IURD Working Paper Series
The Institute of Urban and Regional Development, a campuswide organized research unit, conducts collaborative, interdisciplinary research and practical work that helps scholars and students understand the dynamics of communities, cities and regions while informing public policy at the local, state and national levels.
The Institute provides a research home and support to individual faculty and graduate students who initiate their own projects or collaborate on multidisciplinary programs. The Institute's Community Partnerships Office comprises a significant institutional program of partnership with communities and public and nonprofit agencies in the Bay Area to assist them with research, evaluations, conferences, workshops, internships and innovative planning and design.
There are 367 publications in this collection, published between 1963 and 2024. Showing 51 - 100.
Manuel Pastor; William Lester; Justin Scoggins: Why Regions?, 2007
Margaret Weir; Jane Rongerude: Multi-Level Power and Progressive Regionalism, 2007
Rolf Pendall; Kathryn A. Foster; Margaret Cowell: Resilience and Regions: Building Understanding ofthe Metaphor, 2007
SangHyun Cheon: The Productive Efficiency of Ports: Lessons from the Pacific Rim Seaport’s, 2007
Sarah Reckhow; T. William Lester: Network Governance and Regional Equity: Shared Agendas or Problematic Partners?, 2007
Todd Swanstrom; Brian Banks: Going Regional: Community-based Regionalism, Transportation, and Local Hiring Agreements, 2007
Todd Swanstrom; Rob Ryan; Katherine M. Stigers: Measuring Concentrated Poverty: Did It Really Decline in the 1990s?, 2007
William Eisenstein: Re-Envisioning the Delta: Alternative Futures for the Heart of California, 2007
A Master Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development — Koh Lanta Yai, Krabi Province, 2007
Connick, Sarah: The Sacramento Area Water Forum: A Case Study, 2006
Elmer, Vicki; Thorne-Lyman, Abigail; Belzer, Dena: Fiscal Analysis and Land Use Policy in California: A Case Study of the San Jose Employment Land Conversion Analysis, 2006
Innes, Judith E.; Connick, Sarah; Kaplan, Laura; Booher, David E.: Collaborative Governance in the CALFED Program: Adaptive Policy Making for California Water, 2006
Innes, Judith; Rongerude, Jane: Collaborative Regional Initiatives: Civic Entrepreneurs Work to Fill the Governance Gap, 2006
Landis, John; Concepcion, Carmen: Oakland Labor Force and Unemployment Trends: A Review of Available Data and Literature, 2006
Macdonald, Elizabeth; Harper, Alethea; Williams, Jeff; Hayter, Jason A.: Street Trees and Intersection Safety, 2006
Pallagst, Karina: Growth Management in the San Francisco Bay Area: Interdependence of Theory and Practice, 2006
Treuhaft, Sarah: The Democratization of Data: How the Internet is Shaping the Work of Data Intermediaries, 2006
Whittington, Jan; Dowall, David E.: Transaction-Cost Economic Analysis of Institutional Change toward Design-Build Contracts for Public Transportation, 2006
Zhu, Jieming; Sim, Loo-Lee; Liu, Xuan: Place-Remaking under Property Rights Regimes: A Case Study of Niucheshui, Singapore, 2006
Chapple, Karen: Building Institutions from the Region Up: Regional Workforce Development Collaboratives in California, 2005
Innes, Judith; Gruber, Judith; Neuman, Michael; Thompson, Robert; Langenthal, Joshua; Kirschenbaum, Joshua: COORDINATING GROWTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT THROUGH CONSENSUS BUILDING Vol. 2. Appendix Case Studies, 2005
Shin, Dong-Chun: Recent Experience of and Prospects for High-Speed Rail in Korea: Implications of a Transport System and Regional Development from a Global Perspective, 2005
Bertaud, Alain: The Spatial Organization of Cities: Deliberate Outcome or Unforeseen Consequence?, 2004
Christensen, Karen; Rongerude, Jane: The San Diego Dialogue: Reshaping the San Diego Region, 2004
Innes, Judith: Taking the Three 'E's Seriously: The Bay Area Alliance for Sustainable Communities, 2004
Innes, Judith; Sandoval, Gerardo: Turning Businesspeople into Environmentalists: The Sierra Business Council, 2004
Pamuk, Ayse: Immigrant Clusters and Homeownership in Global Metropolises: Suburbanization Trends in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York, 2004
Saxenian, AnnaLee; Dabby, Nadya Chinoy: Creating and Sustaining Regional Collaboration in Silicon Valley? The Case of Joint Venture: Silicon Valley, 2004
Serra, M. V.; Dowall, David E.; Motta, Diana; Donovan, Michael: Urban Land Markets and Urban Land Development: An Examination of Three Brazilian Cities: Brasília, Curitiba and Recife, 2004
Bosselmann, Peter; Pellegrini, Stefan: Rebuilding the Urban Structure of the Inner City: A Strategy for the Repair of Downtown Oakland, California, 2003
Cervero, Robert: Coping with Complexity in America's Urban Transport Sector, 2003
Cervero, Robert; Tsai, Yu-Hsin: San Francisco City CarShare: Travel-Demand Trends and Second-Year Impacts, 2003
Comerio, Mary C.: Seismic Protection of Laboratory Contents: The UC Berkeley Science Building Case Study, 2003
Hudzik, Catherine M.: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Collaboration in Water Resources Planning in California: A Case Study of CALFED, 2003
Innes, Judith E.; Booher, David E.: The Impact of Collaborative Planning on Governance Capacity, 2003
Landis, John D.; Reilly, Michael: How We Will Grow: Baseline Projections of the Growth of California's Urban Footprint through the Year 2100, 2003
Moschetti, Wendy: An Exploratory Study of Participatory Evaluation and HOPE VI Community Supporitve Services, 2003
Cervero, Robert; Creedman, Nina; Pai, Madhav; Pohan, Muhammad; Tsai, Yu-Hsin: City CarShare: Assessment of Intermediate-Term Travel-Behavior Impacts, 2002
Cervero, Robert; Creedman, Nina; Pai, Madhav; Pohan, Muhammad: City CarShare: Assessment of Short-Term Travel-Behavior Impacts, 2002
Landis, John D.; Deng, Lan; Reilly, Michael: Growth Management Revisited: A Reassessment of its Efficacy, Price Effects, and Impacts on Metropolitan Growth Patterns, 2002
Bosselmann, Peter: Transformations and City Extensions: Some Observations of Copenhagen's City Form at a Time of Global Change, 2001
Connick, Sarah; Innes, Judith E.: Outcomes of Collaborative Water Policy Making: Applying Complexity Thinking to Evaluation, 2001
Deakin, Elizabeth; Ferrell, Christopher; Sankalia, Tanu; Sepulveda, Patricia: The San Pablo Dam Road Commercial District in El Sobrante, California: Baseline Study, 2001
Deakin, Elizabeth: Sustainable Development and Sustainable Transportation: Strategies for Economic Prosperity, Environmental Quality, and Equity, 2001
Goldman, Todd: Consequences of Sprawl: Threats to California's Natural Environment and Human Health, 2001
Innes, Judith E.; Gruber, Judith E.: Planning Styles in Conflict at the San Francisco Bay Area's Metropolitan Transportation Commission, 2001
Landis, John D.; Foster, Howard; Frontiera, Patricia; Reilly, Michael; Twiss, Robert: Forecasting and Mitigating Future Urban Encroachment Adjacent to California Military Installations: A Spatial Approach, 2001
Snyder, Mary Gail: Opportunity for All: Growth, Equity, and Land Use Planning for California's Future, 2001
Southworth, Michael: Wastelands in the Evolving Metropolis, 2001
Violich, Francis: Intellectual Evolution in the Field of City and Regional Planning: A Personal Perspective Toward Holistic Planning Education, 1937-2010, 2001