Recent Work
The Transportation Sustainability Research Center fosters research, education, and outreach so that transportation can serve to improve economic growth, environmental quality and equity. Co-Directors are Dan Kammen, the Class of 1935 Distinguished Professor of Energy at UC Berkeley, Tim Lipman, PhD, and Susan Shaheen, PhD. The groups participating in this effort are the:
University of California Transportation Center
University of California Energy
Institute of Transportation Studies
Energy and Resources Group
Center for Global Metropolitan Studies
Berkeley Institute of the Environment
There are 207 publications in this collection, published between 1995 and 2024. Showing 151 - 200.
Shaheen, Susan A PhD; Cohen, Adam P: Carsharing and Personal Vehicle Services: Worldwide Market Developments and Emerging Trends, 2012
Shaheen, Susan A: Innovative Mobility Services & Technologies:A Pathway Towards Transit Flexibility, Convenience, and Choice, 2012
Abstract: The number of senior citizens is expected to double by the year 2020, representing 18% of the nation’s population. After age 75, driving performance begins to decline due to changes in health and medication effects....
Shaheen, Susan A; Mallery, Mark A; Kingsley, Karla J: Personal vehicle sharing services in North America, 2012
Shaheen, Susan A: Shared-Use Vehicle Services for Sustainable Transportation: Carsharing, Bikesharing, and Personal Vehicle Sharing across the Globe, 2012
Wang, Mingquan; Martin, Elliot W; Shaheen, Susan A: Carsharing in Shanghai, China: Analysis of Behavioural Response to Local Survey and Potential Competition, 2012
Chan, Nelson D; Shaheen, Susan A: Ridesharing in North America: Past, Present, and Future, 2011
Martin, Elliot W; Shaheen, Susan A: Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts of Carsharing in North America, 2011
Martin, Elliot; Shaheen, Susan: The Impact of Carsharing on Public Transit and Non-Motorized Travel: An Exploration of North American Carsharing Survey Data, 2011
Shaheen, Susan A; Zhang, Hua; Martin, Elliot; Guzman, Stacey: China's Hangzhou Public Bicycle, 2011
Lidicker, Jeffrey R; Lipman, Timothy E; Shaheen, Susan A: Economic Assessment of Electric-Drive Vehicle Operation in California and Other U.S. Regions, 2010
Martin, Elliot; Shaheen, Susan A; Lidicker, Jeffrey: Carsharing's Impact on Household Vehicle Holdings: Resultsvfrom a North American Shared-Use Vehicle Survey, 2010
Rodier, Caroline J; Shaheen, Susan A: Transit-based smart parking: An evaluation of the San Francisco Bay area field test, 2010
Shaheen, Susan A; Guzman, Stacey; Zhang, Hua: Bikesharing in Europe, the Americas, and Asia: Past, Present and Future, 2010
Shaheen, Susan A; Cohen, Adam P; Martin, Elliot: Carsharing Parking Policy: Review of North American Practices and San Francisco, California, Bay Area Case Study, 2010
Shaheen, Susan A; Martin, Elliot: Demand for Carsharing Systems in Beijing, China: An Exploratory Study, 2010
Shaheen, Susan A; Allen, Denise; Liu, Judy: Public Transit Training: A Mechanism to Increase Ridership among Older Adults, 2010
Martin, Elliot; Shaheen, Susan A; Lipman, Timothy E; Lidicker, Jeffrey R: Behavioral response to hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and refueling: Results of California drive clinics, 2009
Shaheen, Susan A; Cohen, Adam P; Chung, Melissa S: North American Carsharing: A Ten Year Retrospective, 2009
Stillwater, Tai; Mokhtarian, Patricia L; Shaheen, Susan A: Carsharing and the Built Environment: Geographic- Information System-Based Study of One U.S Operator, 2009
Handy, Susan; Blumenberg, Evelyn; Donahue, Moria; Lovejoy, Kristin; Rodier, Caroline; Shaheen, Susan et al.: Travel Behavior of Mexican and Other Immigrant Groups in California, 2008
Kammen, Daniel M.; Farrell, Alexander E.; Plevin, Richard J.; Jones, Andrew D.; Nemet, Gregory F.; Delucchi, Mark A.: Energy and Greenhouse Impacts of Biofuels: A Framework for Analysis, 2008
Shaheen, Susan A; Martin, Elliot; Lipman, Timothy E: Dynamics in Behavioral Response to Fuel-Cell Vehicle Fleet and Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure, 2008
Shaheen, Susan A; Kemmerer, Charlene: Smart Parking Linked to Transit: Lessons Learned from Field Test in San Francisco Bay Area of California, 2008
Farrell, Alexander E.; Sperling, Daniel; Arons, S.M.; Brandt, A.R.; Delucchi, M.A.; Eggert, A. et al.: A Low-Carbon Fuel Standard for California Part 1: Technical Analysis, 2007
Farrell, Alexander E.; Sperling, Daniel; Brandt, A.R.; Eggert, A.; Farrell, A.E.; Haya, B.K. et al.: A Low-Carbon Fuel Standard for California Part 2: Policy Analysis, 2007
Jones, Andrew; O'Hare, Michael; Farrell, Alexander: Biofuel Boundaries: Estimating the Medium-Term Supply Potential of Domestic Biofuels, 2007
Lipman, Tim; Shah, Nihar: Ammonia as an Alternative Energy Storage Medium for Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Scientific and Technical Review for Near-Term Stationary Power Demonstration Projects, Final Report, 2007
Shaheen, Susan A; Cohen, Adam P: Growth in Worldwide Carsharing: An International Comparison, 2007
Shaheen, Susan A; Lipman, Timothy E: Reducing Greenhouse Emissions and Fuel Consumption: Sustainable Approaches for Surface Transportation, 2007
Shaheen, Susan A; Rodier, Caroline J: Video Transit Training for Older Travelers: Case Study of the Rossmoor Senior Adult Community, Walnut Creek, California, 2007
Turner, Brian T.; Plevin, Richard J.; O'Hare, Michael; Farrell, Alexander E.: Creating Markets for Green Biofuels: Measuring and improving environmental performance, 2007
Barth, Matthew; Shaheen, Susan A; Fukuda, Tuenjai; Fukuda, Atsushi: Carsharing and Station Cars in Asia: Overview of Japan and Singapore, 2006
Rodier, Caroline J; Shaheen, Susan A; Cavanagh, Ellen: Virtual Commercial Vehicle Compliance Stations: A Review of Legal and Institutional Issues , 2006
Shaheen, Susan A.: Carsharing Continues to Gain Momentum, 2006
Shaheen, Susan A; Cohen, Adam P; Roberts, J. Darius: Carsharing in North America: Market Growth, Current Developments, and Future Potential , 2006
Rodier, Caroline J; Shaheen, Susan A; Eaken, Amanda M: Transit-Based Smart Parking in the San Francisco Bay Area, California: Assessment of User Demand and Behavioral Effects, 2005
Shaheen, Susan A; Novick, Linda: Framework for Testing Innovative Transportation Solutions: Case Study of Carlink, a Commuter Carsharing Program , 2005
Shaheen, Susan; Rodier, Caroline; Eaken, Amanda: Improving California’s Bay Area Rapid Transit District Connectivity and Access with Segway Human Transporter and Other Low-Speed Mobility Devices, 2005
Shaheen, Susan A; Rodier, Caroline J: Travel Effects of a Suburban Commuter Carsharing Service: CarLink Case Study, 2005
Shaheen, Susan; Sperling, Dan; Wagner, Conrad: Carsharing and Partnership Management: An International Perspective, 2004
Shaheen, Susan A; Schwartz, Andrew; Wipyewski, Kamill: Policy Considerations for Carsharing and Station Cars: Monitoring Growth, Trends, and Overall Impacts, 2004
Barth, Matthew; Todd, Michael; Shaheen, Susan: Examining Intelligent Transportation Technology Elements and Operational Methodologies for Shared-Use Vehicle Systems, 2003
Barth, Matthew; Todd, Michael; Shaheen, Susan: Intelligent Transportation Technology Elements and Operational Methodologies for Shared-Use Vehicle Systems, 2003
Shaheen, Susan A; Meyn, Mollyanne; Wipyewski, Kamill: U.S. Shared-Use Vehicle Survey Findings: Opportunities and Obstacles for Carsharing and Station Car Growth, 2003
Shaheen, Susan A; Wright, John; Sperling, Daniel: California's Zero-Emission Vehicle Mandate: Linking Clean-Fuel Cars, Carsharing, and Station Car Strategies, 2002
Shaheen, Susan A; Wright, John; Sperling, Daniel: California's Zero-Emission Vehicle Mandate: Linking Clean-Fuel Cars, Carsharing, and Station Car Strategies, 2002
Shaheen, Susan: Commuter-Based Carsharing, 2002
Shaheen, Susan: Shared-Use Vehicle Systems, 2002
Shaheen, Susan; Wright, John; Sperling, Daniel: California's Zero Emission Vehicle Mandate - Linking Clean Fuel Cars, Carsharing, and Station Car Strategies, 2001