustine, Elsa; Lacoe, Johanna; Bird, Mia: Proposition 25’s Predicted Impact in San Francisco and Sonoma Counties, 2020
von Wachter, Till; Schnorr, Geoffrey; Riesch, Nefara: Employment Among LA County Residents Experiencing Homelessness, 2020
von Wachter, Till; Rountree, Janey; Buenaventura, Maya; Blackwell, Brian; Obermark, Dean: Evaluation of Los Angeles County Measure H-Funded Homelessness Prevention Strategies , 2020
Davis, Charles; White, Evan: Who receives the Earned Income Tax Credit in California?, 2019
Koppich, Julia E; White, Evan; Kim, Simon; Lauck, Marcy; Bookman, Noah; Venezia, Andrea: Developing a Comprehensive Data System to Further Continuous Improvement in California, 2019
Mooney, Alyssa; Skog, Alissa: 1 in 8 Californians with a Criminal Record is Potentially Eligible for Full Record Clearance, 2019
Phillips, Meredith; Reber, Sarah; Rothstein, Jesse: Connecting the Dots: Harnessing Integrated Data to Improve Education in California, 2019
Rountree, Janey; Hess, Nathan; Lyke, Austin: Health Conditions Among Unsheltered Adults in the U.S., 2019
White, Evan: A Roadmap for Linking Administrative Data in California, 2019
Augustine, Elsa; Reddy, Vikash; Rothstein, Jesse: Linking Administrative Data: Strategies and Methods, 2018
Liévano, Maura; Raphael, Steven: The Effect of Redeploying Police Officers from Plain Clothes Special Assignments to Uniformed Foot-Beat Patrols on Street Crime, 2018
Linos, Elizabeth; Reddy, Vikash; Rothstein, Jesse: Increasing the Take up of Cal Grants, 2018
Shem-Tov, Yotam: Are Public Defenders Better at Indigent Defense than Court-Appointed Attorneys?, 2018
Skog, Alissa: High Users of San Francisco’s Criminal Justice System, 2018
Yarmosky, Alena: Early Criminal Defense Yields Large Reductions in Pre-Trial Detention, 2018
Lafortune, Julien; Schönholzer, David: Does New School Construction Impact Student Test Scores and Attendance?, 2017
Raphael, Steven; Lofstrom, Magnus; Martin, Brandon: The Effects of California’s Enhanced Drug and Contraband Interdiction Program on Drug Abuse and Inmate Misconduct in California’s Prisons. Report, 2017
Raphael, Steven; Lofstrom, Magnus; Martin, Brandon: The Effects of California’s Enhanced Drug and Contraband Interdiction Program. Policy Brief, 2017