Aim and Scope
Languages of the Caucasus is a double-blind peer-reviewed open-access electronic journal that seeks to publish high-quality linguistic research on languages of the Caucasus. Our purview is linguistic work of any subdiscipline, theoretical framework, etc. informed by contemporary international linguistics and dealing with one or more languages of the Caucasus.
Languages of the Caucasus publishes two kinds of papers. Articles are standard journal articles. Reports are presentations of data on a little-described language or point of grammar, usually with a topical focus (e.g. relativization in Language X, or new data changing the received view of relativization in Language X). Reports can be based on field data, or they can be gathered from grammars or texts. They can be descriptive (e.g. relativization in Language X) or historical (e.g. a newly discovered sound correspondence).
We use volume and issue numbering for ease of bibliographical reference, but articles are published as soon as they are accepted and received in final form.