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Oceanography Program Publications

There are 211 publications in this collection, published between 1975 and 2019. Showing 151 - 200.

Bromirski, P D; Flick, R E; Cayan, D R: Storminess Variability along the California Coast: 1858–2000, 2003

Elwany, M H; Flick, R E; Hamilton, M M: Effect of a Small Southern California Lagoon Entrance on Adjacent Beaches, 2003

Flick, R E; Murray, J F; Ewing, L C: Trends in United States Tidal Datum Statistics and Tide Range, 2003

Bauer, B O; Lorang, M S; Sherman, D J: Estimating Boat-Wake-Induced Levee Erosion using Sediment Suspension Measurements, 2002

Bromirski, P D; Duennebier, F K: The near-coastal microseism spectrum: Spatial and temporal wave climate relationships, 2002

Ellis, J T; Sherman, D J; Bauer, B O; Hart, J: Assessing the Impact of an Organic Restoration Structure on Boat Wake Energy, 2002

Guza, R T; O'Reilly, W C; Seymour, R J; Elgar, S L: Southern California Beach Processes Study - Torrey Pines Beach Nourishment Study 4th Quarterly Report to California Resources Agency and California Department of Boating and Waterways, 2002

Guza, R T; O'Reilly, W C; Seymour, R J; Elgar, S L: Southern California Beach Processes Study - Torrey Pines Beach Nourishment Study 5th Quarterly Report to California Resources Agency and California Department of Boating and Waterways, 2002

Guza, R T; O'Reilly, W C; Seymour, R J; Elgar, S L: Southern California Beach Processes Study - Torrey Pines Beach Nourishment Study 6th Quarterly Report, 2002

Guza, R T; O'Reilly, W C; Seymour, R J; Elgar, S L: Southern California Beach Processes Study - Torrey Pines Beach Nourishment Study 7th Quarterly Report, 2002

Guza, R T; O'Reilly, W C; Seymour, R J; Elgar, S L: Southern California Beach Processes Study - Torrey Pines Beach Nourishment Study 1st Quarterly Report to California Resources Agency and California Department of Boating and Waterways, 2001

Guza, R T; O'Reilly, W C; Seymour, R J; Elgar, S L: Southern California Beach Processes Study - Torrey Pines Beach Nourishment Study 2nd Quarterly Report to California Resources Agency and California Department of Boating and Waterways, 2001

Guza, R T; O'Reilly, W C; Seymour, R J; Elgar, S L: Southern California Beach Processes Study - Torrey Pines Beach Nourishment Study 3rd Quarterly Report to California Resources Agency and California Department of Boating and Waterways, 2001

Benumof, B T; Storlazzi, C D; Seymour, R J; Griggs, G B: The Relationship Between Incident Wave Energy and Seacliff Erosion Rates: San Diego County, California, 2000

Flick, R E: Time-of-Day of Peak Tides in a Mixed-Tide Regime, 2000

Hsiao, Amy: The Relationship between Incident Wave Energy and Seacliff Erosion Rates: San Diego County, California, 2000

Bromirski, P D; Flick, R E; Graham, N E: Ocean Wave Height Determined from Inland Seismometer Data: Implications for Investigating Wave Climate Changes in the NE Pacific, 1999

Elwany, M H; Flick, R E; Ajiaz, S: Opening and Closure of a Marginal Southern California Lagoon Inlet, 1998

Flick, R E: A Comparison of California Tides, Storm Surges, and Mean Sea Level During the El Niño Winters of 1982-83 and 1997-98, 1998

O'Reilly, W C; Guza, R T: Assimilating Coastal Wave Observations in Regional Swell Predictions. Part I: Inverse Methods, 1998

Seymour, R J: Effects of El Niños on the West Coast Wave Climate, 1998

Seymour, R J; Castel, D: Systematic Underestimation of Maximum Crest Heights in Deep Water Using Surface-Following Buoys, 1998

Elwany, M H; Thum, A B; Aijaz, S; Flick, R E: A Strategy to Maintain Tidal Flushing in Small Coastal Lagoons, 1997

Flick, R E; Elwany, M H: Tide and Beach Fluctuations and the Mean High Water Line, 1997

Seymour, R J: Undersea Pumped Storage for Load Leveling, 1997

Flick, R E: Relationship Between Kelp Beds and Beach Width in Southern California, 1996

O'Reilly, W C; Herbers, T C; Seymour, R J; Guza, R T: A comparison of directional buoy and fixed platform measurements of Pacific swell, 1996

O'Reilly, W C; Herbers, T.H.C.; Seymour, R J; Guza, R T: A comparison of directional buoy and fixed platform measurements of Pacific swell, 1996

Okihiro, M; Guza, R T: Observations of seiche forcing and amplification in three small harbors, 1996

Seymour, Richard: Wave Climate Variability in Southern California, 1996

Earle, Marshal D; McGehee, David; Tubman, Michael: Field wave gauging program, wave data analysis standard, 1995

Elwany, M H; O'Reilly, W C; Guza, R T; Flick, R E: Effects of Southern California Kelp Beds on Waves, 1995

George, R; Flick, R E; Guza, R T: Observations of turbulence in the surf zone, 1994

Flick, R E; McGehee, D D; Seymour, R J; Guza, R T: The Coastal Data Information Program, a Successful Federal, State and University Cooperation, 1993

Flick, R E: The Myth and Reality of Southern California Beaches, 1993

O'Reilly, W C; Guza, R T: A comparison of two spectral wave models in the Southern California Bight, 1993

O'Reilly, W C; Seymour, R J; Guza, R T; Castel, D: Wave monitoring in The Southern California Bight, 1993

Seymour, R J; Castel, D; McGehee, D D; Thomas, J; O'Reilly, W C: New technology in coastal wave monitoring, 1993

Flick, R E: Joint Occurrence of High Tide and Storm Surge in California, 1991

Flick, R E: San Diego Bay Predicted Monthly Extreme High Tide Elevations, 1991

Flick, R E; Armstrong, G A; Sterrett, E H: Shoreline Erosion Assessment and Atlas of the San Diego Region, 1991

Harker, A H; Flick, R E: Beach and Cliff Erosion Processes at Solana Beach, California, 1991

O'Reilly, W C; Guza, R T: A Comparison of Spectral Refraction and Refraction-Diffraction Wave Models, 1991

Flick, R E; George, R A: Turbulence Scales in the Surf and Swash, 1990

Armstrong, G E; Flick, R E: Storm Damage Assessment for the January 1988 Storm Along the Southern California Shoreline, 1989

Flick, R E; Badan-Dangon, A: Coastal Sea Levels During the January 1988 Storm off the Californias, 1989

Seymour, R J: The Great Storm of January 1988, 1989

Seymour, R J; Tegner, M J; Dayton, P K; Parnell, P E: Storm Wave Induced Mortality of Giant Kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, in Southern California , 1989

Seymour, R J: Unusual Damage from a California Storm, 1989

Seymour, R J: Wave Observations in the Storm of 17-18 January 1988, 1989

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