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Working Papers

There are 95 publications in this collection, published between 2001 and 2024. Showing 51 - 95.

Sperling, Dan; Ogden, Joan M: The Bumpy Road to Hydrogen, 2006

Weinert, Jonathan X.; Ma, Chaktan; Cherry, Chris: The Transition To Electric Bikes In China: History And Key Reasons For Rapid Growth, 2006

Yang, Christopher; Nicholas, Michael A; Ogden, Joan M: Comparison of Idealized and Real-World City Station Citing Models for Hydrogen Distribution, 2006

Bartholomy, Obadiah: Renewable Hydrogen From Wind in California, 2005

Bejarano, Manuel O.; Morton, Bruce S.; Scheffy, Clark: Summary of Construction Activities and Results from Six Initial Accelerated Pavement Tests Conducted on Asphalt Concrete Pavement Section for Modified-Binder Overlay, 2005

Cao, XinYu; Mokhtarian, Patricia L: The Intended and Actual Adoption of Online Purchasing: A Brief Review of Recent Literature, 2005

Choo, Sangho; Mokhtarian, Patricia L: Do Telecommunications Affect Passenger Travel or Vice Versa? Structural Equation Models of Aggregate U.S. Time Series Data Using Composite Indexes, 2005

du Plessis, Louw; Jooste, Fritz; Keckwick, Steve; Steyn, Wynand: HVS Testing of the Palmdale Test Site, North Tangent Sections: Evaluation of Long Life Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies-Rigid, 2005

Eggert, Anthony; Kurani, Kenneth S; Turrentine, Tom; Ogden, Joan M; Sperling, Dan; Winston, Emily: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells - Refining the Message Initiating a National Dialogue and Educational Agenda, 2005

Harvey, John T: Work Plan for: "Investigation of Noise, Durability, Permeability and Friction Performance Trends for Asphaltic Pavement Surface Types," PPRC Strategic Plan Item 4.16, 2005

Jones, David; Lee, Charles; Harvey, John T: Economic Implications of Selection of Long-Life versus Conventional Caltrans Rehabilitation Strategies for High-Volume Highways, 2005

Jones, David; Harvey, John T: Relationship between DCP, Stiffness, Shear Strength, and R-value, 2005

Kannekanti, Venkata N.; Harvey, John T: Sensitivity Analysis of 2002 Design Guide Rigid Pavement Distress Prediction Models, 2005

Kohler, Erwin R.; Ali, Abdikarim; Harvey, John T: Goal 4 Long Life Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies-Rigid: Flexural Fatigue Life of Hydraulic Cement Concrete Beams, 2005

Lin, Zhenhong; Ogden, Joan M; Fan, Yueyue; Sperling, Dan: Optimal Dynamic Strategy of Building a Hydrogen Infrastructure in Beijing, 2005

Mancio, Mauricio; Carlos, Cruz Jr.; Zhang, Jieying; Harvey, John T; Monteiro, Paulo J. M.; Ali, Abdikarim: Laboratory Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of Steel Dowels in Concrete Pavement, 2005

McCarthy, Ryan; Ogden, Joan M: Assessing Reliability In Hydrogen Supply Pathways, 2005

McCoy, Michael C.; Steelman, Candice: Integrating Community Values and Fostering Interagency Collaboration through Outreach with Interactive GIS Models, 2005

Merenlender, Adina M.; Brooks, Colin; Shabazian, David; Gao, Shengyi; Johnston, Robert A.: Forecasting exurban development to evaluate the influence of land-use policies on wildland and farmland conservation, 2005

Ni, Jason; Johnson, Nils; Ogden, Joan M; Yang, Christopher; Johnson, Joshua: Estimating Hydrogen Demand Distribution Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), 2005

Ogden, Joan M; Johnson, Nils; Yang, Christopher; Ni, Jason; Lin, Zhenhong; Figueroa, José et al.: Conceptual Design of a Fossil Hydrogen Infrastructure with Capture and Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide: Case Study in Ohio, 2005

Pigneri, Attilio: Hydrogen Strategies: an Integrated Resource Planning Analysis for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Infrastructures, 2005

Rao, Shreenath; Roesler, Jeffery R.: Characterization of Effective Built-in Curling and Concrete Pavement Cracking on the Palmdale Test Sections, 2005

Simonnet, Antoine: Technical Options For Distributed Hydrogen Refueling Stations in a Market Driven Situation, 2005

Sperling, Dan; Lin, Zhenhong; Hamilton, Peter: Rural Vehicles in China: Appropriate Policy for Appropriate Technology, 2005

Weinert, Jonathan X.; Lipman, Timothy; Unnasch, Stephen: Bridging the Gap Between Transportation and Stationary Power: Hydrogen Energy Stations and their Implications for the Transportation Sector, 2005

Yang, Christopher; Ogden, Joan M: Analyzing Natural Gas Based Hydrogen Infrastructure - Optimizing Transitions from Distributed to Centralized H2 Production, 2005

Chen, Belinda; Abeles, Ethan C; Burke, Andy; Sperling, Dan: Analysis of Auto Industry and Consumer Response to Regulations and Technological Change, and Customization of Consumer Response Models in Support of AB 1493 Rulemaking: Effect of Emissions Regulation on Vehicle Attributes, Cost, and Price, 2004

Finson, Rachel S.; Shaheen, Susan; McCormick, Cynthia: Accelerating Deployment & Commercialization of ITS Technologies: California's Innovative Corridors Initiative, 2004

Kurani, Kenneth S; Turrentine, Tom: Analysis of Consumer Response to Automobile Regulation and Technological Change in Support of California Climate Change Rulemaking, 2004

Lee, Taihyeong; Mokhtarian, Patricia L: An Input-Output Analysis of the Relationships between Communications and Travel for Industry, 2004

Lutsey, Nicholas P.; Brodrick, Christie-Joy; Sperling, Dan; Oglesby, Carollyn: Heavy-Duty Truck Idling Characteristics: Results from a Nationwide Survey, 2004

Mokhtarian, Patricia L; Salomon, Ilan; Handy, Susan L: A Taxonomy of Leisure Activities: The Role of ICT, 2004

Ogden, Joan: Conceptual Design of Optimized Fossil Energy Systems with Capture and Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide, 2004

Ogden, Joan M: Conceptual Design of Optimized Fossil Energy Systems with Capture and Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide, 2004

Ogden, Joan M: Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier: Outlook for 2010, 2030, and 2050, 2004

Rodier, Caroline J.: A Multi-Objective Analysis of Regional Transportation and Land Development Policies, 2004

Rodier, Caroline J.: A Review of the Representation of Induced Highway Travel in Current Travel and Land Use Models, 2004

Shaheen, Susan; McCormick, Cynthia; Finson, Rachel S.: California's Innovative Corridors Initiative: A New Model for Public-Private Partnerships in Transportation, 2004

Shaheen, Susan; Novick, Linda: A Framework for Testing Innovative Transportation Solutions: A Case Study of Carlink—A Commuter Carsharing Program, 2004

Shaheen, Susan; Rodier, Caroline J.; Eaken, Amanda M.: Improving Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District Connectivity and Access with the Segway Human Transporter and Other Low-Speed Mobility Devices, 2004

Shaheen, Susan; Finson, Rachel S.; McCormick, Cynthia: Initial Scoping of Bay Area Smart Mobility Corridors and ITS World Congress, 2004

Yang, Christopher; Ogden, Joan M: A Simplified Integrated Model for Studying Transitions to a Hydrogen Economy, 2004

Shaheen, Susan A; Wright, John; Sperling, Daniel: California's Zero-Emission Vehicle Mandate: Linking Clean-Fuel Cars, Carsharing, and Station Car Strategies, 2002

Redmond, Lothlorien S.; Mokhtarian, Patricia L.: Modeling Objective Mobility: The Impact of Travel-Related Attitudes, Personality and Lifestyle on Distance Traveled, 2001

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