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Fish Bulletin

Publications posted here are typically legacy print or electronic-only publications of value to the Scripps researchers, by non-Scripps authors. Publication here is intended to make these works of value more readily available in an open access environment. Works by Scripps' scientists are published elsewhere on this Repository site.

There are 185 publications in this collection, published between 1913 and 2024. Showing 51 - 100.

Pinkas, Leo: Fish Bulletin 134. Management Study of The California Barracuda Sphyraena argentea Girard, 1966

Biostatisical Section, Marine Resources Operation: Fish Bulletin 129. The California Marine Fish Catch For 1963, 1965

Butler, Robert L; Borgeson, David P: Fish Bulletin 127. California "Catchable" Trout Fisheries, 1965

Greenhood, Edward C; Mackett, David J: Fish Bulletin 132. The California Marine Fish Catch For 1964, 1965

Kelley, D W: Fish Bulletin 133. Ecological Studies of The Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary Part 1: Zooplankton, Zoobenthos, and Fishes of San Pablo and Suisun Bays, Zooplankton and Zoobenthos of the Delta, 1965

Miller, Daniel J; Gotshall, Daniel: Fish Bulletin 130. Ocean Sportfish Catch and Effort From Oregon to Point Arguello, California July 1, 1957–June 30, 1961, 1965

Turner, Jerry L; Kelley, D W: Fish Bulletin 136. Ecological Studies of The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Part II: Fishes of The Delta, 1965

Biostatisical Section, Marine Resources Operation: Fish Bulletin 125. The California Marine Fish Catch For 1962, 1964

Clemens, Harold B; Craig, William L: Fish Bulletin 128. An Analysis of California's Albacore Fishery, 1964

Fields, W Gordon: Fish Bulletin 131. The Structure, Development, Food Relations, Reproduction, and Life History of the Squid Loligo opalescens Berry, 1964

Phillips, Julius B: Fish Bulletin 126. Life History Studies on Ten Species of Rockfish (Genus Sebastodes), 1964

Barrett, Elinore M: Fish Bulletin 123. The California Oyster Industry, 1963

Biostatistical Section, Marine Resources Operations: Fish Bulletin No. 121. The California Marine Fish Catch For 1961 and Catch Localities for Dover Sole, Microstomus pacificus (Lockington), Landed in California, 1950 through 1959, 1963

Carlisle, John G Jr.; Turner, Charles H; Ebert, Earl E: Fish Bulletin 124. Artificial Habitat in the Marine Environment, 1963

Young, Parke H: Fish Bulletin 122. The Kelp Bass (Paralabrax clathratus) and Its Fishery, 1947–1958, 1963

Cox, Keith W: Fish Bulletin No. 118. California Abalones, Family Haliotidae, 1962

Joseph, David C: Fish Bulletin No. 119. Growth Characteristics of Two Southern California Surffishes, the California Corbina and Spotfin Croaker, Family Sciaenidae, 1962

Kutkuhn, Joseph H: Fish Bulletin No. 120. Estimating Absolute Age Composition of California Salmon Landings, 1962

Biostatistical Section, Marine Resources Operations: Fish Bulletin No. 117. The Marine Fish Catch of California For the Year 1960, 1961

Clemens, Harold B: Fish Bulletin No. 115. The Migration, Age, And Growth of Pacific Albacore (Thunnus germo), 1951–1958, 1961

Hallock, Richard J; Van Woert, William F; Shapovalov, Leo: Fish Bulletin No. 114. An Evaluation of Stocking Hatchery-Reared Steelhead Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdnerii gairdnerii) in the Sacramento River System, 1961

Tomlinson, Patrick K; Abramson, Norman J: Fish Bulletin No. 116. Fitting A Von Bertalanffy Growth Curve By Least Squares Including Tables of Polynomials, 1961

Walker, Boyd W: Fish Bulletin No. 113. The Ecology of the Salton Sea, California, in Relation to the Sportfishery, 1961

Baxter, John L: Fish Bulletin No. 110. A Study of The Yellowtail Seriola Dorsalis (Gill), 1960

Biostatistical Section, Marine Resources Operations: Fish Bulletin No. 108. The Marine Fish Catch of California For the Years 1957 and 1958, 1960

Biostatistical Section, Marine Resources Operations: Fish Bulletin No. 111. The Marine Fish Catch of California For the Year 1959, 1960

Carlisle, John G Jr.; Schott, Jack W; Abramson, Norman J: Fish Bulletin No. 109. The Barred Surfperch (Amphistichus argenteus Agassiz) in Southern California, 1960

Radovich, John: Fish Bulletin No. 112. Relationships of Some Marine Organisms of the Northeast Pacific to Water Temperatures Particularly During 1957 Through 1959, 1960

Leitritz, Earl: Fish Bulletin No. 107. Trout and Salmon Culture (Hatchery Methods), 1959

Staff of the Marine Resources Operations: Fish Bulletin No. 105. The Marine Fish Catch of California For the Years 1955 and 1956 with Rockfish Review, 1958

Staff of the Marine Resources Operations: Fish Bulletin No. 106. Age and Length Composition Pacific Coast Catches, Sardines and Pacific Mackerel 1955–56 and 1956–57 Seasons and the Northern Anchovy 1954–55 Through 1956–57 Seasons, 1958

Phillips, Julius B: Fish Bulletin No. 104. A Review of The Rockfishes of California (Family Scorpaenidae), 1957

Clemens, Harold B: Fish Bulletin No. 100. Catch Localities for Pacific Albacore (Thunnus germo) Landed in California, 1951 through 1953, 1955

Godsil, H C: Fish Bulletin No. 99. A Description of Two Species of Bonito Sarda Orientalis and S. Chiliensis And a Consideration of Relationships Within the Genus, 1955

Miller, Daniel J: Fish Bulletin No. 101. Age Determination of the Northern Anchovy, Engraulis mordax, 1955

Scofield, W L: Fish Bulletin No. 103. Trolling Gear In California, 1955

Staff of the Marine Fisheries Branch: Fish Bulletin No. 102. The Marine Fish Catch of California For The Years 1953 and 1954 with Jack Mackerel and Sardine Yield Per Area From California Waters 1946–47 Through 1954–55, 1955

Shapovalov, Leo; Taft, Alan C: Fish Bulletin No. 98. The Life Histories of the Steelhead Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri gairdneri) and Silver Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) with Special Reference to Waddell Creek, California, and Recommendations Regarding Their Management, 1954

Briggs, John C: Fish Bulletin No. 94. The Behavior and Reproduction of Salmonid Fishes in a Small Coastal Stream, 1953

Godsil, H C: Fish Bulletin No. 97. A Descriptive Study of Certain Tuna-like Fishes, 1953

Kerr, James E: Fish Bulletin No. 92. Studies on Fish Preservation at the Contra Costa Steam Plant of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, 1953

O'Connell, Charles P: Fish Bulletin No. 93. The Life History of the Cabezon Scorpaenichthys marmoratus (Ayres), 1953

Roedel, Phil M: Fish Bulletin No. 91. Common Ocean Fishes of the California Coast, 1953

Scofield, W L: Fish Bulletin No. 96. California Fishing Ports, 1953

Staff of the Marine Fisheries Branch: Fish Bulletin No. 95. The Commercial Fish Catch of California For the Year 1952 with Proportion of King and Silver Salmon in California's 1952 Landings, 1953

Fitch, John E: Fish Bulletin No. 90. Common Marine Bivalves of California, 1952

Hagerman, Frederick B: Fish Bulletin No. 85. The Biology of the Dover Sole, Microstomus pacificus (Lockington), 1952

Phillips, Julius B; Radovich, John: Fish Bulletin No. 87. Surveys Through 1951 of the Distribution and Abundance of Young Sardines (Sardinops caerulea), 1952

Roedel, Phil M: Fish Bulletin No. 84. A Racial Study of the Pacific Mackerel, Pneumatophorus diego, 1952

Staff of the Bureau of Marine Fisheries: Fish Bulletin No. 86. The Commercial Fish Catch of California For the Year 1950 with A Description of Methods Used in Collecting and Compiling the Statistics, 1952

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