Working Paper Series
The Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE) is an Organized Research Unit on the Berkeley Campus of the University of California. The Insitute was formerly known as the Institute of Industrial Relations, and changed its name in spring 2007. IRLE was created by an act of the California Legislature in 1945 to promote research, education, and community service relating to labor, industrial relations, and the workplace. IRLE supports the research activities of an interdisciplinary group of Berkeley faculty and students, and sponsors several faculty-led research centers and community outreach projects. Since its inception, IRLE has emphasized service to external constituencies, including policy makers, unions and their members, human resource managers, workforce populations such as women and immigrants, and community-based researchers throughout California.
Michael Reich, Director
University of California, Berkeley
Institute for
Research on Labor and Employment
2521 Channing Way, #5555
Berkeley, CA
There are 390 publications in this collection, published between 1987 and 2022. Showing 351 - 390.
Overbye, Einar: Public or Private Pensions? Pensions and Pension Politics in the Nordic Countries, 1992
Tennbakk, Berit: The Case of Cooperative Mixed Duopoly, 1992
Ulman, Lloyd: Why Should Human Resource Managers Pay High Wages?, 1992
Zweimuller, Josef; Barth, Erling: Bargaining Structure, Wage Determination, and Wage Dispersion in 6 OECD-Countries, 1992
Zweimuller, Josef; Winter- Ebmer, Rudolf: Manpower Training Programs and Employment Stability, 1992
Zweimuller, Josef: Partial Retirement and the Earnings Test, 1992
Alexander, Jeffrey A.; Bloom, Joan R.; Nuchols, Beverly A.: Nursing Turnover and Hospital Efficiency: An Organization Level Analysis, 1991
Barth, Erling: Disagreement Points in Wage Bargaining, 1991
Bloom, Joan R.; Alexander, Jeffrey A.; Nuchols, Beverly A.: The Effect of the Social Organization of Work on Voluntary Tunover of Hospital Nurses in the United States, 1991
Brown, Cheryl L.; Dote, Grace; Edmonds, Christopher M.; Perloff, Jeffrey M.; Rosenberg, Howard R.; Xiong, Nanyan: Agricultural Industrial Relations Bibliography, 1991
Gabbard, Susan M.; Mines, Richard; Perloff, Jeffrey M.: A Comparison of the CPS and NAWS Surveys of Agricultural Workers, 1991
Gallagher, Daniel G.; Strauss, George: Union Membership Attitudes and Participation, 1991
Levine, David I.: Public Policy Implications of Imperfections in the Market for Worker Participation, 1991
Levine, David I.: Worth Waiting For? Delayed Compensation, Training and Turnover in the United States and Japan, 1991
Levine, David I.: You Get What You Pay For: Tests of Efficency Wage Theories in the United States and Japan, 1991
Strauss, George: Creeping Toward a Field of Comparative Industrial Relations, 1991
Strauss, George: HRM in the USA, 1991
Strauss, George: Present at the Beginning: Some Personal Notes on OB's Early Days and Later, 1991
Strauss, George: Union Democracy, 1991
Wilensky, Harold L.: The Great American Job Creation Machine in Comparitive Perspective, 1991
Wilensky, Harold L.: The Nation-State, Social Policy, and Economic Performance, 1991
Karabel, Jerome: The Revolt of the Intellectuals: The Origins of the Prague Spring and the Politics of Reform Communism, 1990
Ulman, Lloyd: Worker Representation -- An Informal Overview, 1990
Wilensky, Harold L.: Active Labor-Market Policy: Its Content, Effectiveness, and Odd Relation to Evaluation Research, 1990
Eichengreen, Barry: Unemployment and Underemployment in Historical Perspective: Introduction, 1989
Levine, David: Cohesiveness, Productivity, and Wage Dispersion, 1989
Maddox, Steven; Eichengreen, Barry: The Impact of Unions in the 1890's: The Case of the New Hampshire Shoe Industry, 1989
Ulman, Lloyd: Labor Market Analysis and Concerted Behavior, 1989
Voss, Kim: Disposition is Not Action: the Rise and Demise of the Knights of Labor, 1989
Eichengreen, Barry; Hatton, Tim: Interwar Unemployment in International Perspective, 1988
Eichengreen, Barry: Unemployment in Interwar Britain, 1988
Carroll, Glenn R.; Mosakowski, Elaine M.: The Career Dynamics of Self-Employment, 1987
Eichengreen, Barry: Juvenile Unemployment in 20th Century Britain: The Emergence of a Problem, 1987
Leonard, Jonathan S.: Employment Variation and Wage Rigidity: A Comparison of Union and Non-Union Plants, 1987
Leonard, Jonathan S.: On the Size Distribution of Employment and Establishments, 1987
Leonard, Jonathan S.: Technological Change and the Extent of Frictional and Structural Unemployment, 1987
Strauss, George: The Future of Human Resources Management, 1987
Strauss, George; Hammer, Tove: Worker's Participation in the United States, 1987
Ulman, Lloyd: Who Wanted Collective Bargaining the First Place?, 1987
Zedeck, Sheldon: Work, Family, and Organizations: An Untapped Research Triangle, 1987