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Research Reports

There are 150 publications in this collection, published between 1995 and 2024. Showing 101 - 150.

Pavement Research Center, University of California: Evaluation of Modified Binder Gap-Graded Mixes for Half-Thickness Reflective Cracking Overlays, 2008

Wu, Rongzong: Calibration of CalME Models Using Field Data Collected from US 101 near Redwood National Park, Humboldt County, 2008

Wu, R.: Calibration of the CalME Rutting Model Using 2000 NCAT Data, 2008

Harvey, J. T.; Monismith, C. L.: Asphalt Compaction Mold: Four-Inch Thick Ingot Mold: Basic Mold Assembly and Operating Instructions, 2007

Kohler, Erwin; Theyse, Hechter; du Plessis, Louw: Interim Assessment of Expected Structural Life of Pre-Cast Concrete Pavement Slabs, 2007

Lu, Q.; Harvey, J. T.; Monismith, C. L.: Investigation of Conditions for Moisture Damage in Asphalt Concrete and Appropriate Laboratory Test Methods: Summary Version, 2007

Mancio, Mauricio; Carlos Jr., Cruz; Zhang, Jieying; Harvey, John T.; Monteiro, Paulo J.M.: Laboratory Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of Steel Dowels in Concrete Pavement, 2007

Ongel, A.; Kohler, E.; Nelson, J.: Acoustical Absorption of Open-Graded, Gap-Graded, and Dense-Graded Asphalt Pavements, 2007

Ongel, A.; Harvey, J.; Kohler, E.: State of the Practice in 2006 for Open-Graded Asphalt Mix Design, 2007

Signore, J. M.; Wu, R.; Santucci, L.; Harvey, J. T.: Summary and Recommendations toward Implementing Innovations Based on Selected Presentations at the Asphalt Rubber Pavement Conference (AR2006), October 2006, 2007

Kannekanti, Venkata; Harvey, John: Sample Rigid Pavement Design Tables Based on Version 0.8 of the Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide, 2006

Kannekanti, Venkata; Harvey, John: Sensitivity Analysis of 2002 Design Guide Rigid Pavement Distress Prediction Models, 2006

Lu, Qing; Steven, Bruce: Friction Testing of Pavement Preservation Treatments: Literature Review, 2006

Nakat, Z.; Madanat, S.; Farshidi, F.; Harvey, J.: Development of an Empirical-Mechanistic Model of Overlay Crack Progression using Data from the Washington State PMS Database, 2006

Popescu, L.: Moisture Sensitivity Study Database Documentation, 2006

Popescu, L.; Monismith, C.L.: Performance-Based Pay Factors for Asphalt Concrete Construction: Comparison with a Currently Used Experience-Based Approach, 2006

Ullidtz, Per; Harvey, John; Tsai, Bor-Wen; Monismith, Carl: Calibration of CalME models using WesTrack Performance Data, 2006

Bejarano, Manuel O.; Harvey, John T.; Ali, Abdikarim; Mahama, David; Hung, Dave; Preedonant, Pitipat: Performance of Drained and Undrained Flexible Pavement Structures under Wet Conditions Test Data from Accelerated Pavement Test Section 544-Undrained, 2004

Lee, Eul-Bum; Lee, Hojung; Harvey, John T.: Fast-Track Urban Freeway Rehabilitation with 55-hour Weekend Closures: I-710 Long Beach Case Study, 2004

Lee, Eul-Bum; Mun, Jin Hyun; Harvey, John T.: Impact of Urban Freeway Rehabilitation on Network Traffic: Measurement and Simulation Study, 2004

Lee, E.B.; Ibbs, C. William; Thomas, David: Minimizing Total Cost for Urban Freeway Reconstruction with Integrated Construction/Traffic Analysis, 2004

Theyse, Hechter; Long, Fenella; Harvey, John T.; Monismith, Carl L.: Discussion of Deep In-Situ Recycling (DISR), 2004

du Plessis, Louw; Harvey, John: Environmental Influences on the Curling of Concrete Slabs at the Palmdale HVS Test Site, 2003

Lea, Jeremy; Popescu, Lorina: The Design and Implementation of the Pavement Research Center Heavy Vehicle Simulator Database, 2003

Lee, E.B.; Harvey, John T.; Thomas, David: Integrated Design/Construction/Operations Analysis for Fast-track Urban Freeway Reconstruction, 2003

Tsai, Bor-Wen: High Temperature Fatigue and Fatigue Damage Process of Aggregate-Asphalt Mixes, 2003

Deacon, John A.; Monismith, Carl L.; Harvey, John T.; Popescu, Lorina: Pay Factors for Asphalt-Concrete Construction: Effect of Construction Quality on Agency Costs, 2001

Harvey, John; Bush, David: State Route 138--Test Site Evaluation, 2001

Lee, E. B.; Roesler, J. R.; Harvey, J. T.; Ibbs, C. W.: Case Study of Urban Concrete Pavement Reconstruction and Traffic Management for the I-10 (Pomona, CA) Project, 2001

Harvey, J. T.; Roesler, Jeff; Coetzee, N. F.; Monismith, Carl L.: Caltrans Accelerated Pavement Test (CAL/APT) Program Summary Report Six Year Period: 1994-2000, 2000

Harvey, John; Roesler, Jeff; Farver, J.; Liang, L.: Preliminary Evaluation of Proposed LLPRS Rigid Pavement Structures and Design Inputs, 2000

Harvey, J.: Vision for Caltrans/UC-Berkeley Partnered Pavement Research Center, 2000

Lee, E. B.; Ibbs, C. W.; Harvey, J. T.; Roesler, J. R.: Constructability Analysis for Long Life Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies, 2000

Monismith, C. L.; Harvey, J. T.; Long, F.; Weissman, S.: Tests to Evaluate the Stiffness and Permanent Deformation Characteristics of Asphalt/Binder-Aggregate Mixes - A Critical Discussion, 2000

Monteiro, Paulo J.M.; Roesler, Jeffery; Kurtis, Kimberly E.; Harvey, John: Accelerated Test Method for Measuring Sulfate Resistance of Hydraulic Cements for Caltrans LLPRS Program, 2000

Roesler, Jeffery R.; Scheffy, Clark W.; Ali, Abdikarim; Bush, David: Construction, Instrumentation, and Testing of Fast-Setting Hydraulic Cement Concrete in Palmdale, California, 2000

Roesler, Jeffery R.; Harvey, John T.; Farver, Jennifer; Long, Fenella: Investigation of Design and Construction Issues for Long Life Concrete Pavement Strategies, 2000

Harvey, J.; Tsai, B.; Long, F.; Hung, D.: CAL/APT Program: Asphalt Treated Permeable Base (ATPB), Laboratory Tests, Performance Predictions and Evaluation of Caltrans and Other Agencies Experience, 1999

Harvey, John T.; Louw, Leonie; Guada, Irwin; Hung, David; Prozzi, Jorge; Long, Fenella et al.: CAL/APT Program: Test Results from Accelerated Pavement Test on Pavement Structure Containing Aggregate Base (AB)--Section 501RF, 1999

Harvey, John; Long, Fenella: CAL/APT Program--Comparison of Caltrans and AASHTO Pavement Design Methods, 1999

Harvey, J.; Guada, Irwin M.; Long, Fenella: Effects of Material Properties, Specimen Geometry, and Specimen Preparation Variables on Asphalt Concrete Tests for Rutting, 1999

Kurtis, Kimberly E.; Monteiro, Paulo: Analysis of Durability of Advanced Cementitious Materials for Rigid Pavement Construction in California, 1999

Monismith, C. L.; Long, F.: Overlay Design for Cracked and Seated Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Pavement--Interstate Route 710, 1999

Pavement Research Center, University of California: Mix Design and Analysis and Structural Section Design for Full Depth Pavement for Interstate Route 710, 1999

Roesler, Jeffery R.; du Plessis, Louw; Hung, David; Bush, David; Harvey, John T.: CAL/APT Goal LLPRS--Rigid Phase III: Concrete Test Section 516CT Report, 1999

Beer, M de; Fisher, C: Contact Stresses of Pneumatic Tires Measured with the Vehicle-Road Surface Pressure Transducer Array (VRSPTA) System for the University of California at Berkeley (UCB) and the Nevada Automotive Test Center (NATC), 1997

Deacon, John A.; Monismith, Carl L.; Harvey, John T.: Pay Factors for Asphalt-Concrete Construction: Effect of Construction Quality on Agency Costs, 1997

Harvey, John T.; du Plessis, Louw; Long, Fenella; Deacon, John A.; Guada, Irwin; Hung, David et al.: CAL/APT Program: Test Results from Accelerated Pavement Test on Pavement Structure Containing Asphalt Treated Permeable Base (ATPB) Section 500RF, 1997

Harvey, John; du Plessis, Louw; Long, Fenella; Shatnawi, Shakir; Scheffy, Clark; Tsai, Bor-Wen et al.: Initial CAL/APT Program: Site Information, Test Pavement Construction, Pavement Materials Characterizations, Initial CAL/APT Test Results, and Performance Estimates, 1996

Harvey, John T.; Deacon, John A.; Tsai, Bor-Wen; Monismith, Carl L.: Fatigue Performance of Asphalt Concrete Mixes and Its Relationship to Asphalt Concrete Pavement Performance in California, 1995

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