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IURD Working Paper Series

The Institute of Urban and Regional Development, a campuswide organized research unit, conducts collaborative, interdisciplinary research and practical work that helps scholars and students understand the dynamics of communities, cities and regions while informing public policy at the local, state and national levels.

The Institute provides a research home and support to individual faculty and graduate students who initiate their own projects or collaborate on multidisciplinary programs. The Institute's Community Partnerships Office comprises a significant institutional program of partnership with communities and public and nonprofit agencies in the Bay Area to assist them with research, evaluations, conferences, workshops, internships and innovative planning and design.

There are 367 publications in this collection, published between 1963 and 2024. Showing 201 - 250.

Palmquist, Kirstin; Pascual, Ami L: Oakland Youth's Views of Working Experiences and Other After-School Activities and Programs , 1989

Pascual, Ami L: Aspirations and Reality: How Can We Bridge the Gap?, 1989

Pascual, Ami L: Oakland's Kids: What They Think, What They Do and Where They Go -- A Report of the Oakland Explorers Kid's Survey, 1989

Sawislak, Daniel; LaClair, Joseph: Oakland Neighborhood Planning Manual, 1989

Hall, Peter; Bornstein, Lisa; Grier, Reed: Biotechnology: The Next Industrial Frontier, 1988

Horst, Michael; O'Brian, Pat; Southworth, Michael: Lower Broadway District Plan, 1988

Horst, Michael; O'Brian, Pat; Southworth, Michael: A Proposed Land Use and Development Plan for a Portion of Downtown Oakland, California, 1988

Bosselmann, Peter; Craik, Kenneth H.: Perceptual Simulations of Environments, 1985

Silverman, Carol J; Barton, Stephen E: Condominums: Individualism and Community in a Mixed Property Form, 1984

Appleyard, Donald; Jacobs, Allan: Toward An Urban Design Manifesto, 1982

Dowall, David E: Private-Sector Strategies for Solving the Bay Area's Housing Problem, 1981

Dumont, Donna; Cranz, Galen; Dumont, Mary: San Francisco's Park Policy in the Nineteenth Century: Goals versus Outcomes, 1981

Friedmann, John: Planning as Social Learning, 1981

Friedmann, John: Regional Planning For Rural Mobilization in Africa, 1981

Meier, Richard L: Athens: The Urban Ecology of Transition from "Developing" to "Developed" Status, 1981

Saxenian, AnnaLee: Silicon Chips and Spatial Structure: The Industrial Basis of Urbanization In Santa Clara County, California, 1981

Cervero, Robert: Flat Versus Differentiated Transit Pricing: What's a Fair Fare?, 1980

Alonso, William: A Theory of Movements: Introduction, 1976

Archibald, Kathleen A.: A Classification and Comparison of Evaluative Activities, 1976

Meier, Richard L.: Less is More in Megalopolis, 1976

Meier, Richard L.: Urban Futures Observed: In the Asian Third World, 1976

Alonso, William: City Sizes and Quality of Life: Some Observations, 1975

Cohen, Stephen S.; Goldfinger, Charles: From Permacrisis to Real Crisis in French Social Security An Essay on the Limits to Normal Politics, 1975

Forester, John: The Practice of Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 1975

Hirschhorn, Larry: The Social Crisis -- The Crisis of Work and Social Services: An Approach to the Grammar of Post-Industrial Revolution Part I: The Social Service Crisis in Historical Perspective, 1975

Jones, F. Ron: Cost Analysis of Alternative Transportation Systems for the Handicapped, 1975

Meier, Richard L: Evolving a Stable Ecosystem for Densely Populated Societies, 1975

Pack, Howard; Rothenberg Pack, Janet: The Adoption and Use of Urban Development Models, 1975

Small, Kenneth A.: Estimating the Air Pollution Costs of Transportation Modes, 1975

Stueve, Ann; Gerson , Kathleen; Fischer, Claude S.: The Structure and Determinants of Attachment to Place, 1975

Alonso, William: Policy-Oriented Interregional Demographic Accounting and a Generalization of Population Flow Models, 1974

Cameron, Gordon; Firn, John; Latham, Mary; Maclennan, Duncan: The Determinants of Urban Manufacturing Location - A Simple Model , 1974

Cameron, Gordon C.: Regional Economic Policy in the U.K. , 1974

Fischer, Claude S: The Effect of Urban Life on Traditional Values, 1974

Fischer, Claude S.; Jackson, Robert Max: Suburbs, Networks, and Attitudes, 1974

Fisher, Claude S.: Toward a Subcultural Theory of Urbanism, 1974

Forester, John: Social Change: Problems of Technology and Planning; Tracing the Social Consequences of Transport Technologies, 1974

Hirschhorn, Larry: The Social Service Crisis and the New Subjectivity: Social Services in the Post-Industrial Revolution, 1974

Lee, Douglass B. Jr.: Cost Components for Selected Public Transportation Modes in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1974

Meier, Richard L.: Analysis of the Contemporary Urban Ecosystem: An Appraisal of Hong Kong's Future, 1974

Meier, Richard L.: Human Ecology in Long Term River Basin Planning -- The Mekong Case, 1974

Meier, Richard L.: Seoul 1974: The Urban Dynamics of Accelerated Development, 1974

Meier, Richard L.: Teheran: A New "World City" Emerging, 1974

Merewitz, Leonard; Pozdena, Randall: A Long-Run Cost Function For Rail Rapid Transit Properties, 1974

Palm, Risa; Pred, Allan: A Time-Geographic Perspective on Problems of Inequality for Women, 1974

Adamson, Lea; Armstrong , Phil; Fleck, Jack; Kozimar, Larry: Urban Communes: A Study of Group Living in Berkeley, California, 1973

Appleyard, Donald; Carp, Frances M.: The BART Residential Impact Study: A Longitudinal Empirical Study of Environmental Impact, 1973

Appleyard, Donald; Craik, Kenneth H.; Klapp, Merrie; Kreimer, Alcira: The Berkeley Environmental Simulation Laboratory: Its Use in Environmental Impact Assessment, 1973

Appleyard, Donald: Environmental Planning and Social Science: Strategies for Environmental Decision-Making, 1973

Armstrong, Philip A: Vocational Rehabilitation Programs Undergoing Rapid Expansion: A Simulation Study of Cost amd Caseload Statistics, 1973

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