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IURD Working Paper Series

The Institute of Urban and Regional Development, a campuswide organized research unit, conducts collaborative, interdisciplinary research and practical work that helps scholars and students understand the dynamics of communities, cities and regions while informing public policy at the local, state and national levels.

The Institute provides a research home and support to individual faculty and graduate students who initiate their own projects or collaborate on multidisciplinary programs. The Institute's Community Partnerships Office comprises a significant institutional program of partnership with communities and public and nonprofit agencies in the Bay Area to assist them with research, evaluations, conferences, workshops, internships and innovative planning and design.

There are 367 publications in this collection, published between 1963 and 2024. Showing 251 - 300.

Collignon, Frederick C.: An Overview of Program Evaluation Activity in Rehabilitation Services programs: Current Status nd the Problems Ahead, 1973

Collignon, Frederick C.: An Overview of Tools and Requirements for Program Evaluation in Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies, 1973

Harris, Jeff: The Uses of Performance Measures in Rehabilitation Programs, 1973

LeRoy, Lauren B.: A Study of the Feasibility of Providing Health Care Services to the Disabled in a Health Maintenance Organization, 1973

Meier, Richard L.: Design of Resource-Conserving Cities Part I, 1973

Meier, Richard L: Resource-Conserving Urbanism in South Asia VI: Megalopolis Formation for Java, 1973

Merewitz, Leonard: Cost Overruns in Public Works, 1973

Ridge, Susan Shea: Survey of State Program Evaluation Practices, 1973

Siebert, Glenn A: Effectiveness Indicators for Employment Offices: A Systems Approach, 1973

Siebert, Glenn: Implementation of Evaluation and the Systems Approach in Government: A Literature Survey and Conceptual Model, 1973

Warthman, Forrest: Cable Television: Its Urban Context and Programming, 1973

Webber, Melvin M: On the Technics and Politics of Transport Planning, 1973

Webber, Melvin M: Post-Automobile Transport, 1973

Webber, Melvin M: Societal Contexts of Transportation and Communication, 1973

Alonso, William: Policy Implications of Intermetropolitan Migration Flows, 1972

Armstrong, Philip A.: Program Analysis: Patterns of Cost, Output and Productivity Among Districts in a State Rehabilitation Agency, 1972

Biscamp, Larry; Taylor, Judy; Willsmore, Herbert; Cole, Charles: An Evaluation of Rehabilitation Counselor Training Programs from the Perspective of Disabled Clients, 1972

Collignon, Frederick; Thompson, Barbara: The Evaluation Process in State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies: Comments for the Prime Study Group on Program Evaluation, Tenth Institute on Rehabilitation Services, 1972

Collignon, Frederick; Zawada, Adam; Thompson, Barbara; Markowitz, Joel: Guidelines and Criteria for Evaluating Vocationsl Rehabilitation Programs: A Discussion Paper for the Prime Study Group on Program Evaluation, Tenth Institute on Rehabilitation Services, 1972

Cooper, Clare; Day, Noel; Levine, Beatrice: Resident Dissatisfaction in Multi-Family Housing, 1972

Dehlinger, Hans; Protzen, Jean-Pierre: Debate and Argumentation in Planning: An Inquiry into Appropriate Rules and Procedures, 1972

Dodson, Richard; Cole, Charles B.: An Introduction to Cost Benefit Analysis of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program: A Model for Use by State Agencies, 1972

Fischer, Claude S.: The Metropolitan Experince, 1972

Fischer, Claude S.: Urban Life and Violence: Ecological Factors, 1972

Foley, Donald L.: Accessibility for Residents in the Metropolitan Environment , 1972

Foley, Donald L.; Redwood, John: Auto Nonavailability as a Component of Transportation Disadvantage: A Pre-BART Review of the Bay Area Situation and the National Context, 1972

Foley, Donald L.: Differentials in Personal Access to Household Motor Vehicles: Five-County San Francisco Bay Area, 1971, 1972

Hirschhorn, Larry: A Model of Public Sector Growth, 1972

Hirschhorn, Larry: Taxation, Inflation, and Transition to Post-Industrialism, 1972

Hirschhorn, Larry: A Theory of Tax Determined Inflation, 1972

Hirschhorn, Larry: Two Essays on the Transition to Post-Industrialism 1. Wage and Price Controls and the Transition to Post-Industrialism 2. The Counter-Culture in the Transition to Post-Industrialism, 1972

Kozimor, Lawrence W.: Identifying and Investigating Resource Allocation Problems in a State Rehabilitation Agency, 1972

Krieger, Martin H.: Is it Worthwhile to do Public Policy Research?, 1972

LaRue, Charlotte: The Development of Vocational Rehabilitation Programs. 1880-1940: A Case Study in the Evolution of the Provision of Public Services in the United States, 1972

Lee, Douglass B.: Consequences of Service Reduction in Municipal Transit: San Francisco's MUNI, 1972

Lee, Douglass B.: The Costs of Private Automobile Usage to the City of San Francisco, 1972

LeGates, Richard T.: Can the Federal Welfare Bureaucracies Control Their Programs: The Case of HUD and Urban Renewal, 1972

MacRostie, Thomas: An Overview of the "Rehabilitation System": An Attempt to Outline Federal and Private Program Activity and Resource Flows Directed Toward the Disabled, 1972

Markowitz, Joel: Central Policy Issues for the Evaluation of Sheltered Workshops, 1972

Markowitz, Joel; Collignon, Frederick: A Second Look at Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities: Some Questions and Cautions, 1972

McFadden, Daniel: Conditional Logit Analysis of Qualitative Choice Behavior, 1972


Meier, Richard L.: Resource-Conserving Urbanism in South Asia V: Further Explorations of Potentials for New Bombay, 1972

Merewitz, Leonard: Cost Overruns in Public Works With Special Reference to Urban Rapid Transit Projects, 1972

Pozdena, Randall: Choice of an Initial Fare Structure for the Bay Area Rapid Transit District, 1972

Ridge, Susan Shea: The Allocation of Rehabilitation Funds Among States and Districts: An Evaluations , 1972

Ridge, Susan Shea: Estimating Need for Rehabilitation Services, 1972

Rittel, Horst W.J.; Webber, Melvin M.: Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning, 1972

Serot, David E.: Indices of Cost, Output and Productivity for the Use in Evaluating Rehabilitation Services Programs, 1972

Stahl, Konrad: Taxpayer Payback Period Analysis of Rehabilitation Services Programs: A First Model and its Sensitivity Analysis, 1972

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