Research Reports
There are 506 publications in this collection, published between 1994 and 2024. Showing 151 - 200.
Fitch, Dillon PhD; Mohiuddin, Hossain; Handy, Susan PhD: Investigating the Influence of Dockless Electric Bike-share on Travel Behavior, Attitudes, Health, and Equity, 2020
Fitch, Dillon; Carlen, Jane; Handy, Susan: Making Bicycling Comfortable: Identifying Minimum Infrastructure Needs by Population Segments Using a Video Survey, 2020
Fulton, Lewis; Compostella, Junia; Kothawala, Alimurtaza: Estimating the Costs of New Mobility Travel Options: Monetary and Non-Monetary Factors, 2020
Fulton, Lew PhD; Brown, Austin PhD; Compostella, Junia: Generalized Costs of Travel by Solo and Pooled Ridesourcing vs. Privately Owned Vehicles, and Policy Implications, 2020
Gao, Hang; Chen, Shenyang; Zhang, Michael: Get More Out of Variable Speed Limit (VSL) Control: An Integrated Approach to Manage Traffic Corridors with Multiple Bottlenecks, 2020
Giuliano, Genevieve; Dessouky, Maged; Dexter, Sue; Fang, Jiawen; Hu, Shichun; Steimetz, Seiji et al.: Developing Markets for Zero Emission Vehicles in Short Haul Goods Movement, 2020
Grembek, Offer PhD; Chen, Katherine; Taylor, Brian D. PhD; Hwang, Yu Hong; Fitch, Dillon PhD; Anthoine, Sonia et al.: Research Synthesis for the California Zero Traffic Fatalities Task Force, 2020
Hardman, Scott PhD: Travel Behavior Changes Among Users of Partially Automated Vehicles, 2020
Harvey, John PhD; Saboori, Arash; Miller, Marshall PhD; Kim, Changmo PhD; Jaller, Miguel PhD; Lea, Jon et al.: Effects of Increased Weights of Alternative Fuel Trucks on Pavement and Bridges, 2020
Jaller, Miguel; Pahwa, Anmol: Analytical Modeling Framework to Assess the Economic and Environmental Impacts of Residential Deliveries, and Evaluate Sustainable Last-Mile Strategies, 2020
Jaller, Miguel; Otero, Carlos; Pourrahmani, Elham; Fulton, Lewis: Automation, Electrification, and Shared Mobility in Freight, 2020
Jaller, Miguell PhD; Qian, Xiaodong PhD; Zhang, Xiuli: E-commerce, Warehousing and Distribution Facilities in California: A Dynamic Landscape and the Impacts on Disadvantaged Communities, 2020
Jaller, Miguel; Pineda, Leticia; Gueldas, Yasar; Alemi, Farzad; Otay, Irem: Fostering the Use of Zero and Near Zero Emission Vehicles in Freight Operations, 2020
Jaller, Miguel; Rivera, Daniel; Harvey, John; Kim, Changmo; Lea, Jeremy: Spatio‐Temporal Analysis of Freight Patterns in Southern California, 2020
Jenn, Alan; Fleming, Kelly: Federal Road Charge Tax Administration Process, 2020
Kayhanian, Masoud; Harvey, John T.: Optimizing Rubberized Open-graded Friction Course (RHMA-O) Mix Designs for Water Quality Benefits: Phase I: Literature Review, 2020
Kendall, Alissa; Harvey, John; Butt, Ali A.; Lozano, Mark T.; Saboori, Arash; Kim, Changmo: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Opportunities for Local Governments: A Quantification and Prioritization Framework, 2020
Kiani, Behdad; Ogden, Joan; Sheldon, F. Alex; Cordano, Lauren: Utilizing Highway Rest Areas for Electric Vehicle Charging: Economics and Impacts on Renewable Energy Penetration in California, 2020
Lee, Amy: Results of the 2019-20 Campus Travel Survey, 2020
Mateos, Angel; Harvey, John; Wu, Rongzong; Paniagua, Fabian; Paniagua, Julio Cesar: Development of Improved Guidelines and Designs for Thin Whitetopping: Environmental Response of Full-Scale BCOA Sections, 2020
Mateos, Angel; Harvey, John: Development of Thin Bonded Concrete Overlay of Asphalt Design Method: Evaluation of Existing Mechanistic-Empirical Design Methods, 2020
Muehlegger, Erich J. PhD; Rapson, David S. PhD: Estimating the Pollution Abatement Potential of Electric Vehicle Subsidies, 2020
Musabbir, Sarder Rafee; Zhang, Michael PhD: Assessing the Safety Implication of Alternative Speed Limits in California, 2020
Pike, Susan: Davis Amtrak Station Pilot Project Evaluation: Informing Long Term Solutions to the Davis Amtrak Station Access Barriers, 2020
Pike, Susan PhD; Kazemian, Sara: Influential Factors in the Formation of Partnerships Between Ridehail Companies and Public Transportation, 2020
Pike, Susan; Pilatwosky Gruner, Raiza: Ridehailing, Uncertainty, and Sustainable Transportation: How Transportation Stakeholders are Responding to the Unknowns Surrounding Ridehailing, 2020
Pistochini, Theresa; Mande, Caton; Modera, Mark; Outcault, Sarah; Sanguinetti, Angela; Chan, Wanyu Rengie et al.: Improving Ventilation and Indoor Environmental Quality in California K-12 Schools, 2020
Sanguinetti, Angela; Alston-Stepnitz, Eli; Cimene, Angelika: Facilitating Electric Vehicle Adoption with Vehicle Cost Calculators, 2020
Shilling, Fraser M.; Collins, Amy; Longcore, Travis; Vickers, Winston: Understanding Behavioral Responses of Wildlife to Traffic to Improve Mitigation Planning, 2020
Tal, Gil PhD; Chakraborty, Debapriya PhD; Jenn, Alan PhD; Lee, Jae Hyun PhD; Bunch, David PhD: Factors Affecting Demand for Plug-in Charging Infrastructure: An Analysis of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Commuters, 2020
Vantaggiato, Francesca PhD; Lubell, Mark PhD: Learning to Collaborate: Lessons Learned from Governance Processes Addressing the Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Transportation Corridors Across California, 2020
Waetjen, David PhD; Shilling, Fraser PhD: Leveraging the California Highway Incident Processing System for Policy and Research, 2020
Xing, Yan; Handy, Susan; Circella, Giovanni; Wang, Yunshi; Alemi, Farzad: Exploring the Role of Attitude in the Acceptance of Self-driving Shuttles, 2020
Ambrose, Hanjiro; Kendall, Alissa: Life Cycle Modeling of Technologies and Strategies for a Sustainable Freight System in California, 2019
Circella, Giovanni; Lee, Yongsung; Alemi, Farzad: Exploring the Relationships Among Travel Multimodality, Driving Behavior, Use of Ridehailing and Energy Consumption, 2019
Circella, Giovanni; Matson, Grant; Alemi, Farzad; Handy, Susan: Panel Study of Emerging Transportation Technologies and Trends in California: Phase 2 Data Collection, 2019
Fan, Yueyue; Zhang, Yunteng: Next-Generation Transit System Design During a Revolution of Shared Mobility, 2019
Fulton, Lew PhD; Kiani, Behdad PhD; Dominguez-Faus, Rosa PhD: Analysis and Projections of BEVs, Renewable Electricity, and GHG Reductions through 2050, 2019
Fulton, Lewis M; Jaffe, Amy; McDonald, Zane: Internal Combustion Engine Bans and Global Oil Use, 2019
Fulton, Lewis; Miller, Marshall; Burke, Andrew; Wang, Qian; Yang, Chris: Technology and Fuel Transition Scenarios to Low Greenhouse Gas Futures for Cars and Trucks in California, 2019
Han, Xiao PhD; Ma, Rui PhD; Zhang, H. Michael PhD: Energy-aware Trajectory Optimization of Connected and Automated Vehicle Platoons through a Signalized Intersection, 2019
Hardman, Scott PhD; Jang, Nora; Garas, Dahlia: Understanding the Impact of Local Policies and Initiatives on Plug-In Electric Vehicle Adoption - An In-Depth Study of the Sacramento Region, 2019
Jenn, Alan; Lee, Jae Hyun; Hardman, Scott; Tal, Gil: An Examination of the Impact That Electric Vehicle Incentives Have on Consumer Purchase Decisions Over Time, 2019
Lee, Amy: Results of the 2018-19 Campus Travel Survey, 2019
Ma, Rui; Zhang, Michael; Kleeman, Michael: A Study of the Integrated Parking and Ridesharing Pricing/Incentives and their Social and Environmental Impacts in Metropolitan Areas, 2019
Mateos, Angel; Harvey, John; Paniagua, Fabian; Paniagua, Julio Cesar; Wu, Rongzong: Development of Improved Guidelines and Designs for Thin BCOA: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations, 2019
Mateos, Angel; Harvey, John: Laboratory Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Asphalt Concrete Reinforced with Aramid Synthetic Fibers, 2019
Moezzi, Mithra; Ingle, Aaron; Outcault, Sarah; Sanguinetti, Angela; Lutzenhiser, Loren; Wilhite, Hal et al.: Solar Water Heating Assessment Project: Understanding and Improving Effectiveness for California Households, 2019
Park, Jae Wan; Rahman, Masoud; Lacap, Joseph; Wikler, Katie; Outcault, Sarah; Sanguinetti, Angela et al.: Electrical Energy Storage and Energy Management System for the Sustainable City in Dubai, 2019
Pike, Susan; Kothawala, Alimurtaza: Informing a Pilot: Preparing the Pre-launch Survey for the Davis Amtrak Station Access Program, 2019