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Working Paper Series

The Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Irvine (ITS Irvine) specializes in the application of advanced analytical techniques and technologies to contemporary transportation problems. Established in 1974, ITS Irvine's programs currently involve nearly 75 faculty members, professional researchers and graduate students from a variety of disciplines.

Research at ITS Irvine covers a broad spectrum of transportation issues including:

  • energy and the environment
  • alternative-fueled vehicles
  • transportation pricing and demand management
  • transportation/land use relationships
  • transportation safety
  • freight and logistics
  • advanced transportation management systems
  • advanced traveler information systems
  • transportation network optimization
  • real-time simulation of intelligent transportation systems
  • microsimulation models for transportation planning
  • activity-based approaches to travel behavior
  • GPS/GIS for transportation data collection and analysis

ITS Irvine is part of a University of California (UC) multicampus organized research unit with branches on the Berkeley, Davis, Irvine and Los Angeles campuses, and the University of California Transportation Center (UCTC), a federally-designated center for research on transportation systems and policy. The Institute also plays a major role in the intelligent transportation and telematics research component of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Cal IT2) and in the ZEVNET hybrid-vehicle station car demonstration program of UCI's National Fuel Cell Research Center.

There are 293 publications in this collection, published between 1976 and 2024. Showing 51 - 100.

Gould, Jane; Golob, Thomas F.: Consumer E-Commerce, Virtual Accessibility and Sustainable Transport, 2002

Lee, Ming S.; Chung, Jin-Hyuk; McNally, Michael G.: An Empirical Investigation of the Underlying Behavioral Processes of Trip Chaining, 2002

Lee, Ming S.; McNally, Michael G.: Measuring Physical Accessibility with Space-Time Prisms in a GIS: A Case Study of Access to Health-Care Facilities, 2002

Marca, James E.; Rindt, Craig R.; McNally, Michael G.: Collecting Activity Data from GPS, 2002

Marca, James E.; Rindt, Craig R.; McNally, Michael G.: Towards Distributed Data Collection and Peer-to-Peer Data Sharing, 2002

Marca, James E.; Rindt, Craig R.; McNally, Michael G.: The Tracer Data Collection System: Implementation and Operational Experience, 2002

McNally, Michael G.; Marca, James E.; Rindt, Craig R.; Koos, Angela M.: GPS/GIS Technologies for Traffic Surveillance and Management: A Testbed Implementation Study, 2002

McNally , Michael G.; Lee, Ming S.: Putting Behavior in Household Travel Behavior Data: An Interactive GIS-Based Survey via the Internet, 2002

Rindt, Craig R.; Marca, James E.; McNally, Michael G.: An Agent-Based Activity Microsimulation Kernel Using a Negotiation Metaphor, 2002

Rindt, Craig R.; Marca, James E.; McNally, Michael G.: Toward Dynamic, Longitudinal, Agent-Based Microsimulation Models of Human Activity in Urban Settings, 2002

Senesky, Sarah: Commuting Time as a Measure of Employment Costs: Implications for Estimating Labor Supply Elasticities, 2002

Small, Kenneth A.; Winston, Clifford; Yan, Jia: Uncovering the Distribution of Motorists' Preferences for Travel Time and Reliability: Implications for Road Pricing, 2002

Van Dender, Kurt: Nash-Bertrand Competition in a Duopoly with Congestion, 2002

Boarnet, Marlon G.; Chalermpong, Saksith; Geho, Elizabeth: Specification Issues in Models of Population and Employment Growth, 2001

Brownstone, David: Discrete Choice Modeling for Transportation, 2001

Golob, Thomas F.: Structural Equation Modeling for Travel Behavior Research, 2001

Haight, Frank A.: Accident Proneness: The History of an Idea, 2001

Nixon, Hilary; Saphores, Jean-Daniel: Used Oil Policies to Protect the Environment: An Overview of Canadian Experiences, 2001

Parry, Ian W.H.; Small, Kenneth A.: Does Britain or the United States Have the Right Gasoline Tax?, 2001

Boarnet, Marlon G.; Chalermpong, Saksith: New Highways, Urban Development and Induced Travel, 2000

Golob, Thomas F.: Activity Approaches to Modeling the Effects of Information on Personal Travel Behavior, 2000

Kulkarni, Anup A.; McNally, Michael G.: An Activity-Based Microsimulation Model for Generating Synthetic Activity-Travel Patterns: Initial Results, 2000

Kulkarni, Anup A.; McNally, Michael G.: An Activity-Based Travel Pattern Generation Model, 2000

Kulkarni, Anup A.; McNally, Michael G.: A Microsimulation of Daily Activity Patterns, 2000

Lee, Ming S.; McNally, Michael G.: Experimenting with a Computerized Self-Administrative Activity Survey: Evaluating a Pilot Study, 2000

Marca, James E.; Rindt, Craig R.; McNally, Michael G.; Doherty, Sean: A GPS Enhanced In-Vehicle Extensible Data Collection Unit, 2000

Marca, James E.; McNally, Michael G.; Rindt, Craig R.: A Latent Factor Model of Observed Activities, 2000

McNally, Michael G.: The Activity-Based Approach, 2000

McNally, Michael G.: The Four Step Model, 2000

Recker, Will: A Bridge between Travel Demand Modeling and Activity-Based Travel Analysis, 2000

Recker, Will; Chen, Chienho; McNally, Michael G.: Measuring the Impact of Efficient Household Travel Decisions on Potential Travel Time Savings and Accessibility Gains, 2000

Boarnet, Marlon G.; Greenwald, Michael G.: Land Use, Urban Design, and Non-Work Travel: Reproducing for Portland, Oregon, Empirical Tests from Other Urban Areas, 1999

Brownstone, David; Golob, Thomas F.; Kazimi, Camilla: Modeling Non-Ignorable Attrition and Measurement Error in Panel Surveys: An Application to Travel Demand Modeling, 1999

Golob, Thomas F.: Joint Models of Attitudes and Behavior in the Evaluation of the San Diego I-15 Congestion Pricing Project, 1999

Golob, Thomas F.: Opinions About the Acceptability, Fairness and Effectiveness of the San Diego I-15 Congestion Pricing Project, 1999

Golob, Thomas F.: Simultaneous Model of Household Activity Participation and Trip Chain Generation, 1999

Kitamura, Ryuichi; Golob, Thomas F.; Yamamoto, Toshiyuki; Wu, Ge: Accessibility and Auto Use in a Motorized Metropolis, 1999

Lee, Ming S.; Doherty, Sean T.; Sabetiashraf, Ramesh; McNally, Michael G.: iChase: An Internet Computerized Household Activity Scheduling Elicitor Survey, 1999

Marca, James E.; Rindt, Craig R.; McNally, Michael G.: A Simulation Framework and Environment for Activity-Based Transportation Modeling, 1999

Ohta, Hiroshi: Probing a Traffic Congestion Controversy: Density and Flow Scrutinized, 1999

Small, Kenneth A.; Yan, Jia: The Value of "Value Pricing" of Roads: Second-Best Pricing and Product Differentiation, 1999

Verhoef, Erik T.; Small, Kenneth A.: Product Differentiation on Roads: Second-Best Congestion Pricing with Heterogeneity under Public and Private Ownership, 1999

Boarnet, Marlon G.; Kim, Eugene Jae; Parkany, Emily: Measuring Traffic Congestion, 1998

Brunell, Thomas L.; Glazer, Amihai: Rational Response to Irrational Attitudes: The Level of the Gasoline Tax in the United States, 1998

Crane, Randall; Crepeau, Richard: Does Neighborhood Design Influence Travel? A Behavioral Analysis of Travel Diary and GIS Data, 1998

Golob, Thomas F.; Supernak, Janusz: Joint Modelling of Attitudes and Behaviour in Project Evaluation: Case Study of Single-Occupant Vehicle Toll Use of Carpool Lanes in San Diego, California, 1998

Golob, Thomas F.; Gould, Jane: Projecting Use of Electric Vehicles from Household Vehicle Trials: Trial and Error?, 1998

Gould, Jane; Golob, Thomas F.; Barwise, Patrick: Why Do People Drive to Shop? Future Travel and Telecommunications Tradeoffs, 1998

Lee, Ming S.; McNally, Michael G.: Application of Space-Time Prisms for the Measurement of Accessibility, 1998

Parkany, Emily: Can HOT Lanes Encourage Carpooling? A Case Study of Carpooling Behavior on the 91 Express Lanes, 1998

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