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The Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI

There are 344 publications in this collection, published in 2009. Showing 301 - 344.

Talatam, Satyanarayana; talatam, satyanarayana; Parida, Binaya Kumar: Crop growth as influenced by Zinc and organic matter in Cadmium-rich polluted soils, 2009

Tang, Li; Lu, Guoli; Cu, Yiou; Zhang, Chaochun; Zhang, Fusuo; Zheng, Yi: Effect of N level on rice yield, nitrogen accumulation and rice blast occurrence under rice intercropping system, 2009

Tawaraya, Keitaro; Horie, Ryota; Shinano, Takuro; Wagatsuma, Tadao; Saito, Kazuki; Oikawa, Akira: Metabolite profiling of rice root exudate under phosphorus deficiency, 2009

Tesfamariam, Tsehaye; Bott, Sebastian; Roemheld, Volker; Neumann, Guenter: Fate of glyphosate stored in weed residues and the potential of phytotoxicity for following crops., 2009

Thorburn, Peter J; Webster, Tony J; Biggs, Jody S; Biggs, Ian M: Nitrogen fertiliser management of sugarcane crops for meeting global environmental challenges, 2009

Tian, Jiang; Liang, Cuiyue; Yan, Xiaolong; Liao, Hong: Genetic Improvement in Crop Phosphorus Efficiency: A Case Study on Purple Acid Phosphatases in Common Bean, 2009

Tiong, Jingwen; Genc, Yusuf; McDonald, Glenn K; Langridge, Peter; Huang, Chun Y Dr: Over-expressing a barley ZIP gene doubles grain zinc content in barley (Hordeum vulgare), 2009

Tokuhisa, Dai; Okazaki, Keiki; Shinano, Takuro; Watanabe, Toshihiro; Yokoi, Daisuke; Osaki, Mitsuru: Rice Root Growth with Increasing in Plant Hormone and Allantoin by Inosine in Nutrient Solution, 2009

Tomasi, Nicola; Monte, Rossella; Rizzardo, Cecilia; Venuti, Silvia; Zamboni, Anita; Cesco, Stefano et al.: Effects of water-extratable humic substances on molecular physiology of nitrate uptake in two maize inbred lines with different nitrogen use efficiency, 2009

Toselli, Moreno; Marcolini, Graziella; Sorrenti, Giovambattista; Baldi, Elena; Bravo, Katherine; Marangoni, Bruno et al.: EFFECT OF TIMING OF NITROGEN APPLICATION ON NITROGEN UPTAKE AND PARTITIONING IN POTTED WALNUT (JUGLANS REGIA L.) TREES, 2009

Ueno, Daisei; Kono, Izumi; Yokosho, Kengo; Ando, Tsuyu; Yano, Masahiro; Ma, Jian Feng: Identification of a novel QTL for shoot Cd accumulation in rice, 2009

Uraguchi, Shimpei; Hanaoka, Hideki; Aizawa, Kayoko; Kato, Yuichi; Nakagawa, Yuko; Fujiwara, Toru: Boron deficiency in rice and the potential of up-regulated rice boron transporter in improving boron deficient symptoms, 2009

Vanlauwe, Bernard: Integrated soil fertility management in Sub-Saharan Africa: principles and practice, 2009

Vano, Imre: Major Nitrogen Loss Pathways in Upland Blueberry Soils, 2009

Varughese, Kuruvilla Dr; Rani, B Dr; Abraham, Suja; John, Jacob Dr; M, Vijayan Dr: Organic farming practices for rice under diversified cropping systems in humid tropics., 2009

Vazquez, Saul; Pinto, Fernando; Abadia, Anunciacion; Abadia, Javier: Elemental microanalysis in leaf transversal sections of peach by SEM/EDXA: Influence of iron nutritional status, 2009

Vetterlein, Doris; Jahn, Reinhold; Mattusch, Jürgen: Comparison of corn and lupin in respect to As mobilisation, uptake and release in an arsenic contaminated floodplain soil., 2009

Wang, Xiaoli; Wang, Yuqian; Shan, Yuhua; Yan, Feng; Feng, Ke: Ammonium Effects on Nitrate Uptake by Roots of Upland and Paddy Rice Seedlings Related to Transmembrane Potential Differences, 2009

Wang, Yuying; Hu, Chunsheng Sr.; Zhu, Bo Sr.; Xiang, Hongyan: Carbon Sequestration and Gas Emissions in Paddy Field Ecosystem Affected by Nitrogen Application in Purplish Soil, Southwest China, 2009

Wang, Xiaoli; Wang, Yuqian; Shan, Yuhua; Feng, Ke; Wang, Xiaozi Dr: Effect of low pH on Uptake of Inorganic Nitrogen by Different Plant Seedlings, 2009

Wang, Bolun; Meng, Weiren; Wang, Huixin; Wang, Shu; Huang, Yuancai; Jia, Baoyan: Effect of N, P, K and Plant Density on Grain Yield of Rice Cultivars with Semi-erect Panicles, 2009

Watanabe, Toshihiro; Nakamura, Takashi; Murata, Yasutoshi; Sakai, Yuki; Osaki, Mitsuru: Decrease of Cadmium Accumulation in Crops by Zero-valent Iron, 2009

Watanabe, Toshihiro; Enomoto, Takumi; Okamoto, Miwa; Sakurai, Michihiko; Shinano, Takuro; Osaki, Mitsuru: Difference in Acquisition of Soil Organic Nitrogen between Pak-Choi and Tomato, 2009

Watanabe, Toshihiro; Osaki, Mitsuru: Possible Reasons Why Aluminum is a Beneficial Element for Melastoma malabathricum, an Aluminum Accumulator, 2009

Watanabe, Toshihiro; Sakai, Yuki; Senoura, Takeshi; Hiradate, Syuntaro; Wasaki, Jun; Osaki, Mitsuru: Role of Thiol Compounds in Arsenic Tolerance in Pteris vittata, 2009

Waters, Brian M.; Wang, Dong; Grusak, Michael: Defining the NAM regulon for gene targets to biofortify crop iron, zinc, and protein concentrations, 2009

Waters, Brian M.; Pedersen, Jeffrey F.: Sorghum germplasm profiling to assist breeding and gene identification for biofortification of grain mineral and protein concentrations, 2009

Weishaar, Claudia: Influence of associative bacteria on root morphology of Arabidopsis plants in dependence on the supplied nitrogen form, 2009

Welch, Ross M: A Systems Approach to Optimizing Plant Nutrition for Human Health, 2009

Wimmer, Monika A; Lochnit, Guenter; Bassil, Elias; Muehling, Karl H.; Brown, Patrick H.; Goldbach, Heiner E.: Identification of boron-binding proteins supports a function of boron at the cell membrane, 2009

Wu, Huilan; Du, Juan; Kong, Danyu; Ling, Hong-Qing: ClpC, A ATP-Dependent Chloroplast Protease (Clp), Is Involved In Iron Metabolism in Arabidopsis, 2009

Xu, MM; Yu, M; Wang, CQ; Zhang, YH; Wang, HZ; Xiao, HD: The binding of Al in different polysaccharides alleviates Al toxicity to root apices, 2009

Xu, Fangsen; Yang, Mei; Ding, Guangda; Shi, Lei: Quantitative trait loci for seed mineral concentrations and root morphology responding to low phosphorus stress in Brassica napus, 2009

Xue, Jianming; Clinton, Peter; Davis, Murray; Beets, Peter; Leckie, Alan: Genotypic variation in foliar nutrient concentrations, carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions in relation to tree growth of Pinus radiata, 2009

Xuecheng, Sun; Hu, Chengxiao; Tan, Qilin; Liu, Hongen; Liu, Jinshan: Effects of molybdenum on Endogenous Hormone Contents in winter wheat under low temperature stress, 2009

Yamaguchi, Noriko; Mori, Shinsuke; Yada, Saeko; Baba, Koji; Hokura, Akiko; Terada, Yasuko: Comparison of cadmium distribution in the root tissues of Solanum melongena and Solonum torvum, which have different abilities for cadmium transport from the root to shoot, 2009

Yamasaki, Hiroaki; Shikanai, Toshiharu: Arabidopsis Adapts to Copper Deficient Conditions via SPL7, a Master Regulator for Copper Homeostasis, 2009

Yang, Xiaoe Dr.; Wu, Chunyong; Feng, Ying; Wei, Yanyan; Hao, Hulin; He, Zhenli et al.: Characteristics of translocation and remobilization of zinc absorbed from different stages into grain in dense rice genotype using a stable isotope tracing technique, 2009

Yermiyahu, Uri; Erel, Ran; Ben-Gal, Alon; Schwartz, Amnon; Dag, Arnon: The role of macro-nutrients in olive tree flowering and fruit set, 2009

Yusran, Yusran; Roemheld, Volker; Mueller, Torsten: Effects of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria and Rhizobium on Mycorrhizal Development and Growth of Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen Seedlings in Two Types of Soils with Contrasting levels of pH, 2009

Yusran, Yusran; Roemheld, Volker; Mueller, Torsten: Effects of Pseudomonas sp. ”Proradix” and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 on the Establishment of AMF Infection, Nutrient Acquisition and Growth of Tomato Affected by Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht f.sp. radicis-lycopersici Jarvis and Shoemaker, 2009


Zharare, Godfrey Elijah; Asher, Colin J; Blamey, Pax F. C.: Some observations on reproductive growth of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in simplified nutrient solutions, 2009

Zörb, Christian; Schmitt, Sigrid; Mühling, Karl H.: Phospho-Proteomics of Maize under Saline Growth Conditions, 2009

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The Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI
Department of Plant Sciences
University of California, Davis

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