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Working Paper Series

The Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Irvine (ITS Irvine) specializes in the application of advanced analytical techniques and technologies to contemporary transportation problems. Established in 1974, ITS Irvine's programs currently involve nearly 75 faculty members, professional researchers and graduate students from a variety of disciplines.

Research at ITS Irvine covers a broad spectrum of transportation issues including:

  • energy and the environment
  • alternative-fueled vehicles
  • transportation pricing and demand management
  • transportation/land use relationships
  • transportation safety
  • freight and logistics
  • advanced transportation management systems
  • advanced traveler information systems
  • transportation network optimization
  • real-time simulation of intelligent transportation systems
  • microsimulation models for transportation planning
  • activity-based approaches to travel behavior
  • GPS/GIS for transportation data collection and analysis

ITS Irvine is part of a University of California (UC) multicampus organized research unit with branches on the Berkeley, Davis, Irvine and Los Angeles campuses, and the University of California Transportation Center (UCTC), a federally-designated center for research on transportation systems and policy. The Institute also plays a major role in the intelligent transportation and telematics research component of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Cal IT2) and in the ZEVNET hybrid-vehicle station car demonstration program of UCI's National Fuel Cell Research Center.

There are 293 publications in this collection, published between 1976 and 2024. Showing 251 - 293.

Anderson, Shirley C.; Fielding, Gordon J.; Methe, David: Comparison of Supply, Demand and Cost Models using UMTA Section 15 Data, 1981

Recker, Will; McNally, Michael G.; Root, Gregory S.: Application of Pattern Recognition Theory to Activity Pattern Analysis, 1981

Recker, Will; McNally, Michael G.; Root, Gregory S.: An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Energy Restrictions on the Execution of Activity Patterns, 1981

Root, Gregory S.; McNally, Michael G.; Recker, Will; Smiley, Mark A.: Chaining Behavior in Urban Tripmaking: A Critical Review, 1981

Root, Gregory S.; Recker, Will: Toward a Dynamic Model of Individual Activity Pattern Formulation, 1981

Stokols, Daniel; Novaco, Raymond W.: Transportation and Well-Being: An Ecological Perspective, 1981

Cargill, Jack; Fielding, Gordon J.: Mobility for the Handicapped: Case Study in Public Policy, 1980

Fielding, Gordon J.; Porter, Lyman W.; Dalton, Dan R.; Spendolini, Michael J.; Todor, William D.: Organization Theory and the Structure and Performance of Transit Agencies, 1980

Fielding, Gordon J.; Lyons, William M.: Performance Evaluation for Discretionary Grant Transit Programs, 1980

Giuliano, Genevieve: The Effect of Environmental Factors on the Efficiency of Public Transit Service, 1980

Lave, Charles A.; Bradley, Joan; Gawzner, Joseph; Horikawa, Jill; Steel, Robert; Stratton, Robert et al.: Sales of Imported Cars: A Model of State-to-State Variation, 1979

Lave, Charles A.: Transit Deficits and Part-Time Labor: A Cure or Only a Band-Aid?, 1979

Lave, Charles A.: Transportation and Energy: Some Current Myths, 1979

Teal, Roger F.; Marks, James V.; Goodhue, Richard E.: Subsidized Shared-Ride Taxi Services, 1979

Chomitz, Kenneth M.: A Survey and Analysis of Energy Intensity Estimates for Urban Transportation Modes, 1978

Dalton, Dan R.; Fielding, Gordon J.; Porter, Lyman W.; Spendolini, Michael J.; Todor, William D.: The Effect of Organization Size and Structure on Transit Performance and Employee Satisfaction: A Literature Review, 1978

Dalton, Dan R.; Fielding, Gordon J.; Porter, Lyman W.; Spendolini, Michael J.; Todor, William D.: Structure and Performance: A Critical Review, 1978

Fielding, Gordon J.; Glauthier, Roy E.; Lave, Charles A.: Performance Indicators for Transit Management, 1978

Fielding, Gordon J.; Tardiff, Timothy J.: Relationships Between Social-Psychological Variables and Individual Travel Behavior, 1978

Hollinden, Al; Blair, Rebecca: Productivity Comparisons of Four Different Modes of Demand Responsive Service in Orange, California, 1978

Nocavo, Raymond W.; Stokols, Daniel; Campbell, Joan; Stokols, Jeanette: Transportation, Stress and Community Psychology, 1978

Ortner, James: Estimating Operating Costs of Fixed Guideway System Proposals, 1978

Perry, James L.; Angle, Harold A.; Pittel, Mark: The Impact of Labor-Management Relations on Urban Mass Transit Performance: Notes on Research in Progress, 1978

Recker, Will; Golob, Thomas F.: A Non-Compensatory Model of Transportation Behavior Based on Sequential Consideration of Attributes, 1978

Stokols, Daniel; Novaco, Raymond W.; Stokols, Jeanette; Campbell, Joan: Traffic Congestion, Type-A Behavior and Stress, 1978

Tardiff, Timothy J.: Specification Issues in Choice Modeling, 1978

Tardiff, Timothy J.: The Use of Alternative Specific Constants in Choice Modeling, 1978

Todor, William D.; Dalton, Dan R.; Fielding, Gordon J.; Porter, Lyman W.; Spendolini, Michael J.: The Effect of Organization Size and Structure on Transit Performance and Employee Satisfaction: Intermediate Progress Report, 1978

Bailey, Dathron; Spendolini, Michael J.: A Search for Performance Evaluation in Public Services: Education, Housing and Health, 1977

Fielding, Gordon J.; Glauthier, Roy E.; Lave, Charles A.: Applying Performance Indicators in Transit Management, 1977

Fielding, Gordon J.; Glauthier, Roy E.: Obstacles to Comparative Evaluation of Transit Performance, 1977

Glauthier, Roy E.; Feren, John N.: Evaluating Individual Transit Route Performance, 1977

Lam, Tenny M.; Tardiff, Timothy J.; Uyeno, Michael J.; Dana, James P.; Caruso, Anthony: Public Transportation and the Carless in Small Cities and Rural Areas: An Annotated Bibliography, 1977

Lave, Charles A.; Train, Kenneth: A Disaggregate Model of Auto-Type Choice, 1977

Lave, Charles A.: Downtown People Movers and Energy, 1977

Lave, Charles A.; Pozdena, Randall J. Jr.: Statistical Analysis of Transit Performance, 1977

Recker, Will; Kostyniuk, Lidia P.: Factors Influencing Destination Choice for the Urban Grocery Shopping Trip, 1977

Tardiff, Timothy J.; Lam, Tenny M.; Dana, James P.: Small City and Rural Transportation: A Review, 1977

White, Andrew N.: Location and Transportation Strategies in Public Facility Planning, 1977

Fielding, Gordon J.; Glauthier, Roy E.: Distribution and Allocation of Transit Subsidies in California, 1976

Hollinden, Al; Fielding, Gordon J.: Operating Differences and Restraints Imposed by the Enabling Ordinances of the Fifteen California Transit Districts, 1976

Lave, Charles A.: The Negative Energy Impact of Modern Rail Transit Systems, 1976

Perry, James L.; Hunt, Carder W.: A Framework for Evaluation of the Union-Management Relationship in Government, 1976

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