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Submission Guidelines

The Journal of Astronomy in Culture accepts submissions from anyone and will consider publication as long as the submission adheres to established academic conventions.  While the specific discipline from which the submission draws its method may range from archaeology to history to ethnography to indigenous studies and beyond, it is at the editors’ discretion to determine whether a recognizable convention has been followed.

Submissions should be sent as electronic attachments in Word or Rich Text format to .  Images and Tables should be included, but reduced to low resolution, keeping the overall file size to less than 10 MB.  If submission must be made by paper copy via postal mail, contact the editors to make arrangements.

Submissions should follow the Style Guide established by the Society of American Archaeology for its journals.  They should be accompanied by a (2-page) CV of the primary author(s), and the email carrying the attached submission file should include the author’s name, academic affiliation, title of submission and submission abstract.

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Journal Info

Journal of Astronomy in Culture

Gerardo Aldana, Editor in Chief
Stanislaw Iwaniszewski, Managing Editor

Copyright Information:

Beginning with issue 1:1, all articles in this journal are covered by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License.

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