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The Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI is an on-line professional journal dedicated to publishing the papers submitted for presentation at the International Plant Nutrition Colloquiums, held every four years. The publications held in this journal are intended to be provided unrestricted to all Internet users and cover a broad range of topics from the fields of plant nutrition, plant biology, agronomy, horticulture, ecology, environmental science and related disciplines. These publications are submitted by top academics and researchers from both the public and private sphere, crossing fields and countries.

The main goal of the Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium is to assist in international scholarly communication about current issues in plant nutrition. Allowing free, unrestricted access to quality information on the topic of plant nutrition lets the topics being discussed at the International Plant Nutrition Colloquiums become easily available to all academics, consultants, agronomists, publishers, researchers, students and Internet users around the world. The Proceedings are academically sponsored by the Department of Plant Nutrition at the University of California, Davis and will begin publication with the 16th annual International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, held in Sacramento, California in 2009.

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The Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI
Department of Plant Sciences
University of California, Davis

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