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IURD Working Paper Series

The Institute of Urban and Regional Development, a campuswide organized research unit, conducts collaborative, interdisciplinary research and practical work that helps scholars and students understand the dynamics of communities, cities and regions while informing public policy at the local, state and national levels.

The Institute provides a research home and support to individual faculty and graduate students who initiate their own projects or collaborate on multidisciplinary programs. The Institute's Community Partnerships Office comprises a significant institutional program of partnership with communities and public and nonprofit agencies in the Bay Area to assist them with research, evaluations, conferences, workshops, internships and innovative planning and design.

There are 367 publications in this collection, published between 1963 and 2024. Showing 151 - 200.

Dowall, David E.: Urban Residential Redevelopment in the People's Republic of China , 1993

Kirschenbaum, Josh; Marsch, Dwayne: An Evaluation of the UrbanPlus, as Implemented at McClymonds High School for Students, 1993

Laguerre, Michel J.: Informality and the Urban Economic Process , 1993

Landis, John D.; Hall, Peter; Teitz, Michael; Bradshaw, Ted; Egan, Edmund; Pamuk, Ayse et al.: CUF Model Simulation Results: Alternative Futures for the Greater Bay Area Region, 1993

Oakland Forum: Evaluation of the Career Academies of Oakland Unified School District: Interim Report, 1993

Oakland Forum: Support for the Career Academies: An Analysis of Two-Year Trends with Policy Recommendations, 1993

Saxenian, AnnaLee: Inside-Out: The Industrial Systems of Silicon Valley and Route128, 1993

Southworth, Michael; Ben-Joseph, Eran: Regulated Streets: The Evolution of Standards for Suburban Residential Streets, 1993

Blakely, Edward J.: Shaping the American Dream: Land Use Choices for America's Future, 1992

Blakely, Edward J.: Shaping the American Dream: Land Use Choices for America's Future, 1992

Bosselmann, Peter: Visual Simulation in Urban Design, 1992

Bradshaw, Ted K.: In the Shadow of Urban Growth: Bifurcation in Rural California Communities, 1992

Guhathakurta, Subhrajit: Electronics Policy and the Television Manufacturing Industry: Lessons from India's Liberalization Efforts, 1992

Hall, Peter: The Changing Face of Global Cities, 1992

Hall, Peter: Designing the East Thames Corridor: The Second Golden Age of the Garden Suburb, 1992

Ho, Chi Wing: Planning Policies and Real Estate Developments: Hong Kong, Singapore, and U.S. West Coast Cities, 1992

Innes, Judith E.; Simpson, David M.: Implementing Geographic Information Systems for Planning: Lessons from the History of Technological Innovation, 1992

Landis, John: BASS II: A New Generation of Metropolitan Simulation Models, 1992

Munroe , Tapan; Gray, Mia; Mackle, Nancy; Winter-Nelson, Karen; Selfa, Theresa; Zehnder, David: Report on the Future of the San Francisco Bay Area Economy Part II: The Nature of Interdependence in the Bay Area, 1992

Munroe, Tapan; Brack, Barbara; Ferreira Cluver, Andreas; Matthews, Melange; Navarro, Theresa: Report on the Future of the San Francisco Bay Area Economy Part III: Equity and Distributional Aspects of the Bay Area Economy, 1992

Oakland Forum: Integrated Curriculum in High Schools: Projects from the Oakland Academies, 1992

Oakland Forum: Oakland Redevelopment Agency Support of Oakland Unified School District Academies: Interim Report from Project Evaluators, 1992

Oakland Forum: Support of Academies in the Oakland Public Schools by the Oakland Redevelopment Agency: Interim Report from Project Evaluators, 1992

Pamuk, Ayse: Comparative Analysis of Housing Delivery Systems for Low-Income Households: Policy Options for Turkey, 1992

Seravalli, Gilberto: Sub-Contractors' Relationships: An Eclectic Approach, 1992

Stryker, Sean D.: Critical Planning: The Autonomy of Social Movements, 1992

Chew, Jeffrey: Fruitvale: A Neighborhood Commercial Revitalization Plan, 1991

Innes, Judith: Implementing State Growth Management in the U.S.: Strategies for Coordination, 1991

Oakland Forum: Oakland Redevelopment Agency Support of Oakland Unified School District Academies: Report of the Evaluation Year, Executive Summary, 1991

Pamuk, Ayse: Comparative Analysis of Housing Delivery Systems for Low-Income Households: Policy Options for Turkey, 1991

Blakely, Edward J.: Fruitvale Community Development Plan, 1990

Brown, Elissa; Guhathakurta, Subhrajit; Landis, John: Business Perceptions of Oakland's Business Climate, 1990

Campt, David W: Profile of Oakland's Publicly-Supported Job Training Programs, 1990

Chavez, Elena; Gross, Cort; Harris, Caterina; Muratsuchi, Al; Rogers, John: Dialogue and Development in San Antonio, 1990

Commission for Positive Change: Good Education in Oakland: Strategies for Positive Change--Full Report, 1990

Deakin, Elizabeth; Jacobs, Allen: Telegraph Avenue Study Area: Planning Reservations, 1990

Feuerwerker, Paul: Prospects for a Linked Deposit Program in Oakland, 1990

Fischler, Raphael: Partnerships with the Oakland Schools: Lessons From the Past, 1990

Fischler, Raphael: Schools and Communities Working Together: Types and Principles, 1990

Green, Phyllis Strong: Transitions to Work: Education for the Workforce Need for the Nineties and Beyond, 1990

Little, Susan E: A Sampling of Community Resources in the Oakland Public Schools, 1990

Southworth, Michael: The Oakland Explorers Kid's Guide, 1990

University-Oakland Metropolitan Forum with the Urban Strategies Council: Commission for Positive Change in the Oakland Public Schools, 1990

Bosselmann, Peter: South Lake District Plan, 1989

Fischler, Raphael: Characteristics of Successful Civic Partnerships: Lessons for Building a Children's Agenda, 1989

Landis, John; Guhathakurta, Subhrajit: The Downsized Economy: Employment and Establishment Trends in Oakland, 1981-1986, 1989

Laurie, Michael; Chew, Jeffrey: A Seventh Street Revitalization Study: An Urban Design Proposal Prepared for the Community of West Oakland, 1989

Lee, Mi Yeong: Southeast Asian Small Businessess and Communirty Economic Development, 1989

Morgan, Andrea: Small Business and Local Economic Development: Opportunities in Oakland , 1989

O'Sullivan, Terrence: Profile and Prospects for Plastics Recycling Industry in Oakland, 1989

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