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Working Paper Series

The Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Irvine (ITS Irvine) specializes in the application of advanced analytical techniques and technologies to contemporary transportation problems. Established in 1974, ITS Irvine's programs currently involve nearly 75 faculty members, professional researchers and graduate students from a variety of disciplines.

Research at ITS Irvine covers a broad spectrum of transportation issues including:

  • energy and the environment
  • alternative-fueled vehicles
  • transportation pricing and demand management
  • transportation/land use relationships
  • transportation safety
  • freight and logistics
  • advanced transportation management systems
  • advanced traveler information systems
  • transportation network optimization
  • real-time simulation of intelligent transportation systems
  • microsimulation models for transportation planning
  • activity-based approaches to travel behavior
  • GPS/GIS for transportation data collection and analysis

ITS Irvine is part of a University of California (UC) multicampus organized research unit with branches on the Berkeley, Davis, Irvine and Los Angeles campuses, and the University of California Transportation Center (UCTC), a federally-designated center for research on transportation systems and policy. The Institute also plays a major role in the intelligent transportation and telematics research component of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Cal IT2) and in the ZEVNET hybrid-vehicle station car demonstration program of UCI's National Fuel Cell Research Center.

There are 293 publications in this collection, published between 1976 and 2024. Showing 201 - 250.

Giuliano, Genevieve: Testing the Limits of TSM: The 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympics, 1987

Golob, Thomas F.; Recker, Will: An Analysis of the Salient Characteristics of Truck-Involved Freeway Accidents Using the Method of Log-Linear Modeling, 1987

Golob, Thomas F.; Ruhl, Bolie; Meurs, Henk; van Wissen, Leo: An Ordinal Multivariate Analysis of Accident Counts as Functions of Traffic Approach Volumes at Intersections, 1987

Lamar, Bruce W.; Sheffi, Yosef; Powell, Warren B.: A Lower Bound for Uncapacitated, Multicommodity Fixed Charge Network Design Problems, 1987

Perry, James L.; Babitsky, Timlynn; Gregersen, Hal: Organizational Form and Performance in Urban Mass Transit, 1987

Recker, Will; Golob, Thomas F.; McNally, Michael G.; Leonard, John D.: Dynamic Tests of a Time-Space Model of Complex Travel Behavior, 1987

Ritchie, Stephen G.; Yeh, C.: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Improve Urban Transportation Decision Making, 1987

Giuliano, Genevieve; Prashker, Joseph N.: Changes in Travel Demand Characteristics During the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, 1986

Giuliano, Genevieve; Teal, Roger F.: Estimating the Potential Cost Savings of Transit Service Contracting, 1986

Golob, Thomas F.; Recker, Will; Leonard, John D.: An Analysis of the Severity and Incident Duration of Truck-Involved Freeway Accidents, 1986

Golob, Thomas F.; Meurs, Henk: Development of Structural Equations Models of the Dynamics of Passenger Travel Demand, 1986

Golob, Thomas F.; Meurs, Henk: A Structural Model of Temporal Change in Multimodal Travel Demand, 1986

Leonard, John D.; Recker, Will: A Procedure for the Assessment of Traffic Impacts During Freeway Reconstruction, 1986

Ritchie, Stephen G.; Hallenbeck, Mark E.: Evaluation of a Statewide Highway Data Collection Program, 1986

Ritchie, Stephen G.: A Statistical Approach to Statewide Traffic Counting, 1986

Small, Kenneth A.; Winston, Clifford: Optimal Highway Durability, 1986

Stevenson, William B.: Formal Structure as a Constraint on Interaction within Organizations, 1986

Teal, Roger F.: Public Transit Service Contracting: A Status Report, 1986

Brownstone, David; Small, Kenneth A.: Efficient Estimation of Nested Logit Models, 1985

Chomitz, Kenneth M.; Giuliano, Genevieve; Lave, Charles A.: Part-Time Operators in Public Transit: Experiences and Prospects, 1985

Giuliano, Genevieve: Olympics Transportation System Management Performance Analysis, 1985

Golob, Thomas F.; van Wissen, Leo; Meurs, Henk: A Dynamic Analysis of Travel Demand, 1985

Golob, Thomas F.: A Non-Linear Canonical Correlation Analysis of Weekly Trip Chaining Behaviour, 1985

Hirsch, Moshe; Prashker, Joseph N.; Ben-Akiva, Moshe: New Stochastic Approach to Geometric Design of Highways, 1985

Recker, Will; Root, Gregory S.; McNally, Michael G.: Classification Analysis of Traffic Improvement Sites, 1985

Recker, Will; McNally, Michael G.; Root, Gregory S.: A Methodology for Activity-Based Travel Analysis: The STARCHILD Model, 1985

Recker, Will; McNally, Michael G.; Root, Gregory S.: A Model of Complex Travel Behavior: Part I. Theoretical Model, 1985

Recker, Will; McNally, Michael G.; Root, Gregory S.: A Model of Complex Travel Behavior: Part II. An Operational Model, 1985

Teal, Roger F.: Transit Service Contracting: Experiences and Issues, 1985

Giuliano, Genevieve: Standard Transportation Forecasting Techniques: How They Fail, 1984

Long, Lyn; Perry, James L.: Economic and Occupational Causes of Transit Operator Absenteeism: A Review of Research, 1984

Long, Lyn; Perry, James L.: Extraboard Scheduling, Workers' Compensation and Operator Stress in Public Transit: Research Results and Managerial Implications, 1984

Small, Kenneth A.: A Discrete Choice Model for Ordered Alternatives, 1984

Small, Kenneth A.; Winston, Clifford: Welfare Effects of Marginal Cost Taxation of Motor Freight Transportation: A Study of Infrastructure Pricing, 1984

Wachs, Martin: Autos, Transit and the Sprawl of Los Angeles: The 1920s, 1984

Fielding, Gordon J.; Faust, Katherine: Dimensions of Bus Performance of Peer Groups of Transit Agencies in Fiscal Years 1980 and 1981 Using Section 15 Data, 1983

Fielding, Gordon J.; Babitsky, Timlynn L.; Brenner, Mary E.: Performance Evaluation for Fixed Route Transit: The Key to Quick, Efficient and Inexpensive Analysis, 1983

Fielding, Gordon J.; Brenner, Mary E.; de la Rocha, Olivia: Using Section 15 Data: Adapting and Evaluating the Magnetic Tape Version for Statistical Analysis, 1983

Glazer, Amihai; Hassin, Refael: Schedules and Queues, 1983

Long, Lyn; Perry, James L.: Bibliography on Transit Operator Stress and Absenteeism, Workers' Compensation and Extraboards, 1983

Recker, Will; McNally, Michael G.; Root, Gregory S.; Lyon, Patricia K.; Smiley, Mark A.; Waters, Carleton D.: Chaining Behavior in Urban Tripmaking: Appendices to Interim Report, 1983

Recker, Will; McNally, Michael G.; Root, Gregory S.; Lyon, Patricia K.; Smiley, Mark A.; Waters, Carleton D.: Chaining Behavior in Urban Tripmaking: Interim Report, 1983

Teal, Roger F.; Giuliano, Genevieve; Brenner, Mary E.: Transit Agency Use of Private Sector Strategies for Commuter Transportation, 1983

Teal, Roger F.; Berglund, Mary; Nemer, Terry: Urban Transportation Deregulation in Arizona, 1983

Berechman, Joseph: Analysis of Costs, Economies of Scale, and Factor Demand in Bus Transport, 1982

Berechman, Joseph; Giulliano, Genevieve: Analysis of the Cost Structure of an Urban Bus Transit Property, 1982

Berechman, Joseph; Giuliano, Genevieve: Cost Functions and Economies of Scale in Bus Transit: A Critique, 1982

Berechman, Joseph; Paaswell, Robert E.: Rail Rapid Transit Investment and CBD Revitalization: Methodology and Results, 1982

Fielding, Gordon J.: Changing Objectives for American Transit, 1982

Teal, Roger F.; Goodhue, Richard E.; Rooney, Steven B.; Mortazavi, Kia: Taxi-Based Public Transportation for the Elderly and Handicapped, 1982

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