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Working Paper Series

The Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE) is an Organized Research Unit on the Berkeley Campus of the University of California. The Insitute was formerly known as the Institute of Industrial Relations, and changed its name in spring 2007. IRLE was created by an act of the California Legislature in 1945 to promote research, education, and community service relating to labor, industrial relations, and the workplace. IRLE supports the research activities of an interdisciplinary group of Berkeley faculty and students, and sponsors several faculty-led research centers and community outreach projects. Since its inception, IRLE has emphasized service to external constituencies, including policy makers, unions and their members, human resource managers, workforce populations such as women and immigrants, and community-based researchers throughout California.

Michael Reich, Director
University of California, Berkeley
Institute for Research on Labor and Employment
2521 Channing Way, #5555
Berkeley, CA 94720-5555

There are 390 publications in this collection, published between 1987 and 2022. Showing 301 - 350.

Linden, Greg; Brown, Clair; Appleyard, Melissa M.: The Semiconductor Industry’s Role in the Net World Order, 2003

Nemeth, Charlan; Goncalo, Jack: Creative Collaborations from Afar: The Benefits of Independent Authors, 2003

Nemeth, Charlan Jeanne; Personnaz, Marie; Personnaz, Bernard; Goncalo, Jack A.: The liberating role of conflict in group creativity: A cross cultural study, 2003

Reich, Michael; Hall, Peter; Jacobs, Ken: Living Wage Policies at San Francisco Airport:: Impacts on Workers and Businesses, 2003

Reich, Michael; Laitenen, Amy: Raising Low Pay in a High Income Economy: The Economics of a San Francisco Minimum Wage, 2003

Tervio, Marko: Mediocrity in Talent Markets, 2003

Ulman, Lloyd; Gerlach, Knut: An essay on collective bargaining and unemployment in Germany, 2003

Wu, Ximing; Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Golan, Amos: Effects of Government Policies on Income Distribution and Welfare, 2002

Baylis, Kathy; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: Price Dispersion on the Internet: Good Firms and Bad Firms, 2001

Chen, Anthony S.: The Passage of State Fair Employment Legislation, 1945-1964: An Event-History Analysis with Time-Varying and Time-Constant Covariates, 2001

Golan, Amos; Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Wu, Ximing: Welfare Effects of Minimum Wage and Other Government Policies, 2001

Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Shen, Edward Z.: Collinearity in Linear Structural Models of Market Power, 2001

Sum, Juliann; Frank, John: Return-to-Work in California: Listening to Stakeholders' Voices, 2001

Ahmadjian, Christina L.; Lincoln, James R.: Keiretsu, Governance, and Learning: Case Studies in Change from the Japanese Automotive Industry, 2000

Helper, Susan; Levine, David I.; Bendoly, Elliott: Employee Involvement and Pay at U.S. and Canadian Auto Suppliers, 2000

Kevane, Michael; Levine, David I.: The Changing Status of Daughters in Indonesia, 2000

Levine, David I.; Painter, Gary: Are Measured School Effects Just Sorting? Identifying Causality in the National Education Longitudinal Survey, 2000

Levine, David I.; Painter, Gary: The Costs of Teenage Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing: Analysis with a Within-School Propensity Score, 2000

Lincoln, James R.; Ahmadjian, Christina: Shukko (Employee Transfers) and Tacit Knowledge Exchange in Japanese Supply Networks: The Electronics Industry Case, 2000

Moretti, Enrico; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: Minimum Wage Laws Lower Some Agricultural Wages, 2000

Chaness, Gary; Levine, David I.: Changes in the Employment Contract? Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment, 1999

Levine, David I.: Choosing the Right Parents: Changes in the Intergenerational Transmission of Inequality Between the 1970s and the early 1990s, 1999

Painter, Gary; Levine, David I.: Daddies, Devotion, & Dollars: How Do They Matter for Youth?, 1999

Painter, Gary; Levine, David I.: Family Structure and Youths' Outcomes: Which Correlations are Causal?, 1999

Ghilarducci, Teresa; Reich, Michael: Training and Pensions: Substitutes or Complements?, 1998

Golan, Amos; Karp, Larry S.; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: Estimating a Mixed Strategy: United and American Airlines, 1998

Levine, David I.; Painter, Gary: The NELS Curve: Replicating The Bell Curve, 1998

O'shaughnessy, Kevin C.; Levine, David I.; Cappelli, Peter: Changes in Managerial Pay Structures 1986-1992 and Rising Returns to Skill, 1998

Wilensky, Harold L.: Migration and politics: Explaining variation among rich democracies in recent nativist protest, 1998

Levine, David I.: Reinventing Disability Policy, 1997

Collier, Ruth B.; Mahoney, James: Labor and Democratization: Comparing the First and Thrid Waves in Europe and Latin America, 1995

Tyler, Tom R.; Smith, Heather J.: Social Justice and Social Movements, 1995

Zweimuller, Joseph; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf: Immigration, Trade and Austrian Unemployment, 1995

Grunert, Holle; Lutz, Burkart: Systems Transformation and Labor Market Structure: The Case of East Germany, 1994

Petersen, Trond: Individual, Collective, and Systems Rationality in Work Groups: Dilemmas and Solutions, 1994

Thornthwaite, Louise: Union Growth, Recruitment Strategy and Women Workers, 1994

Alexander, Jeffrey; Nuchols, Beverly; Bloom, Joan; Lee, Shoou-Yih D.: Organizational Demography and Turnover: An Examination of Multiform and Non-Linear Heterogeneity, 1993

Barth, Erling; Zweimuller, Josef: Bargaining Regimes and Wage Dispersion, 1993

Bloom, Joan R.; Alexander, Jeffrey A; Nuchols, Beverly A.: Staffing Patterns and Hospital Efficiency, 1993

Kieler, Bruce; Rundall, Thomas G.: A Minimalist Organization Functioning in a Turbulent Environment, 1993

Sehested, Karina: Organizational structural changes in Danish local Government, 1993

Zweimuller, Jopsef; Winter- Ebmer, Rudolf: Gender Wage Differentials in Private and Public Sector Jobs, 1993

Barth, Erling; Zweimuller, Josef: Labor Market Institutions and the Industry Wage Distribution: Evidence from Austria, Norway, and the U.S., 1992

Barth, Erling: Why Do Some Firms Pay More? An Empirical Investigation of Inter-Firm Wage Differentials, 1992

Borrel, Monique: The Impact of Labor Disputes on the Fabric of French Society From 1950 to the Mid-80's0, 1992

Bringedal, Berit: Distribution Principles in Health Care, 1992

Brown, Clair; Reich, Michael; Stern, David: Becoming a High-Performance Work Organization: The Role of Security, Employee Involvement, and Training, 1992

Karabel, Jerome: The Origins of Solidarity: Workers, Intellectuals, and the Making of an Oppositional Movement, 1992

McGuire, James W.: The Causes of Strikes in Argentina, 1984-1991, 1992

Miller, Paul; Mulvey, Charles: What Do Australian Unions Do?, 1992

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