Working Paper Series
The Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE) is an Organized Research Unit on the Berkeley Campus of the University of California. The Insitute was formerly known as the Institute of Industrial Relations, and changed its name in spring 2007. IRLE was created by an act of the California Legislature in 1945 to promote research, education, and community service relating to labor, industrial relations, and the workplace. IRLE supports the research activities of an interdisciplinary group of Berkeley faculty and students, and sponsors several faculty-led research centers and community outreach projects. Since its inception, IRLE has emphasized service to external constituencies, including policy makers, unions and their members, human resource managers, workforce populations such as women and immigrants, and community-based researchers throughout California.
Michael Reich, Director
University of California, Berkeley
Institute for
Research on Labor and Employment
2521 Channing Way, #5555
Berkeley, CA
There are 390 publications in this collection, published between 1987 and 2022. Showing 151 - 200.
Brown, Clair; Chait, Ariel; Freeman, Eric: Berkeley ReadyMade Impact Assessment: Developing an Effective and Efficient Assessment Template for Social Enterprises, 2011
Collier, Ruth Berins; Palmer-Rubin, Brian: Latin America’s New World of Work: Changing Traits of Work and Problem Solving, 2011
Cray, Adam; Nguyen, Tram; Pranka, Carol; Schildt, Christine; Scheu, Julie; Rincon Whitcomb, Erika: Job Creation: A Review of Policies and Strategies, 2011
Cui, Victor; Ding, Waverly W.; Yanadori, Yoshio: Compensation Structure and the Creation of Exploratory Knowledge in Technology Firms, 2011
Cui, Victor; Ding, Waverly W.; Yanadori, Yoshio: Compensation Structure and the Creation of Exploratory Knowledge in Technology Firms, 2011
Dube, Arindrajit; Lester, T. William; Reich, Michael: Do Frictions Matter in the Labor Market? Accessions, Separations, and Minimum Wage Effects, 2011
Fligstein, Neil; Goldstein, Adam: Catalyst of Disaster: Subprime Mortgage Securitization and the Roots of the Great Recession, 2011
Fligstein, Neil; Polyakova, Alina; Sandholtz, Wayne: European Integration, Nationalism, and European Identity, 2011
Gleeson, Shannon; Bloemraad, Irene: Where Are all the Immigrant Organizations? Reassessing the Scope of Civil Society for Immigrant Communities, 2011
Haveman, Heather A.; Beresford, Lauren S.: If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You the Boss? Explaining the Persistent Vertical Gender Gap in Management, 2011
Haveman, Heather A.; Habinek, Jacob; Goodman, Leo A.: Who Are the Entrepreneurs: The Elite or Everyman?, 2011
Karabel, Jerome; Laurison, Daniel: Outlier Nation? American Exceptionalism and the Quality of Life in the United States, 2011
Kennedy, Jessica A.; Anderson, Cameron; Moore, Don A.: Social Reactions to Overconfidence: Do the Costs of Overconfidence Outweigh the Benefits?, 2011
Kray, Laura: Gender Bias in Negotiators’ Ethical Decision Making, 2011
Kray, Laura J.; Haselhuhn, Michael P.: Male Pragmatism in Ethical Decision Making, 2011
Lincoln, James R.; Guillot, Didier: Business Groups, Networks, And Embeddedness: Innovation And Implementation Alliances In Japanese Electronics, 1985-1998, 2011
Rothstein, Jesse; Wozny, Nathan: Permanent Income and the Black-White Test Score Gap, 2011
Rothstein, Jesse: Unemployment Insurance and Job Search in the Great Recession, 2011
Wilensky, Harold L.: U.S. Health Care and Real Health in Comparative Perspective: Lessons from Abroad, 2011
Wooley, John T.; Ziegler, J. Nicholas: The Two‐Tiered Politics of Financial Reform in the United States, 2011
Allegretto, Sylvia A.; Lynch, Devon: The Changing Face of the U.S. Labor Force: The Composition of the Unemployed and Long-term Unemployed in Tough Labor Markets, 2010
Allegretto, Sylvia; Dube, Arindrajit; Reich, Michael: Do Minimum Wages Really Reduce Teen Employment? Accounting for Heterogeneity and Selectivity in State Panel Data, 2010
Anderson, Cameron; Brion, Sebastien: Overconfidence and the Attainment of Status in Groups, 2010
Bardhan, Ashok; Walker, Richard A.: California, Pivot of the Great Recession, 2010
Brown, Clair; Linden, Greg: Managing Knowledge Workers in Global Value Chains, 2010
Card, David; Mas, Alexandre; Moretti, Enrico; Saez, Emmanuel: Inequality at Work: The Effect of Peer Salaries on Job Satisfaction, 2010
Colla, Carrie Hoverman; Dow, William H.; Dube, Arindrajit: How Do Employers React to a Pay-or-Play Mandate? Early Evidence from San Francisco, 2010
Ding, Waverly W.; Murray, Fiona; Stuart, Toby E.: From Bench to Board: Gender Differences in University Scientists' Participation in Commercial Science, 2010
Ding, Waverly: The Impact of Founder Professional Education Background on the Adoption of Open Science by For-Profit Biotechnology Firms, 2010
Dube, Arindrajit; Freeman, Eric; Reich, Michael: Employee Replacement Costs, 2010
Dube, Andrajit; Lester, T. William; Reich, Michael: Minimum Wage Effects Across State Borders: Estimates Using Contiguous Counties, 2010
Elfenbein, Hillary Anger; Eisenkraft, Noah; Ding, Waverly: Do We Know Who Values Us? Dyadic Meta-Accuracy in the Perception of Professional Relationships, 2010
Evans, Peter: Is it Labor’s Turn to Globalize? Twenty-first Century Opportunities and Strategic Responses, 2010
Fligstein, Neil; Goldstein, Adam: The Anatomy of the Mortgage Securitization Crisis, 2010
Fligstein, Neil; McAdam, Doug: Toward a General Theory of Strategic Action Fields, 2010
Golan, Amos; Greene, William; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: U.S. Navy Promotion and Retention by Race and Sex, 2010
Golan, Amos; Greene, William; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: U.S. Navy Promotion and Retention by Race and Sex, 2010
Golan, Amos; Greene, William; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: U.S. Navy Promotion and Retention by Race and Sex, 2010
Goldstein, Adam; Haveman, Heather A.: Press and Pulpit: Competition, Co-operation and the Growth of Religious Magazines in Antebellum America, 2010
Goldstein, Adam; Haveman, Heather A.: Press and Pulpit: The Growth of Religious Magazines in Antebellum America, 2010
Goldstein, Adam; Fligstein, Neil: The Rise and Fall of the Nonconventional Mortgage Industry, 2010
Haveman, Heather A.; Habinek, Jacob; Goodman, Leo A.: The Press and the Public Sphere: Magazine Entrepreneurs in Antebellum America, 2010
Karabel, Jerome: American Exceptionalism and the Quality of Life in the United States: Some Preliminary Statistical Observations, 2010
Lee, David; Saez, Emannuel: Optimal Minimum Wage Policy in Competitive Labor Markets, 2010
Lester, Gillian: Can Joe the Plumber Support Redistribution? Law, Social Preferences, and Sustainable Policy Design, 2010
Moore, Celia; Stuart, H. Colleen; Pozner, Jo-Ellen: Avoiding the Consequences of Repeated Misconduct: Stigma’s Licence and Stigma’s Transferability, 2010
Nemeth, Charlan Jeanne: Minority Influence Theory, 2010
Petersen, Trond; Penner, Andrew M.; Høgnsnes, Geir: The Within-Job Motherhood Wage Penalty in Norway, 1979–1996, 2010
Saez, Emmanuel; Matsaganis, Manos; Tsakloglou, Panos: Earnings Determination and Taxes: Evidence from a Cohort-Based Payroll Tax Reform in Greece, 2010
Shaiken, Harley: Commitment is a Two-Way Street: Toyota, California and NUMMI, 2010