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Information Center for the Environment Publications

The Information Center for the Environment does research and development on environmental information systems, especially for biodiversity, land use, and water quality. To do so, it has formed partnerships with over 30 state, federal, and international agencies and a variety of environmental and land management organizations. The Center hosts a number of public environmental and natural resource databases, most available over the Internet, and provides technical support to decision makers in a number of areas of public policy. Currently funded research topics include, biodiversity in parks and reserves, invasive species, water quality in rivers, sources and management practices for non-point-source water pollution, protection of drinking water, watershed assessment and monitoring, floodplain restoration, land use planning and law, and stakeholder processes for watershed protection, as well as research into the next generation of remote sensing, geographic analysis, and semantic web technologies. The Center also provides Geographic Information System data and spatial technology tool development for a variety of other research projects in ecology and natural resource management at the University of California and among state and federal agencies in California. Center staff include individuals with many years of experience teaching technology and science-based courses, including Land Use Planning, Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Spatial Analysis, and Watershed Analysis.

There are 33 publications in this collection, published between 1995 and 2015.

Belfiore, Natalia; Seimon, Anton; Picton Phillips, Guy; Basabose, Augustin; Gray, Maryke; Masinde, Isabella et al.: The Implications of Global Climate Change for Mountain Gorilla Conservation, 2015

Bjorkman, Jacquelyn; Thorne, James H; Hollander, Allan; Roth, Nathaniel E; Boynton, Ryan M; de Goede, John et al.: Biomass, Carbon Sequestration, and Avoided Emissions:  Assessing the Role of Urban Trees in California, 2015

Hannah, Lee; Midgley, Guy; Davies, Ian; Davies, Frank; Ries, Lydia; Thuiller, Wilfried et al.: BioMove - Improvement and Parameterization of a Hybrid Model fo the ASsessment of Climate Change impacts on the Vegetation of California, 2015

Thorne, James H; Bjorkman, Jacquelyn; Boynton, Ryan M; Huber, Patrick R: 2015 Mitigation Needs Assessment for Transportation Projects for the Sacramento Valley Pilot Project for Regional Advance Mitigation Planning, 2015

Thorne, James H; Bjorkman, Jacquelyn; Huber, Patrick R: A Reference Manual for Caltrans Staff on Regional Advance Mitigation Impact Assessment Methods, 2015

Thorne, James H; Bjorkman, Jacquelyn; Huber, Patrick R: A Review of Lessons Learned through the RAMP Working Group, Addendum to the Draft Statewide Framework, 2015

Thorne, James H; Roth, Nathanial; Boynton, Ryan: The state of the valley report: an overview of the characteristics and trends of natural resources in the San Joaquin Valley's rural spaces, with an eye on resource sustainability for the future., 2014

Thorne, James; Monahan, William; Holguin, Andrew; Schwartz, Mark W: 4.2: Assessment of Landscape Context, 2013

Cornwell, William K; Stuart, Stephanie A; Ramirez, Aaron; Dolanc, Christopher R; Thorne, James H; Ackerly, David D: Climate change impacts on California vegetation: physiology, life history, and ecosystem change., 2012

Thorne, James H; Boynton, Ryan; Flint, Lorriane; Flint, Alan; N'goc Le, Thuy: Development and application of downscaled hydroclimatic predictor variables for use in climate vulnerability and assessment studies., 2012

Thorne, James H; Bjorkman, Jacquelyn; Roth, Nathaneil: Urban Growth in California: Projecting growth in California (2000-2050) under six alternative policy scenarios and assessing impacts to future dispersal corridors, fire threats and climate-sensitive agriculture.Urban Growth in California: Projecting Growth in California (2000-2050) under six alternative policy scenarios and assessing impacts to future dispersal corridors, fire threats and climate-sensitive agriculture., 2012

Diamond, Tanya; McFarland, Casey; Thorne, James H: The Central Coast Connectivity Project, Northern Monterey County Linkages: Report on the Mount Toro to Fort Ord Reserve Study 2008-2009, 2010

Huber, Patrick R; Shilling, Fraser M; Thorne, James H; Greco, Steven E; Roth, Nathaniel E: Safe Passages and the City of Riverbank: Wildlife Connectivity in the San Joaquin Valley, California, 2010

Thorne, James H; Kelsey, Rodd; Honig, Jacquelyn; Morgan, Brian: The Development of 70-Year-Old Wieslander Vegetation Type Maps and an Assessment of Landscape Change in the Central Sierra Nevada, 2006

Kalman, Naomi B.; Hogle, Ingrid B.; Viers, Joshua H.: Designing a geodatabase for your project: A wetlands delineation example, 2004

McCoy, Michael C.; Quinn, James F.: Riparian habitat inventory and assessment agreement, 2003

Ramirez, Carlos; Viers, Joshua H.; Quinn, James F.; Michael L. Johnson; Johnson, Joshua H.; Kalman, Naomi B.: Geospatial Risk Assessment of North Coast Watersheds in California, 2003

Viers, Joshua H.; Ramirez, Carlos; Quinn, James F.: On the uses of hyperspectral data analysis and watershed analytical methods to evaluate the extent of riparian vegetation and habitat in the Navarro River, California, 2003

Johnson, Joshua H.; Viers, Joshua H.; Kozlowicz, Ben; Byrne, Michael S.; Quinn, James F.: Geographic Information System support for total maximum daily load analysis of the Mattole River Watershed, Humboldt County, California, 2002

McCoy, Michael C.; Quinn, James F.; Kalman, Naomi B.: Identifying environmental and agricultural values and opportunities for regional planning:a GIS approach, 2002

Thorne, James; Cameron, Dick; Jigour, Verna: A guide to Wildlands Conservation in the Central Coast Region of California., 2002

Viers, Joshua H.; Hoyos, Renee V.; Mullins, James C.; Lehmer, Eric; Byrne, Michael S.; McCoy, Michael C. et al.: Watershed analysis tool for environmental resources: GIS technology in the new millennium, 2000

Kearney, Jill; Viers, Joshua H.; Willett, Karen Beardsley; McCoy, Michael C.; Quinn, James F.: Using GIS to improve water quality reporting in California, 1999

Moore, Cynthia L.; Mullins, James C.; Willett, Karen Beardsley; Quinn, James F.: Migrating attributes tied to the EPA river reache file to the national hydrography dataset, 1999

Shook, Chad D.; Madison, Mary E.; Willett, Karen Beardsley; Quinn, James F.; McCoy, Michael C.: Applied geographic information systems in cooperative natural resource projects: A California Example, 1999

Viers, Joshua H.; McCoy, Michael C.; Quinn, James F.; Johnson, Michael L.: Nonpoint Source Pollution Modeling in the North Coast of California, 1999

Keller, Kaylene E.; McCoy, Michael C.; Quinn, James F.: Protection status of California's hardwood riparian habitat, 1998

Lehmer, Eric; Lampinen, Gail S.; McCoy, Michael C.; Quinn, James F.: ICEMAP2 (Interactive California environmental management, assessment, and planning system mark 2): A MapObjects based Internet mapping service, 1998

Viers, Joshua H.; McCoy, Michael C.; Quinn, James F.; Willett, Karen Beardsley; Lehmer, Eric: California rivers assessment: Assembling environmental data to characterize California's watersheds, 1998

Willett, Karen Beardsley; Thode, Andrea E.; Viers, Joshua H.; Quinn, James F.; Kearney, Jill E.: Improving water quality reporting in California with the Geo Waterbody system, 1998

Veisze, Paul; Willett, Karen Beardsley; Quinn, James F.; Viers, Joshua H.; Oshima, Isaac; Byrne, Michael: California's Experience with the river reach file, 1997

Willett, Karen Beardsley; Quinn, James F.; Lehmer, Eric; McCoy, Michael C.: California riparian evaluation system: an ArcView decision support tool for environmental management, 1997

Willett, Karen Beardsley; Chin, Harvey; Quinn, James F.: California rivers assessment on-line query system, 1995

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