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There are 409 publications in this collection, published between 1997 and 2024. Showing 351 - 400.

Jacobs, Ken: Health Reform and Jobs, 2009

Jacobs, Ken; Hacker, Jacob: How to Structure a “Play-or-Pay” Requirement on Employers: Lessons from California for National Health Reform, 2009

Jacobs, Ken; Graham-Squire, Dave: No Recovery in Sight: Health Coverage for Working-Age Adults in the United States and California, 2009

Jaocbs, Ken: The High Cost of Furloughs, 2009

Logan, John: Tesco’s employment practices in the USA, 2009

MacGillvary, Jenifer; Firestein, Nesty: Family-Friendly Workplaces: Do Unions Make a Difference?, 2009

Zabin, Carol; Buffa, Andrea: Addressing the Employment Impacts of AB 32, California’s Global Warming Solutions Act, 2009

Zabin, Carol; Buffa, Andrea; Scholl, Lynn: The Impact of Climate Change Policies on Carbon-Intensive Manufacturing Industries in Oregon, 2009

Bhatia, Rajiv; Capozza, Korey: Health Impact Assessment of the California Healthy Families, Healthy Workplaces Act of 2008, 2008

Buffa, Andrea; Zabin, Carol; Brown, Cheryl; Graham-Squire, Dave: California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: A Background Paper for Labor Unions, 2008

Capozza, Korey: First Dollar Coverage for Chronic Disease Care: Can it Save Money and Improve Patient Outcomes?, 2008

Capozza, Korey: The Public Health Impacts of AB 2716, 2008

Jacobs, Ken; Graham-Squire, Dave: Secure and Affordable Health Care Act of 2008: Impact on Payroll Costs in California, 2008

Pitts, Steven C.; Springs, William: Beyond the Mountaintop: King’s Prescription for Poverty, 2008

Pitts, Steven C.: Job Quality and Black Workers: An Examination of the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York, 2008

Pulaski, Art; Jacobs, Ken: State's global warming solutions should produce good jobs, 2008

Dube, Arindrajit; Lester, T. William; Eidlin, Barry: A Downward Push: The Impact of Wal-Mart Stores on Retail Wages and Benefits, 2007

Dube, Arindrajit; Jacobs, Ken: Impact of Health Benefit Reductions in the Unionized Grocery Sector in California, 2007

Dube, Arindrajit; Jacobs, Ken; Graham-Squire, Dave; Luce, Stephanie: Living Wage Policies and Wal-Mart: How a Higher Wage Standard Would Impact Wal-Mart Workers and Shoppers, 2007

Graham-Squire, Dave; Jacobs, Ken; Dube, Arindrajit: California Healthcare: Firm Spending and Worker Coverage, 2007

Jacobs, Ken; Dube, Arindrajit; Su, Felix: Declining Health Coverage in the Southern California Grocery Industry, 2007

Jacobs, Ken; Capozza, Korey; Roby, Dylan H.; Kominski, Gerald F.; Brown, E. Richard: Health Coverage Expansion in California: What Can Consumers Afford to Spend?, 2007

Jacobs, Ken; Ronconi, Lucas; Graham-Squire, Dave: Health Coverage Proposals in California: Impact on Businesses, 2007

Jacobs, Ken; Ronconi, Lucas: Modeling Employer Participation in Adult Healthcare Coverage Expansion in San Mateo County, 2007

Dresser, Laura: When Work Doesn’t Pay: The Hidden Cost of Low-Wage Jobs in Wisconsin, 2006

Dube, Arindrajit; Jacobs, Ken; Muller, Sarah; Brownstein, Bob; Ellis-Lamkins, Phaedra: Declining Job-Based Health Coverage in the United States and California: A Crisis for Working Families, 2006

Dube, Arindrajit; Graham-Squire, Dave: Where Have All the Wages Gone? Jobs and Wages in 2006, 2006

Evans, Rhonda; Bensedrine, Jabril; Jacobs, Ken; Zabin, Carol: Establishing a San Francisco Taxi Driver Health Care Coverage Plan, 2006

Theodore, Nik; Doussard, Marc: The Hidden Public Cost of Low-Wage Work in Illinois, 2006

Zabin, Carol; Mayer, SaraT L.: Impacts of the Proposed Living Wage Ordinance for The City of Petaluma: City Employees, Contracts, Leases, Franchises, Agreements and Grants, 2006

Zabin, Carol: Quality Services and Quality Jobs for Supporting Californians with Developmental Disabilities, 2006

Dube, Arindrajit; Jacobs, Ken; Muller, Sarah; Brownstein, Bob; Ellis-Lamkins, Phaedra: Falling Apart: Declining Job-Based Health Coverage for Working Families in California and the United States, 2005

Dube, Arindrajit; Jacobs, Ken; Wertheim, Steve: Internal Wal-Mart Memo Validates Findings of UC Berkeley Study, 2005

Dube, Arindrajit: Jobs and Wages in California Over the 2000-2005 Period, 2005

Dube, Arindrajit; Jacobs, Ken; Muller, Sarah; Brownstein, Bob; Ellis-Lamkins, Phaedra: Kids at Risk: Declining Employer-Based Health Coverage in California and the United States, 2005

Dube, Arindrajit; Wertheim, Steve: Wal-Mart and Job Quality—What Do We Know, and Should We Care?, 2005

Boris, Eileen: Workforce Needs in California’s Homecare System, 2004

Dube, Arindrajit; Jacobs, Ken: Hidden Cost of Wal-Mart Jobs: Use of Safety Net Programs by Wal-Mart Workers in California, 2004

Dube, Arindrajit; Lantsberg, Alex: Wage and Health Benefit Restructuring in California’s Grocery Industry: Public Costs and Policy Implications, 2004

Peek, Casey; Blasi, Jeremy: Eyes on the Fries: Young Workers in the Service Economy, 2004

Pitts, Steven C.: Organize…to Improve the Quality of Jobs in the Black Community, 2004

Zabin, Carol; Dube, Arindrajit; Jacobs, Ken: The Hidden Public Costs of Low-Wage Jobs in California, 2004

Zabin, Carol: The Wages and Self-Sufficiency of Unionized Hotel Workers in San Francisco, 2004

Lantsberg, Alex: Assessing the Distribution of Wage Increases and Answering Public Questions Regarding a San Francisco Minimum Wage, 2003

Mar, Warren; Webber, Alison: Winning at Work: English for Workers’ Rights, 2003

Reich, Michael; Hall, Peter; Jacobs, Ken: Living Wages and Economic Performance: The San Francisco Airport Model, 2003

Rhee, Nari: Affordable Housing for Everyone: Solutions to Sonoma County, 2003

Tannock, Stuart; Flocks, Sara: “I Know What It’s Like to Struggle”: The Working Lives of Young Students in an Urban Community College, 2003

Blasi, Jeremy; Peek, Casey: Trade Secrets: The Hidden Costs of the FTAA, 2002

Howes, Candace: The Impact of a Large Wage Increase on the Workforce Stability of IHSS Home Care Workers in San Francisco County, 2002

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