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Research Reports

There are 508 publications in this collection, published between 1994 and 2024. Showing 401 - 450.

Collantes, Gustavo O: Stakeholders' Perspectives on Hydrogen Policy: A Factor Analysis, 2005

Delucchi, Mark: AVCEM: Advanced Vehicle Cost and Energy Use Model. Overview of AVCEM, 2005

Delucchi, Mark: Incorporating the Effect of Price Changes on CO2-Equivalent Emissions From Alternative-Fuel Lifecycles: Scoping the Issues, 2005

Delucchi, Mark; Murphy, James: Motor-Vehicle Infrastructure and Services Provided by the Public Sector: Report #7 in the series: The Annualized Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use in the United States, based on 1990-1991 Data, 2005

Delucchi, Mark: A Multi-Country Analysis of Lifecycle Emissions From Transportation Fuels and Motor Vehicles, 2005

Delucchi, Mark: The Social-Cost Calculator (SCC): Documentation of Methods and Data, and Case Study of Sacramento, 2005

Delucchi, Mark: Tax and Fee Payments by Motor-Vehicle Users for the Use of Highways, Fuels, and Vehicles: Report #17 in the series: The Annualized Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use in the United States, based on 1990-1991 Data, 2005

Fermo, Mary G; Santero, Nicholas J; Nokes, William; Harvey, John T: Evaluation of I-15 Devore (08-0A4224) Long-Life Pavement Rehabilitation Costs, 2005

Frick, Karl: Evaluation of New Patching Material for Open-Graded Asphalt Concrete (OGAC) Wearing Courses, 2005

Harvey, John T; Santero, Nicholas J; G, Mary Fermo: Evaluation of I-10 Pomona (07-181304) Long-Life Pavement Rehabilitation Costs, 2005

Harvey, John T; Santero, Nicholas J; Lee, Hojung; du Toit, Williem; Fermo, Mary G: Evaluation of I-710 Long Beach (07-1384U4) Long-Life Pavement Rehabilitation Costs, 2005

Harvey, John T; Fu, Pengcheng; Coetzee, Nicholas; Ullidtz, Per: Full-Depth Pavement Reclamation with Foamed Asphalt: FWD Backcalculation on Interstate Highway 80 Rehabilitation Sections, 2005

Harvey, John T; Lu, Qing: Investigation of Conditions for Moisture Damage in Asphalt Concrete and Appropriate Laboratory Test Methods, 2005

Heffner, Reid R.; Kurani, Kenneth S; Turrentine, Tom: Effects of Vehicle Image in Gasoline-Hybrid Electric Vehicles, 2005

Johnson, Nils; Yang, Christopher; Ni, Jason; Johnson, Joshua; Lin, Zhenhong; Ogden, Joan M: Optimal Design of a Fossil Fuel-Based Hydrogen Infrastructure with Carbon Capture and Sequestration: Case Study in Ohio, 2005

Kohler, Erwin R.; Santero, Nicholas J.; Harvey, John T: Pilot Project for Fixed Segmentation of the Pavement Network, 2005

Lee, E. B.; Choi, K.; Harvey, John T: Pre- and Postconstruction Analysis of the Interstate 15 (Devore) Concrete Pavement Reconstruction Project, 2005

Lee, Charles: Report of Trip to SR-86, District 11, Near Brawley, California: Work Conducted under Strategic Plan Task 4.14, 2005

Lipman, Timothy: Hydrogen Highways, 2005

Lipman, Timothy; Shaheen, Susan: Integrated Hydrogen and Intelligent Transportation Systems Evaluation for the California Department of Transportation, 2005

Madanat, S M; Nakat, Ziad El; Sathaye, Nakul: Development of Empirical-Mechanistic Pavement Performance Models using Data from the Washington State PMS Database, 2005

McCarthy, Ryan; Ogden, Joan M: Assessing Reliability in Transportation Energy Supply Pathways: A Hydrogen Case Study, 2005

Mokhtarian, Patricia L; Ory, David T: Don't Work, Work at Home, or Commute? Discrete Choice Models of the Decision for San Francisco Bay Area Residents, 2005

Mokhtarian, Patricia L; Tolentino, Joan S.: Integrated Graduate Education & Research Traineeships (IGERT): Transportation Technology & Policy Executive Summary, 2005

Mokhtarian, Patricia L; Tolentino, Joan S.: Integrated Graduate Education & Research Traineeships (IGERT): Transportation Technology & Policy Final Grant Report, 2005

Ogden, Joan M; Yang, Christopher: Implementing a Hydrogen Energy Infrastructure: Storage Options and System Design, 2005

Ogden, Joan M; Yang, Christopher; Johnson, Nils; Ni, Jason; Lin, Zhenhong: Technical and Economic Assessment of Transition Strategies Toward Widespread Use of Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier, 2005

Ogden, Joan M: The Transition to Hydrogen, 2005

Ongel, Aybike; Santero, Nicholas J; Harvey, John T: Report of Field Site Visit District 3, Sacramento Interstate 5, PM 17.2-17.9 RAC-O Overlay, 2005

Ory, David T; Mokhtarian, Patricia L: An Empirical Analysis of Causality in the Relationship Between Telecommuting and Residential and Job Relocation, 2005

Ory, David T; Mokhtarian, Patricia L: The Impact of Telecommuting on Commute Time, Distance, and Speed of State of California Workers, 2005

Rodier, Caroline J.; Shaheen, Susan: Transit-Based Smart Parking: Early Field Test Results, 2005

Rodier, Caroline J.: Verifying the Accuracy of Land Use Models Used in Transportation and Air Quality: A Case Study in the Sacramento, California Region, 2005

Rodier, Caroline J.; Shaheen, Susan; Cavanagh, Ellen: Virtual Commercial Vehicle Compliance Stations: A Review of Legal and Institutional Issues, 2005

Rodier, Caroline J.; Shaheen, Susan; Cavanagh, Ellen: Virtual Commercial Vehicle Control Stations for California: A Review of Legal and Institutional Issues, 2005

Santero, Nicholas J; Nokes, William; Harvey, John T: Evaluation of I-80 Long-Life Corridor Costs, 2005

Santero, Nicholas J; Nokes, William; Harvey, John T: Virtual Weigh Stations: The Business Case, 2005

Shaheen, Susan; Cohen, Adam P.; Roberts, J. Darius: Carsharing in North America: Market Growth, Current Developments, and Future Potential, 2005

Shaheen, Susan; Cohen, Adam P.; Roberts, J. Darius: Carsharing in North America: Market Growth, Current Developments, and Future Potential, 2005

Shaheen, Susan; Rodier, Caroline J.; Seelig, Joshua: EasyConnect II: Integrating Transportation, Information, and Energy Technologies at Transit Oriented Developments, 2005

Shaheen, Susan; Rodier, Caroline J.; Seelig, Joshua: EasyConnect II: Integrating Transportation, Information, and Energy Technologies at Transit Oriented Developments, 2005

Shaheen, Susan: Smart Parking Management Field Test: A Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District Parking Demonstration, 2005

Shaheen, Susan; Rodier, Caroline J.; Eaken, Amanda M.: Smart Parking Management Pilot Project: A Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District Parking Demonstration, 2005

Tal, Gil; Handy, Susan L: The Travel Behavior of Immigrants and Race/Ethnicity Groups: An Analysis of the 2001 National Household Transportation Survey, 2005

Ullidtz, Per; Harvey, John; Tsai, Bor-Wen; Monismith, Carl: Calibration of Incremental-Recursive Flexible Damage Models in CalME Using HVS Experiments, 2005

Ullidtz, Per; Harvey, John T; Tsai, Bor-Wen; Monismith, Carl L.: Calibration of Incremental-Recursive Flexible Damage Models in CalME Using HVS Experiments, 2005

Weinert, Jonathan X.: A Near-Term Economic Analysis of Hydrogen Fueling Stations, 2005

Abeles, Ethan C.: Analysis of Light-Duty Vehicle Price Trends in the U.S.: How Vehicle Prices Changed Relative to Consumers, Compliance Costs and a Baseline Measure for 1975 - 2001, 2004

Burke, Andy; Abeles, Ethan: Feasible Café Standard Increases Using Emerging Diesel and Hybrid-Electric Technologies for Light-Duty Vehicles in the United States, 2004

Burke, Andy; Abeles, Ethan C.: Feasible CAFE Standard Increases Using Emerging Diesel and Hybrid-Electric Technologies for Light-Duty Vehicles in the United States, 2004

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