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About Us

Berkeley Scientific is the premier undergraduate research journal of the University of California, Berkeley.

Every semester, our undergraduate staff publishes independent research completed by undergraduates at UC Berkeley, interviews with faculty members, features articles on current issues in science, and online blog posts. All research papers are faculty-reviewed, and all interviews are conducted by the staff.

The initial purpose of the journal was to provide an official forum in which Berkeley undergraduates could publish their independent research. But since its start in 1996, it has expanded to give the Berkeley scientific community a more in-depth understanding of itself, a broader understanding of how events here at Berkeley affect the world, and vice versa.

The focus of the journal is broad, spanning scientific disciplines from ecology to engineering, from astronomy to biochemistry. Our intended audience includes, but is not limited to, UC Berkeley students, faculty, and the surrounding community. Although all of our published material is primarily related to the campus, many research papers include work done far off campus, and our faculty interviewees do work that involve collaborations and carry implications across the globe.

Berkeley Scientific publishes materials only by UC Berkeley undergraduates or recent BA/BS recipients from UC Berkeley. For additional information, please contact us or visit our submission page.

Berkeley Scientific is listed with the Library of Congress: Berkeley Scientific ISSN 1097-0967

Berkeley Scientific is also listed with The Chemical Abstracts and can be found in most of the campus libraries. Issues can be searched through gladis or melvyl.

Berkeley Scientific is the proud recipient of the Columbia Press Association's Gold Medal Award for student publications.

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