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Research Reports

There are 508 publications in this collection, published between 1994 and 2024. Showing 451 - 500.

Chen, Belinda; Sperling, Dan: Analysis of Auto Industry and Consumer Response to Regulations and Technological Change, and Customization of Consumer Response Models in Support of AB 1493 Rulemaking: Case Study of Light-Duty Diesel Vehicles in Europe, 2004

Delucchi, Mark: Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Lifecycle Analyses of Transportation Fuels, 2004

Delucchi, Mark A.: Some Conceptual and Methodological Issues in the Analysis of the Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use: Report #2 in the Series: The Annualized Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use in the United States, based on 1990-1991 Data, 2004

Delucchi, Mark A.: Some Conceptual and Methodological Issues in the Analysis of the Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use. Report #2 in the series: The Annualized Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use in the United States, based on 1990-1991 Data, 2004

Delucchi, Mark A.: Summary of the Nonmonetary Exernalities of Motor-Vehicle Use: Report #9 in the series: The Annualized Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use in the United States, Based on 1990-1991 Data, 2004

Eggert, Anthony: Hearing on the Use of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology in the National Park Service, 2004

Grupp, David J; Forrest, Matthew E.; Mader, Pippin G.; Brodrick, Christie-Joy; Miller, Marshall; Dwyer, Harry A.: Design Considerations for a PEM Fuel Cell Powered Truck APU, 2004

Johnston, Robert A.; Clay, Michael J.: A Graduate Course Comparing the Major Types of Urban Models, 2004

Kurani, Kenneth S; Turrentine, Tom: Automobile Buyer Decisions about Fuel Economy and Fuel Efficiency, 2004

Lipman, Timothy E.: What Will Power the Hydrogen Economy? Present and Future Sources of Hydrogen Energy, 2004

Mokhtarian, Patricia L; Salomon, Ilan; Choo, Sangho: Data and Measurement Issues in Transportation, With Telecommuting as a Case Study, 2004

Ogden, Joan M: Hydrogen Delivery Model for H2A Analysis: A Spreadsheet Model for Hydrogen Delivery Scenarios, 2004

Ogden, Joan: Hydrogen Delivery Model for H2A Analysis: A Spreadsheet Model For Hydrogen Delivery Scenarios, 2004

Parker, Nathan: Using Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Costs to Estimate Hydrogen Pipeline Costs, 2004

Rodier, Caroline J.; Shaheen, Susan; Novick, Linda: Improving Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) district Connectivity and Access with the Segway Human Transporter and other Low Speed Mobility Devices, 2004

Shaheen, Susan; Rodier, Caroline J.; Eaken, Amanda M.: Applying Integrated ITS Technologies to Parking Management Systems: A Transit-Based Case Study in the San Francisco Bay Area, 2004

Shaheen, Susan; Wipyewski, Kamill; Rodier, Caroline J.; Novick, Linda; Meyn, Molly A; Wright, John: Carlink II: A Commuter Carsharing Pilot Program Final Report, 2004

Sperling, Dan; Bunch, David S.; Burke, Andy; Abeles, Ethan C.; Chen, Belinda; Kurani, Kenneth S et al.: Analysis of Auto Industry and Consumer Response to Regulations and Technological Change, and Customization of Consumer Response Models in Support of AB 1493 Rulemaking, 2004

Sperling, Dan: California's Hydrogen Highway: The Case for a Clean Energy Science and Technology Initiative, 2004

Sperling, Dan; Lin, Zhenhong; Hamilton, Peter: Chinese Rural Vehicles: An Explanatory Analysis of Technology, Economics, Industrial Organization, Energy Use, Emissions, and Policy, 2004

Sperling, Dan; Lin, Zhenhong: Energy and Environmental Impacts of Rural Vehicles in China, 2004

Stroeve, Pieter; Vidu, Ruxandra: Improvement of Thermal Stability of Li-Ion Batteries by Polymer Coating of LiMn2O4, 2004

Collantes, Gustavo O.; Mokhtarian, Patricia L.: Telecommuting and Residential Location: Relationships with Commute Distance Traveled for State of California Workers, 2003

Delucchi, Mark A.; Lipman, Timothy: Appendix A: Energy Use and Emissions From the Lifecycle of Diesel-Like Fuels Derived From Biomass: An Appendix to the Report, “A Lifecycle Emissions Model (LEM): Lifecycle Emissions From Transportation Fuels, Motor Vehicles, Transportation Modes, Electricity Use, Heating and Cooking Fuels, and Materials” , 2003

Delucchi, Mark A.: Appendix B: Data for Other Countries: An Appendix to the Report, “A Lifecycle Emissions Model (LEM): Lifecycle Emissions From Transportation Fuels, Motor Vehicles, Transportation Modes, Electricity Use, Heating and Cooking Fuels, and Materials”  , 2003

Delucchi, Mark A.: Appendix B: Data For Other Countries: An Appendix to the Report, “A Lifecycle Emissions Model (LEM): Lifecycle Emissions From Transportation Fuels, Motor Vehicles, Transportation Modes, Electricity Use, Heating and Cooking Fuels, and Materials” , 2003

Delucchi, Mark A.; Lipman, Timothy: Appendix D: CO2 Equivalency Factors: An Appendix to the Report, “A Lifecycle Emissions Model (LEM): Lifecycle Emissions From Transportation Fuels, Motor Vehicles, Transportation Modes, Electricity Use, Heating and Cooking Fuels, and Materials” , 2003

Delucchi, Mark A.: Appendix E: Methane Emissions From Natural Gas Production, Oil Production, Coal Minig, and Other Sources: An Appendix to the Report, “A Lifecycle Emissions Model (LEM): Lifecycle Emissions From Transportation Fuels, Motor Vehicles, Transportation Modes, Electricity Use, Heating and Cooking Fuels, and Materials”, 2003

Delucchi, Mark A.; Lipman, Timothy: Appendix F: Emissions of Nitrous Oxide and Methane From Alternative Fuels For Motor Vehicles and Electricity-Generating Plants in the U.S.: An Appendix to the Report “A Lifecycle Emissions Model (LEM): Lifecycle Emissions from Transportation Fuels, Motor Vehicles, Transportation Modes, Electricity Use, Heating and Cooking Fuels, and Materials”, 2003

Delucchi, Mark A.: Appendix G: Parameters Calculated With The EV and ICEV Energy-Use and Lifexyxle-Cost Model, 2003

Delucchi, Mark A.; Salon, Deborah: Appendix H: The Lifecycle of Materials: An Appendix to the Report, “A Lifecycle Emissions Model (LEM): Lifecycle Emissions From Transportation Fuels, Motor Vehicles, Transportation Modes, Electricity Use, Heating and Cooking Fuels, and Materials” , 2003

Delucchi, Mark A.: Appendix Z: References to the Main Report: An Appendix to the Report, “A Lifecycle Emissions Model (LEM): Lifecycle Emissions From Transportation Fuels, Motor Vehicles, Transportation Modes, Electricity Use, Heating and Cooking Fuels, and Materials” , 2003

Lutsey, Nicholas: Fuel Cells for Auxiliary Power in Trucks: Requirements, Benefits and Marketability, 2003

Rodier, Caroline; Shaheen, Susan A.: Carsharing and Carfree Housing: Predicted Travel, Emission, and Economic Benefits: A Case Study of the Sacramento, California Region, 2003

Rodier, Caroline; Shaheen, Susan A.; Chung, Stephanie: Unsafe at Any Speed?: What the Literature Says about Low-Speed Modes, 2003

Shaheen, Susan A.; Wipyewski, Kamill: Applying Integrated ITS Technologies to Carsharing System Management: A Carlink Case Study, 2003

Wallace, John P.: Modeling of Line-Haul Truck Auxiliary Power Units in ADVISOR 2002, 2003

Burke, Andrew; Abeles, Ethan; Zhou, Linda; Sperling, Daniel; Brodrick, C.J.: The Future of Hybrid-Electric ICE Vehicles and Fuels Implications, 2002

Choo, Sangho; Mokhtarian, Patricia L.; Salomon, Ilan: Impacts of Home-Based Telecommuting on Vehicle-Miles Traveled: A Nationwide Time Series Analysis, 2002

Choo, Sangho; Mokhtarian, Patricia L.: The Relationship of Vehicle Type Choice to Personality, Lifestyle, Attitudinal, and Demographic Variables, 2002

Collantes, Gustavo O.; Mokhtarian, Patricia L.: Determinants of Subjective Assessments of Personal Mobility, 2002

Contadini, Jose F.: Life Cycle Assessment of Fuel Cell Vehicles - Dealing with Uncertainties, 2002

Delucchi, Mark A.: Overview of the Lifecycle Emissions Model (LEM), 2002

Handy, Susan: Smart Growth and The Transportation-Land Use Connection: What Does the Research Tell Us?, 2002

Kurani, Kenneth S.; Turrentine, Thomas S.: Marketing Clean and Efficient Vehicles: A Review of Social Marketing and Social Science Approaches, 2002

Hauer , Karl-Heinz: Analysis Tool for Fuel Cell Vehicle Hardware and Software (Controls) with an Application to Fuel Economy Comparisons of Alternative System Designs, 2001

Kempton, Willett; Tomic, Jasna; Letendre, Steven; Brooks, Alec; Lipman, Timothy: Vehicle-to-Grid Power: Battery, Hybrid, and Fuel Cell Vehicles as Resources for Distributed Electric Power in California, 2001

Chen, Cynthia; Mokhtarian, Patricia L.: Modeling Individuals' Travel Time and Money Expenditures, 2000

Curry, Richard W.: Attitudes Toward Travel: The Relationships Among Perceived Mobility, Travel Liking, and Relative Desired Mobility, 2000

Naude, Clifford; Mirrlees, Roland; Dehlen, George; Pretorious, Jolanda; Mangera, Mashooda; Moleho, Constance et al.: Global Climate Change, Developing Countries and Transport Sector Options in South Africa, 2000

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